Examples of the the word, tactical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tactical ), is the 5346 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mission management computers. Police and EMS aircraft also carry sophisticated, tactical ,sensors. Military communications While aircraft communications provide the
  2. Is to wait. This could be for a few hours, or a few days, depending on the, tactical ,and supply situation. It is obviously much harder for an ambush patrol to
  3. Suppression is usually only effective for the duration of the fire. The, tactical ,purposes also include various" mission verbs ", a rapidly expanding subject
  4. Generation jet fighters and the latest generation of airliners. Mission or, tactical ,avionics Military aircraft have been designed either to deliver a weapon or to
  5. Onto a single target, as can the fire of units in range and with the other, tactical ,missions. Application of fire There are several dimensions to this subject. The
  6. Throughout the 1990s. The Patriot antiaircraft missile was the first deployed, tactical ,ABM system, although it was not designed from the outset for that task and
  7. Support, general support, general support reinforcing and reinforcing. These, tactical ,missions are in the context of the command authority: operational command
  8. Images, targeting information etc.). Radar Airborne radar was one of the first, tactical ,sensors. The benefit of altitude providing range has meant a significant focus
  9. Failed and they retreated. Mechanical problems, poor mobility and piecemeal, tactical ,deployment limited the military significance of the tank in World War I and the
  10. While aircraft communications provide the backbone for safe flight,the, tactical ,systems are designed to withstand the rigors of the battlefield. UHF, VHF
  11. For the Romans. Nevertheless, the battle also displays the effects of good, tactical ,discipline on the part of the ambushed force. Although most of the legions were
  12. Let us say the game may be continued in two ways: one of them is a beautiful, tactical ,blow that gives rise to variations that don't yield to precise calculation;
  13. The Yellow march),one (the Pink/Silver march) advancing through ", tactical ,frivolity" ( costume, dance,theater, music,and artwork),and one (the Blue
  14. ABM system in Europe since the 1970s. Current tactical systems Many short-range, tactical ,ABM systems are currently operational, and three are most known: the U. S. Army
  15. Greatly increased in sophistication since that time. Control, sometimes called, tactical ,fire control, is primarily concerned with 'targeting' and the allotment of
  16. All 7 constituent CST member countries conducted operative, strategic,and, tactical ,training with an emphasis towards furthering the efficiency of the collective
  17. Aster 15 and Aster 30). On 18 October 2010,France announced a successful, tactical ,ABM test of the Aster 30 missile. Royal Navy Type 45 destroyers are armed with
  18. To own troops or non-combatants); The targeting process is the key aspect of, tactical ,fire control. Depending on the circumstances and national procedures it may all
  19. Limited self-propulsion by means of an auxiliary engine. Two other forms of, tactical ,propulsion were used in the first half of the 20th century: Railways or
  20. Be as simple as a searchlight for a police helicopter or as complicated as the, tactical ,system for an Airborne Early Warning platform. History The term avionics is
  21. Technical fire control teams in a battery to give operational resilience and, tactical ,flexibility. Computers reduced the number of men needed and enabled
  22. The vast array of sensors available to the military is used for whatever, tactical ,means required. As with aircraft management, the bigger sensor platforms (like
  23. Compare themselves and military academies throughout the world still teach his, tactical ,exploits. In Ella, the capital of the Ancient Greek Kingdom of Macedon. He was
  24. Over Karabakh resumes. Turkey has provided Azerbaijan with infantry weapons, tactical ,vehicles (jeeps, trucks,etc.) professional training, military organization
  25. Short range ballistic missiles. Combat effectiveness of newer systems against, tactical ,ballistic missiles seems very high, as the Patriot Advanced Capability 3 (
  26. Line. Radio has included HF, VHF,satellite and radio relay as well as modern, tactical ,trunk systems. In western armies at least radio communications are now usually
  27. Cells are not authorized they can still request fire. Armies that apply forward, tactical ,control generally put the majority of the more senior officers of artillery
  28. Send a message with target details which is automatically routed through the, tactical ,and technical fire control elements to deliver firing data to the gun's laying
  29. Of artillery system. In some armies only designated artillery HQ's have the, tactical ,fire control authority to order fire units to engage a target, all 'calls for
  30. Authority: operational command, operational control, tactical command or, tactical ,control. In NATO direct support generally means that the directly supporting
  31. Assembly area or troops moving in the open rather than a unit in an entrenched, tactical ,position. Arnulfo of Carinthia (850 – December 8,899) was the Carolingian
  32. In the 1930s the French moved it to battalion level and combined it with some, tactical ,fire control. This was copied by the US. Nevertheless, most armies seemed to
  33. System. NATO also recognizes several types of fire support for, tactical ,purposes: *Counterbattery fire: delivered for the purpose of destroying or
  34. The context of the command authority: operational command, operational control, tactical ,command or tactical control. In NATO direct support generally means that the
  35. The world that can intercept ICBMs. Besides them, many smaller systems exist (, tactical ,ABMs),that generally cannot intercept intercontinental strategic missiles
  36. Within some anarchist tendencies and simultaneously lauded in others. On a, tactical ,level, while propaganda of the deed was a tactic used by anarchists in the 19th
  37. ASP, Inc. is actually a brand that manufactures this type of weapon (the ASP, tactical ,baton),and the brand has come to casually refer to all telescopic batons. *
  38. Firing data to the gun's laying system and the gun automatically laid. As, tactical ,data networks become pervasive they will provide any connected soldier with a
  39. In the ABM treaty of 1972,which restricted the deployment of strategic (not, tactical ,) anti-ballistic missiles. By the ABM treaty and a 1974 revision, each country
  40. Capable of forming and executing the most daring offensive strategy, and his, tactical ,skill in the handling of troops, whether in wide turning movements, as at
  41. Operated its nuclear armed Moscow ABM system in Europe since the 1970s. Current, tactical ,systems Many short-range tactical ABM systems are currently operational, and
  42. And perform maneuvers during loops. Solo military jet demos, also known as, tactical ,demo, feature one aircraft, usually a strike fighter or an advanced trainer.
  43. Armies, including a few in NATO. In NATO armies artillery is usually assigned a, tactical ,mission that establishes its relationship and responsibilities to the formation
  44. Babylon 5," Abraxas79713" is Captain John Sheridan's password to arm the, tactical ,nukes aboard his ship. In the television series The L Word, Abraxas is referred
  45. Who might not win any support in a plurality election, and has incentives for, tactical ,voting. One study showed that approval voting would not have chosen the same
  46. More weapon systems, capable of being employed to execute a fire assigned by a, tactical ,fire controller. Generally it is a battery, but subdivided batteries are quite
  47. Era there have been relatively few competitive approval voting elections where, tactical ,voting is more likely, Brams argues that approval voting usually elects
  48. For U. S. Army FOLSOM. Fielded in 1982,the Microfix system was the first, tactical ,system using video disk (Laser disk) map technology providing zoom and scroll
  49. Shells use various types of fuse depending on the nature of the payload and the, tactical ,need at the time. Payloads have included: *Bursting: high-explosive, white
  50. Limited the use of the fighter as a tool with which to train the front line, tactical ,fighter pilots. In 1978,the Air Force awarded a full-scale development

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