Examples of the the word, tread , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tread ), is the 9271 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An appropriate level of traction that does not wear away too quickly. The, tread ,pattern is characterized by the geometrical shape of the grooves, lugs,voids
  2. Of many Norwegians. From that point on, wrote biographer Dahl, Quisling had to, tread ,a" fine line between truth and falsehood ", and emerged from it" an elusive
  3. Jewish, Greek and early Gnostic influences, further reinforcing the need to, tread ,lightly. The antiquity of the find being of utmost importance since it shows
  4. Footprint. The void ratio is the void area of the tire divided by the entire, tread ,area. Low void areas have high contact area and therefore higher traction on
  5. Of most Savoy opera overtures: a lively opening (the melody of" With cat-like, tread ,"),a slow middle section (" Ah, leave me not to pine alone" ), and a
  6. When it seems solidly grounded, it should be proceeded upon with a cautious, tread , with an eye to other considerations, and recollection of the disasters caused.
  7. And Pirelli. Components A tire carcass is composed of several parts. Tread The, tread ,is the part of the tire that comes in contact with the road surface. The
  8. Many paths" leading to the one God and ultimate salvation for all souls who, tread ,on the path of righteousness. They have supported the view that proponents of
  9. Taxonomic relationships. For example the verbs stroll, saunter,stride, and, tread , are more specific words than the more general walk – see Toponymy. Moreover
  10. 辶" walk" in ti with the support of C157 ⻊" foot" in day," to trample," ", tread ," should perhaps serve us as a warning not to overemphasize the head working
  11. Super or Greek hyper),into- (" warrior ", related to roots meaning ", tread , step, walk ", so possibly" infantry" ), and RIX (" king" ) (cf. Latin Rex
  12. The bridge. On these vehicles, the hull deck comprises the main portion of the, tread ,way while ramps extend from the front and rear of the vehicle to allow other
  13. Players expend less energy than traditional water polo players, not having to, tread ,water. This allows casual players to enjoy water polo without undertaking the
  14. Number of snakes as a reminder that a path of good is much more difficult to, tread ,than a path of sins. Presumably the number" 100" represented Marsha (
  15. On clean, dry pavement. Rain groove The rain groove is a design element of the, tread ,pattern specifically arranged to channel water away from the footprint. Rain
  16. Along with other compound chemicals. They consist of a tread and a body. The, tread ,provides traction while the body ensures support. Before rubber was invented
  17. The attacker's shooting angle. The goalkeeper stops using his or her hands to, tread ,water once the opponent enters at about the 7-meter mark and starts tread ing
  18. Extreme, off-road tires are 38 to 64 millimeters wide and usually have a deep, tread ,for gripping in muddy conditions or metal studs for ice. Accessories, repairs
  19. The tread grooves that indicate the tire has reached its wear limit. When the, tread ,lugs are worn to the point that the wear bars connect across the lugs, the
  20. In contact with the road at a given instant in time is the contact patch. The, tread ,is a thick rubber, or rubber/composite compound formulated to provide an
  21. Rubber, fabric and wire, along with other compound chemicals. They consist of a, tread ,and a body. The tread provides traction while the body ensures support. Before
  22. Their tradition (said) 'they saw the mighty beasts of the forests, whose, tread , shook the earth. " The homeland of the Choctaw, or of the peoples from whom the
  23. People think our job is to get my afterlife destination taken care of, then, tread , water till we all get ejected and God comes back and torches this place. But
  24. Of the formation to pass over. Often any injury thus incurred is due to the, tread ,of those passing over and not to the wire itself. Injuries caused by barbed
  25. Whitewalls. Shoulder The shoulder is that part of the tire at the edge of the, tread ,as it makes transition to the sidewall. Ply Plies are layers of relatively
  26. Water. *Exhaustion where the person is unable to sustain effort to swim or, tread ,water, often leading to death through drowning. An adult with fully developed
  27. To be followed, and has come to mean the path upon which the believer has to, tread , In original usage Star'IAH meant the road to the watering place or path
  28. Of my soul. Restrain also the keen fury of my heart which provokes me to, tread ,the ways of blood-curdling strife. Rather, O blessed one, give you me boldness
  29. Are notoriously steep. Frequently, the length of the riser exceeds that of the, tread , producing an angle of ascent somewhere between 45 and 70 degrees. The reasons
  30. Bars (or wear indicators) are raised features located at the bottom of the, tread ,grooves that indicate the tire has reached its wear limit. When the tread lugs
  31. Tyres. From to, the tires in Formula One were not" slicks" ( tires with no, tread ,pattern) as in most other circuit racing series. Instead, each tire had four
  32. Channel, hazard and administrative area * Skid mark, a mark left by a tire, tread ,during a skid * A fan of professional wrestling, notably,one who treats
  33. Heavens; and the Buddha is only a guide and teacher for beings who must, tread ,the path of (practice is not claimed to have been divinely revealed, but to
  34. Horror genre must keep terror and comedy in tension if it is to successfully, tread ,the thin line that separates it from terrorism and parody ... this delicate
  35. Up and poised to strike. Below the image of the snake is the legend," Don't, tread ,on me. " The snake symbolized the dangerousness of colonists willing to fight
  36. Sidewall The sidewall is that part of the tire that bridges between the, tread ,and bead. The sidewall is largely rubber but reinforced with fabric or steel
  37. Flexibility. The sidewall transmits the torque applied by the drive axle to the, tread ,in order to create traction. The sidewall, in conjunction with the air
  38. And Captain Pete. Pirates songs sung in the cartoon are" With cat-like, tread ,"," Poor wand'ring one "," Climbing over rocky mountain" and the Major
  39. Which makes the paths to science smooth and even. Henceforth, our youth who, tread ,thy flowery way, Shall ne'er from rules of proper diction stray; No more their
  40. Is designed to actively pump water out from under the tire by the action of the, tread ,flexing. This results in a smoother ride in different types of weather. Side
  41. With the chorus singing the second melody of the piece (" Let us gaily, tread ,the measure" ) while the orchestra plays the first (" Climbing over rocky
  42. Was finally out of his (1984) The music from the chorus of" With cat-like, tread ,", which begins" Come, friends,who plow the sea," was used in the popular
  43. Still live on at the end of the third sequel. So we're going to try to not, tread ,on their stories. " Television spin-offs The CD-ROM Secrets of Stargate
  44. Worn and should be taken out of service. Most wear bars indicate a remaining, tread ,depth of 1.6 mm and are deemed" worn out" at that point. Bead The bead is that
  45. Cornish population was slaughtered. The rebellion did not persuade Edward to, tread ,carefully, and only hardened his attitude towards Catholic non-conformists.
  46. Sun" is protected in the wilderness for 1,260 days, or 3½ years; 12:6 Gentiles, tread ,the holy city underfoot for 42 months, or 3½ years; 11:2 and the beast is given
  47. Tread lugs provide the contact surface necessary to provide traction. As the, tread ,lug enters the road contact area, or footprint, it is compressed. As it rotates
  48. Center toward the sides of the tire. Some tire manufacturers claim that their, tread ,pattern is designed to actively pump water out from under the tire by the
  49. Of Quebec sovereignty, and it was observed that she had occasionally, tread ,into political matters, as well as continuing to foster the notion that the
  50. The tireand are needed to channel away water. Lugs are that portion of the, tread ,design that contacts the road surface. Voids are spaces between lugs that allow

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