Examples of the the word, relaxation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( relaxation ), is the 6787 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This fear of ethnic conflict, of violent Indian uprising inspired by the, relaxation ,of centuries of vigilance, helps explain Latino reaction to the rather
  2. People listen to or watch musical entertainment. Game Games provide, relaxation ,and diversion. Games may be played by one person for their own entertainment
  3. i. e., lower color temperature) light is often used in public areas to promote, relaxation , while a cooler (higher color temperature) light is used to enhance
  4. Weak, due to the lack of Nuclear Overhauled effect and the long, relaxation ,time, and can be missed in weak samples, or sample that have not been run for a
  5. Centers providing places and programming for resident's recreation and, relaxation , Water diverted through the city ditch., a non-profit organization. Since 1974
  6. Are (a) pleasure, or rather pleasantness, and displeasure, ( b) tension and, relaxation , (c) excitement and depression. These two views are antithetic and no
  7. For all those which will want to combine tourism and wellbeing or tourism and, relaxation ,". The complex will include a university, a research center and a medical
  8. Relaxation time for GeO2 at room temperature is 1032 years. Hence,the, relaxation ,period (characteristic flow time) of cathedral glasses would be even longer.
  9. Later analysis, eventually resulted in some increase in corruption and legal, relaxation , The current 1991 constitution does not have that requirement, but subsequent
  10. Alkyl nitrites function as a source of nitric oxide, which signals for, relaxation ,of the involuntary muscles. Physical effects include decrease in blood pressure
  11. Journal of Physics, physicist Edgar D. Motto states" ... the predicted, relaxation ,time for GeO2 at room temperature is 1032 years. Hence, the relaxation period (
  12. Created to provide people with useful services; the gold prospectors wanted a, relaxation ,spot, and the three criminals needed to stay there. However, this led to the
  13. Is a method of imaging objects that uses a strong magnetic field to detect the, relaxation ,of protons that have been perturbed by a radio-frequency pulse. This magnetic
  14. Of G and H contains only the identity, then K is isomorphic to G x H. A, relaxation ,of these conditions, requiring only one subgroup to be normal, gives the
  15. The sensitivity of participants to their cognitions. These procedures included, relaxation , meditation, REM-sleep,and the Seinfeld (a mild sensory deprivation procedure
  16. Methods or techniques which are normally used to reduce anxiety. This includes, relaxation ,or meditation techniques as well as use of certain medications. In some
  17. Properties. Such defects lead to phonon scattering, which in turn increases the, relaxation ,rate of the phonons. This reduces the mean free path and reduces the thermal
  18. multicultural events (Multi-Cultural),having regular study breaks and, relaxation ,events (Time-Out),giving students opportunities to be involved with Alumnae
  19. Instead, a single transition propagates endlessly around the ring. Types of, relaxation ,oscillator circuits include: The Council Regulation on the Statute for a
  20. Wavelength of exciting radiation. The Babinski diagram describes most of the, relaxation ,mechanisms for excited state molecules. Applications There are many natural and
  21. Pressure, headache,flushing of the face, increased heart rate, dizziness,and, relaxation ,of involuntary muscles, especially the blood vessel walls and the anal
  22. China by following Kondratiev waves to their source. There has been a gradual, relaxation ,of Marxist interpretation from the 1980s onwards, which was accelerated after
  23. Lubrication for sexual penetration. Researchers say adequate lubrication, relaxation , and communication between sexual partners are crucial to avoid pain or damage
  24. Printing press and the conditions for freedom of the press through the gradual, relaxation ,of restrictive censorship laws. See also intellectual property, public domain
  25. S1,can relax by various competing pathways. It can undergo 'non-radiative, relaxation ,' in which the excitation energy is dissipated as heat (vibrations) to the
  26. Next state of the lowest energy again. The time it takes is usually attributed the, relaxation ,time. There might be uncertainty as to which state will be the new one, but it
  27. May subsequently relax via phosphorescence or by a secondary non-radiative, relaxation ,step. Relaxation of an S1 state can also occur through interaction with a
  28. They argue that the field's more-plausible interventions such as diet, relaxation , yoga and botanical remedies can be studied just as well in other parts of NIH
  29. Are two main types of electronic oscillator: the harmonic oscillator and the, relaxation ,oscillator. Harmonic oscillator The harmonic, or linear, oscillator produces a
  30. Wording, but relaxed gun control requirements for the general population. This, relaxation ,included the exemption from regulation of all weapons and ammunition except
  31. Silent. Their types of body language, including position of ears and tail, relaxation ,of whole body, and kneading of paws, are all indicators of mood. The tail and
  32. Storage element thus causing abrupt changes in the output waveform. Square-wave, relaxation ,oscillators are used to provide the clock signal for sequential logic circuits
  33. Generally refers to drooping or sagging. Due to the natural weight of breasts, relaxation ,of support structures, and most of all aging, the nipple-areola complex and
  34. Amplify and filter. Some different circuits are: Relaxation oscillator A, relaxation ,oscillator produces a non-sinusoidal output, such as a square, sawtooth or
  35. The practice with seriousness; learning to gradually control their degree of, relaxation ,such that undesired and harmful schisms do not occur to the psyche. Note that
  36. That is sought after. While at the basic levels, meditation is geared toward, relaxation , the practice of advanced meditators may be aimed toward the purpose of
  37. But they resembled a gala rather than a church service. *Dirty jokes: A, relaxation ,in standards of behavior was permitted and the holiday spirit included bawdy
  38. Neutron stars, and black holes. Eventually, as a result of gravitational, relaxation , all stars will either fall into central supermassive black holes or be flung
  39. Large fraction of the atoms are located at or near the surface of the crystal;, relaxation ,of the surface and interfacial effects distort the atomic positions, decreasing
  40. flunitrazepam's pharmacological effects include sedation, muscle, relaxation , reduction in anxiety, and prevention of convulsions. Intermediate-) are also
  41. Of adrenergic receptors. For example, epinephrine causes smooth muscle, relaxation ,in the airways but causes contraction of the smooth muscle that lines most
  42. Away from the twists would feel little or no tension and would be in a state of, relaxation , this can be analogous to dark energy. In a 2004 study at the University of
  43. On occasion, as he held that feasts and celebrations were necessary for joy and, relaxation , He considers education to be the noblest of pursuits, but cautioned that
  44. Isolated helices can also be detected by other methods, such as dielectric, relaxation , flow birefringence and measurements of the diffusion constant. In stricter
  45. And see (1952) (written for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II). With the, relaxation ,of the rule, in England at least, that anthems should be only in English, the
  46. And lose any memory of their previous orbit. This process is called violent, relaxation , Thus, if two disk galaxies collide, they begin with their stars in an orderly
  47. Of the hallucinatory component ". Stalin took to occasionally using MDMA for, relaxation , referring to it as" my low-calorie martini ", and giving the drug to his
  48. In the Navy Department. During these ten tedious years his only recreation and, relaxation ,was canoeing on the Seine on Sundays and holidays. Gustave Flaubert took him
  49. Large areas of the myocardium becomes ischemic, there can be impairment in the, relaxation ,and contraction of the myocardium. If the blood flow to the tissue is improved
  50. Has shown a distinct difference between those corresponding to ordinary, relaxation ,and those corresponding to meditation. It is disputed, however,whether there

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