Examples of the the word, telecommunication , in a Sentence Context

The word ( telecommunication ), is the 6786 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1993 the Internet carried only 1 % of the information flowing through two-way, telecommunication , by 2000 this figure had grown to 51 %, and by 2007 more than 97 % of all
  2. Information theory and coding theory with applications in computer science and, telecommunication , error detection and correction or error control are techniques that enable
  3. This acquisition all class I tier ISPs mentioned above are owned by the major, telecommunication ,companies operating in the country. Ray is owned by Vodafone Egypt, Nileonline
  4. Communications station began operation in Phnom Penh and established two-way, telecommunication ,links between the Cambodian capital and the cities of Moscow, Hanoi,Vientiane
  5. Facilitate the transmission of data (generally numbers and/or text) through, telecommunication ,networks or storage of text in computers. Other terms like character encoding
  6. The United States, the traditional cable television providers and traditional, telecommunication ,companies increasingly compete in providing voice, video and data services to
  7. Certain access numbers. Such services are offered in the United Kingdom; the, telecommunication ,arbitrage companies get paid an interconnect charge by the UK mobile networks
  8. Are unable to represent all 221 possible Unicode code points. In computing and, telecommunication , a control character or non-printing character is a code point (a number) in
  9. Is also home to many companies from the chemical, the transportation,the, telecommunication ,and the energy industry. Some larger companies are: The Industriepark
  10. The term" Regulatory" to describe what he considers collusion between, telecommunication ,companies and their regulators that prevents change. The Man Booker Prize for
  11. The teachers communicated with the children via radio, but now satellite, telecommunication ,is used instead. Some children attend boarding school, mostly only those in
  12. One of the largest supercomputer complexes in Europe is linked by high-speed, telecommunication ,lines to the computer systems of the national weather services of its
  13. In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,is named after him. The Heinrich-Hertz-Turm radio, telecommunication ,tower in Hamburg is named after the city's famous son. Hertz is honored by
  14. Of its telecommunication s business to Comcast in 2008 but continues to provide, telecommunication ,service at Alameda Point. During the California electricity crisis of 2000 and
  15. Of chronic financial problems. CONDUCTED, however,is no longer a monopoly,the, telecommunication ,sector having been opened to private-sector companies after 25 December 2005;
  16. On wireless companies, internet,radio stations and television channels. Afghan, telecommunication ,companies, such as Afghan Wireless and Roshan, have been boasting rapid
  17. And provides regular direct flights to Paris and several African cities. The, telecommunication ,system is basic and expensive, with fixed telephone services provided by the
  18. Interest Group, which has more than 15,000 member companies in the areas of, telecommunication , computing, networking,and consumer electronics. The SIG oversees the
  19. Of the Erlang formula, which became a foundational element of present day, telecommunication ,network studies. Life Erlang was born at Lomborg (Lomborg),near Term, in
  20. Is imported from Western Europe by the Swiss company Gaza. SIG also provides, telecommunication ,facilities to carriers, service providers and large enterprises. From 2003 to
  21. Company on the island providing a range of residential and business, telecommunication ,services as well as high specification data centers. Wave Telecom, owned by
  22. This list was included in the 1964 CCITT Blue Book, among other international, telecommunication ,recommendations, which would eventually become ITU-T recommendation E.164. An
  23. Systems and electronic devices. For example, they may work on the design of, telecommunication ,systems, the operation of electric power stations, the lighting and wiring of
  24. Locked into place market-liberal policies, especially in the hydrocarbon and, telecommunication ,sectors, that have encouraged private investment. Foreign investors are
  25. Named in his honor. Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) is used for, telecommunication ,signaling over analog telephone lines in the voice-frequency band between
  26. Berners-Lee invented the WorldWide Web web browser and transformed an academic, telecommunication ,network into a worldwide every man everyday communication system called
  27. Transfer Mode (ATM) is a standard switching technique designed to unify, telecommunication ,and computer networks. It uses asynchronous time-division multiplexing, and it
  28. On 1 July 2009,an Ariane 5 ECA launched TerreStar-1,the largest commercial, telecommunication ,satellite ever built. On 28 October 2010,an Ariane 5 ECA launched Eutelsat's
  29. Infrastructure that primarily serves larger towns and cities. Colombia’s, telecommunication ,system includes INTELSAT,11 domestic satellite Earth stations, and a
  30. Network also. Communication and media Haryana has a state-wide network of, telecommunication ,facilities. Haryana Government has its own state-wide area network by which all
  31. Systems. Even circuit theory may not be relevant to a person designing, telecommunication ,systems that use off-the-shelf components. Perhaps the most important technical
  32. Note unusually intense radio waves for a G2 star due to Earth's television and, telecommunication ,broadcasts. In the absence of an apparent natural cause, alien observers might
  33. Are built into a case designed to integrate into a 19-inch rack standard to the, telecommunication ,and computing industries. A rack mount unit may contain electronic circuitry
  34. S permanent sticker. This also applies to data transmission quantities over, telecommunication ,circuits, as the telecommunication s and computer networking industries have
  35. Provider and Main in Kenya are perfect examples of Duopoly market in African, telecommunication ,industry. Broadcasting Duopoly is also used in the United States broadcast
  36. Greece owns one Telecommunications Satellite, named Hellas-sat, which provides, telecommunication ,services in a major part of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Internet
  37. Printing, Internet,etc. This original model links the world of information to, telecommunication ,technologies. Popular culture examples * The anime Digimon is set in a variant
  38. Telegraph is a telegraph that uses electrical signals, usually conveyed via, telecommunication ,lines or radio. The electromagnetic telegraph is a device for human-to-human
  39. By Hutchison),CSL, SmarTone, Sunday (service provided by PCCW Mobile) The, telecommunication ,industry was deregulated in 1995. Competition in this sector is fierce. You can
  40. In Death. High rise structures Cologne's tallest structure is the Colonies, telecommunication ,tower at. The observation deck has been closed since 1992. A selection of the
  41. Internet broadband services, in importantly increase exports of international, telecommunication ,services of Egyptian companies, mostly in the Smart Village. It is expected
  42. It was created in 1976 when it took over responsibility for regulating, telecommunication ,carriers. Prior to 1976,it was known as the Canadian Radio and Television
  43. On the hour represents the number of the hour like the bell Big Ben). Most, telecommunication ,companies also provide a speaking clock service as well. Purposes Clocks are in
  44. L. M. Ericsson) (, ),one of Sweden's largest companies, is a provider of, telecommunication ,and data communication systems, and related services, covering a range of
  45. Radio Under the Brazilian constitution, television and radio are not treated as, telecommunication ,ways to avoid creating problems with a series of regulamentations that reduce
  46. By the Legislative Assembly to approve a law that opened up the electricity and, telecommunication ,markets (controlled by a monopoly of the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity
  47. Communications and transport The islands are connected within Australia's, telecommunication ,system (with number range +61 8 9162 XXX) and postal system (post code:
  48. From residential homes to hospitals, scientific laboratories, data centers, telecommunication ,equipment and modern naval ships. * An uninterrupted power supply (UPS)
  49. Domain of electromagnetic radiation was pivotal to the development of modern, telecommunication , Germany is also one of the leading countries in developing and using green
  50. The engineer. Once the transmission characteristics of a system are determined, telecommunication ,engineers design the transmitters and receivers needed for such systems. These

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