Examples of the the word, permanently , in a Sentence Context

The word ( permanently ), is the 5352 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently ,half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not
  2. Legendary player Babe Ruth, the first great power hitter of the new era, helped, permanently , alter the nature of the game. The club with which Ruth set most of his slugging
  3. In the early years of this period, was followed by a failed attempt to, permanently ,exert a prominent role in the League of Nations after military involvement in
  4. Of power plant pollution that drifts from one state to another. AIR will, permanently ,cap emissions of SO2 and NOX in the eastern United States. When fully
  5. In favor of the plaintiffs, finding that intelligent design is not science and, permanently ,forbidding the Dover school system from teaching intelligent design in science
  6. Destroyed the Indians' winter food supplies, forcing them to flee, permanently ,to British bases in Quebec and the Niagara Falls area. In the Ohio Country and
  7. Cases These conditions can be used to handle unusual situations. # Replacing, permanently ,unplayable tiles - Per 1999 rules, players can replace permanently unplayable
  8. The speaker can be programmatically switched on or off at any time but is, permanently ,attached to a hardware counter so is normally only able to output a square wave
  9. Immigrants from Hong Kong who left the former UK colony (either temporarily or, permanently ,) in the years immediately prior to its handover to the People's Republic of
  10. Simplify arrangements. Some armies now have a muzzle velocity measuring radar, permanently ,fitted to every gun. Logistic services, supply of artillery ammunition has
  11. Replacing permanently unplayable tiles - Per 1999 rules, players can replace, permanently ,unplayable tile (tiles that would merge safe corporations) at the end of
  12. Reef, is not part of the territory, but belongs to Western Australia. It has no, permanently ,dry land area, although large parts of the reef become exposed during low tide.
  13. Against the Persians marked the 5th century BC, but Egypt was never able to, permanently ,overthrow the Persians. Following its annexation by Persia, Egypt was joined
  14. Unknown to ancient astronomers. Most assumed that all stars were immortal and, permanently ,fixed on the celestial sphere, as stated in the works of the philosopher
  15. Implies that Bigfoot is an upright biped with buttocks and a long, stout, permanently , adducted Hall. These are hominin autapomorphies, not found in other mammals
  16. Norfolk Broads in England. Permanent anchors These are used where the vessel is, permanently ,sited, for example in the case of light vessels or channel marker buoys. The
  17. Catholic Church, at first temporarily under Henry VIII and Edward VI and later, permanently ,during the reign of Elizabeth I. In the Middle Ages there was considerable
  18. For this reason it is never awarded to either England or Australia, but is kept, permanently ,in the MCC Cricket Museum where it can be seen together with the specially made
  19. In international tennis. *1952 – The penal colony on Devil's Island is, permanently ,closed. *1961 – Ida Riemann died attempting to cross the Berlin Wall. *1962 –
  20. And religion. With such ideas and aspirations he could hardly remain, permanently ,in cordial agreement with his father, who,though a good patriot according to
  21. Mainly Göring, and Martin Bormann),attempted to have some of his powers, permanently ,transferred to them. According to Speer, SS chief Heinrich Himmler tried to
  22. Years in the liver, whereas in the gonads (testicles and ovaries) it remains, permanently ,; in all these organs, americium promotes formation of cancer cells as a result
  23. A century-long population decline, drastically reduced the Irish population and, permanently ,altered the demographic make-up of the British Isles. On a global scale, this
  24. City of Amritsar. Ahmad Shah tried several more times to subjugate the Sikhs, permanently , but failed. Ahmad Shah also faced other rebellions in the north, and
  25. Cousin maternally and his second cousin paternally. In 1933,they emigrated, permanently ,to the United States. In 1935,Elsa Einstein was diagnosed with heart and
  26. A few weeks earlier, Gus Grissom's brother Lowell publicly suggested CM-012 be, permanently ,entombed in the concrete remains of Launch Complex 34. In September 2010 the
  27. Including six domestic. It is one of only ten carriers to fly to all six, permanently ,inhabited continents (the nine other carriers are Delta, Emirates,Korean Air
  28. Cardoso launched his Plano Real, a successful economic reform that managed to, permanently ,rid the country of the excessive inflation that had plagued it for more than
  29. To move the piece, crew,and ammunition around. Self-propelled howitzers are, permanently ,mounted on a carriage or vehicle with room for the crew and ammunition and are
  30. It has been shown once again: Freedom is invincible at the end. No wall can, permanently ,withstand the desire for freedom,” proclaimed President Wolff. " A burning
  31. So tickets are cheap and the frequency of services is high. The SNCB is, permanently ,updating its rolling stock. The network currently includes four high speed
  32. Warned customers who could not be upgraded to digital that their service would, permanently ,expire on January 1,2008. Companies that used analog AMPS * Verizon Wireless —
  33. Contain otters and seals are common on coasts. Over 200 species of bird reside, permanently ,on the islands and another 200 migrate to them. Common types are the chaffinch
  34. And publishing, he succeeded in passing these values into the American culture, permanently , He had a“ passion for virtue. ” These Puritan values included his devotion to
  35. And Carnegie returned to the United States. However,Carnegie's reputation was, permanently ,damaged by the Homestead events. Philosophy Andrew Carnegie Dictum In his final
  36. Were also subject to disenfranchisement (atomic),excluding some of them, permanently ,and others temporarily (depending on the type). Furthermore, all citizens
  37. Installed there was working properly. The ultimate plan is to return him home, permanently , once it is established that he has the appropriate medical facilities and care
  38. Or less severe penalties or both. * Abolition of the age-of-consent laws either, permanently ,or as a temporary, practical expedient. By country or region Specific
  39. Next century, the island is believed to have been visited frequently but not, permanently ,settled. The first two English colonies in Virginia had failed, and a more
  40. AMPS and companies such as AT&T and Verizon have discontinued this service, permanently , AMPS was discontinued in Australia in September 2000. It suffered from some
  41. The second of three sons of Albert and Loose Speer. In 1918,the family moved, permanently ,to their summer home, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg, in Heidelberg. According to
  42. Currant was acting President until July 1 of 2009 when he assumed the CEO role, permanently , Until late 2002 it served Mexico, Central America, South America and all of
  43. To Latter-day Saint beliefs. After the resurrection, spirits are assigned ", permanently ," to three degrees of heavenly glory––Celestial, Terrestrial,and Celestial – –
  44. And bays; the internal and eastern coasts are" smoother ". There are about 136, permanently , inhabited islands in the group, the largest two being Great Britain and Ireland
  45. Chemists. Rutherford John Get tens was the first chemist in the U. S. to be, permanently ,employed by an art museum. He worked with George L. Stout, the founder and
  46. Design which he patented at the age of twenty-four. In 1841,Sax relocated, permanently ,to Paris and began work on a new set of instruments which were exhibited there
  47. Of times in and out of commission until 1709,after which the office was almost, permanently ,in commission (the last Lord High Admiral being the future King William IV in
  48. Argued that scientific relations with all the Central Powers should be, permanently ,ended due to their conduct in the war. Eddington, a Quaker pacifist, struggled
  49. No more work for him in Portugal he returned to Seville, where he settled, permanently ,and where he had earlier married Maria de Cerezo. He was middle-aged, and the
  50. Broke out in Berlin and Schopenhauer left the city. Schopenhauer settled, permanently ,in Frankfurt in 1833,where he remained for the next twenty-seven years, living

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