Examples of the the word, tooth , in a Sentence Context

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  1. On the causal surface. The Misanthropes fossils originated from Asia,the, tooth ,was found in the Pacific Northwest. Some suggest Neanderthal, Homo erectus, or
  2. D-shaped in cross-section. William L. Abler observed in 2001 that Albertosaurus, tooth ,serrations are so thin as to functionally be a crack in the tooth . However, at
  3. Is that the smoking of cocaine chemically breaks down tooth enamel and causes, tooth ,decay. However, cocaine does often cause involuntary tooth grinding, known as
  4. In Sri Lanka is the place where what some believe to be the relic of the right, tooth ,of Buddha is kept at present. According to the Pale historical chronicles of
  5. Limbs,e.g. after amputation of the breast, extraction of a tooth (phantom, tooth ,pain) or removal of an eye (phantom eye syndrome). A similar phenomenon is
  6. To prevent or treat the two most common oral diseases which are dental caries (, tooth ,decay) and periodontal disease (gum disease or pyorrhea). Common treatments
  7. Ermineus (an ermine-like shrew - 40g) and Cartoon pygmies (" pygmy flesh, tooth ," - 75g),were common in the latest Paleocene of Mongolia and China and
  8. Inside which the drive shaft could rotate freely. The sleeve had a projecting, tooth , like a ratchet tooth . A spring-loaded pawl pressed against the sleeve and kept
  9. Taught: Hell is ignorance, therefore Hell is within all men," like a bad, tooth ,in a mouth "; God is identical with all that is, even evil belongs to God and
  10. And bad breath. Anti-cavity mouth rinse uses fluoride to protect against, tooth ,decay. It is, however,generally agreed that the use of mouthwash does not
  11. Of fragmentary bones including parts of three vertebrae, a rib fragment,a, tooth , a toe bone, and,most useful for later discussions, the shaft of the right
  12. Locked up the driven mechanism coasted, and its inertia rotated the disc until a, tooth ,on it engaged a pawl that kept it from reversing. Together with the restraint
  13. Shaft could rotate freely. The sleeve had a projecting tooth , like a ratchet, tooth , A spring-loaded pawl pressed against the sleeve and kept it from rotating. The
  14. Is an increased risk of fractures. While a lifelong deficit can affect bone and, tooth ,formation, over-retention can cause hyperkalemia (elevated levels of calcium
  15. The Aleuts pierced holes around the rim of their ears with denialism shells (, tooth ,shells or tusk shells),bone, feathers,dried bird wings or skulls and/or
  16. Restraint at the other end of the spring created by the trip pawl and sleeve, tooth , this kept the spring expanded to minimize contact with the driving cylinder.
  17. 2" in the figure above could be read as" current tooth " and" next, tooth , " Bjorn Lomborg (born January 6,1965) is a Danish author, academic,and
  18. And 132 of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum Show. He favorably compares a modern, tooth ,suspected of coming from a Bigfoot to the Misanthropes fossil teeth, noting the
  19. Remains the most effective mouthwash when used on an already clean, tooth ,surface or immediately after surgery. As chlorhexidine has difficulty in
  20. 手机/手機 (Shoji" hand machine" ) for mobile phone, and 蓝牙/藍牙 (Lanka" blue, tooth ,") for Blue tooth . 網誌 (Wang hi" internet logbook" ) for blog in Cantonese
  21. The ability of the" crack" formed by the serration to propagate through the, tooth , These two species are the only described Albertosaurus; other described
  22. Acute skin irritation. The most studied example is pain after surgery, such as, tooth ,extraction, for which the highest allowed dose of aspirin (1 g) is equivalent
  23. And shorter heads, with more obtuse snouts; in having the fourth, enlarged, tooth , of the under jaw received, not into an external notch, but into a pit formed
  24. Often cause involuntary tooth grinding, known as bruise, which can deteriorate, tooth ,enamel and lead to gingivitis. Chronic intranasal usage can degrade the
  25. Of the Tubulidentata is their teeth. Instead of having a pulp cavity, each, tooth , has a cluster of thin, upright,parallel tubes of Valentin (a modified form
  26. Common but untrue belief is that the smoking of cocaine chemically breaks down, tooth ,enamel and causes tooth decay. However, cocaine does often cause involuntary
  27. Consists of 282 laws, with scaled punishments, adjusting " an eye for an eye,a, tooth ,for a tooth " ( led talons) as graded depending on social status, of slave
  28. Allosaurus, including Allosaurus shed teeth found among rib fragments, possible, tooth , marks on a shoulder blade, and cannibalized allosaur skeletons among the bones
  29. Laundry booster and" Borax" powdered hand soap. It is also present in some, tooth ,bleaching formulas. Semiconductors Boron is a useful do pant for such
  30. Precise pushes to the swinging pendulum or balance wheel, and releases one gear, tooth ,of the escape wheel at each swing, allowing all the clock's wheels to move
  31. Other than the limbs,e.g. after amputation of the breast, extraction of a, tooth ,(phantom tooth pain) or removal of an eye (phantom eye syndrome). A similar
  32. As far back as 7000 BC. This earliest form of dentistry involved curing, tooth ,related disorders with bow drills operated, perhaps,by skilled bead craftsmen.
  33. Albertosaurus tooth serrations are so thin as to functionally be a crack in the, tooth , However, at the base of this crack is a round void called an ampulla which
  34. 750 BC. Migration brought new people to the islands from the continent. Recent, tooth ,enamel isotope research on bodies found in early Bronze Age graves around
  35. 1" and position" 2" in the figure above could be read as" current, tooth ," and" next tooth . " Bjorn Lomborg (born January 6,1965) is a Danish author
  36. The electromagnet and the pawl moved close to the sleeve. When the sleeve's, tooth ,contacted the pawl the sleeve and the load's inertia unwrapped the spring to
  37. Sleeve and kept it from rotating. The wrap spring's torque kept the sleeve's, tooth ,pressing against the pawl. To engage the clutch, an electromagnet attracted the
  38. From side-to-side. The jaw joint in carnivores tends to lie within the plane of, tooth ,occlusion, an arrangement that further emphasizes shearing (as in a pair of
  39. Used were reliable and effective. A Sumerian text from 5000 BC describes a ", tooth ,worm" as the cause of dental caries. Evidence of this belief has also been
  40. Plants, ripe fruit or hard or abrasive food. The size of the upper canine, tooth ,in A. radius males was not distinctly different from that of females. Their
  41. 282 laws, with scaled punishments, adjusting " an eye for an eye, a tooth for a, tooth ," (led talons) as graded depending on social status, of slave versus free
  42. Pharmaceutically active * Gametogenesis imperfect, a genetic disorder affecting, tooth ,development * Aortic insufficiency, a symptom of a heart disorder * Aromatize
  43. Enamel and causes tooth decay. However, cocaine does often cause involuntary, tooth ,grinding, known as bruise, which can deteriorate tooth enamel and lead to
  44. Times. A tooth -gift was a gift given to an infant on the cutting of the first, tooth , In the 12th century Eddie prose Gylfaginning Sorry Sturgeon relates it as
  45. Chemical tomography of buried organic–inorganic interfaces in the chitin, tooth ,". Nature (journal) | 469: 194-197. s. Name" Gordon/JJ"> 2011"/> Theory
  46. Authors noted that Allosaurus itself has no modern equivalent, that the, tooth ,row is well-suited to such an attack, and that articulations in the skull cited
  47. The Baron has already killed Wanna, Yueh provides the captive Let with a fake, tooth ,filled with poisonous gas as a means to kill the Baron (though Let would die
  48. Important than is shearing. The jaw joint is generally well above the plane of, tooth ,occlusion, allowing extra room for masseteric attachment on the century and
  49. Was composed of" the biggest, thickest,strongest skull bones, lower jaws and, tooth ,crowns from three different quarries ", primarily those of Camarasaurus, the
  50. Keeper refused to take on more work. The blow from Mingus broke off a crowned, tooth ,and its underlying stub. According to Keeper, this ruined his embouchure and

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