Examples of the the word, autumn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( autumn ), is the 5354 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And winning him publication in a literary journal rather than a newspaper. In, autumn ,1887,a theater manager named North commissioned Chekhov to write a play, the
  2. The Serving and Greuthungi to the Danube sometime in the late summer or, autumn ,of 376. It now presented Emperor Valets with a huge dilemma-tens of thousands
  3. Government panel for military-technical cooperation that took place during, autumn ,2005,Prime Minister Mikhail Radio reported that, Russian factories will
  4. Act of sex as a magical or religious ritual. Upon returning to London in the, autumn ,of 1913,Crowley published the tenth and final number of volume one of The
  5. It was first intentionally synthesized, isolated and identified in late, autumn ,1944,at the University of California, Berkeley by Glenn T. Seaborg, Leon O.
  6. And a recall of existing machines, it was formally reintroduced the following, autumn , Development stopped and the Apple III was discontinued on April 24, 1984,and
  7. Of the screenplay was not even finished by the time filming was to begin in, autumn ,1966. The shoot, which required snow, was moved to autumn 1967,then canceled
  8. Was to begin in autumn 1966. The shoot, which required snow, was moved to, autumn ,1967,then canceled in 1968. Almost twenty years later, another foreigner
  9. Subgenus Anus. Trees. Shoot buds stalked. Male and female catkins produced in, autumn ,(fall) but staying closed over winter, pollinating in late winter or early
  10. More or less by Arnulfo. Arnulfo had in fact ruled Bavaria during the summer and, autumn ,of 879 while his father arranged his succession and he himself was granted "
  11. Would migrate in the summer to Livermore and then go back to Reweigh in the, autumn , The summer 2009 field school excavated Round House 2 on Livermore Mountain
  12. Of the people of Babelsberg and the surrounding area. *The Herbstmarkt (, autumn ,market),another Sunday shopping day, is on the first weekend in October.
  13. Psychologists, physicians ) from the summer of 1942 to the end of the, autumn ,of 1944. After the liberation of Paris, Carrel was suspended by the Minister of
  14. Full bearing after five to six years after planting. The fruit is mature in the, autumn , 7–8 months after flowering. Nut In botanical terms, the almond fruit is not a
  15. His pedagogical work began after the defense of his master thesis in, autumn ,1880. As a privatdozent he lectured on differential and integral calculus.
  16. Of Being. Andrew appealed to the Pope against the bishop's measure. In the, autumn ,of 1234,Prince Danilo laid siege to the capital of Andrew's youngest son who
  17. The plant originated in Mesoamerica),this consumption grows during, autumn ,and winter, or in the cold regions of the country; there are two dates where
  18. And competitions The football season, proper,is from March to August (early, autumn ,to late winter in Australia) with finals being held in September and October.
  19. The Dragon Wing Begonia is a summer annual. Winter annuals germinate in, autumn ,or winter, live through the winter, then bloom in winter or spring. The plants
  20. Was on the horizon. Further Viking attacks repelled After another lull, in the, autumn ,of 892 or 893,the Danes attacked again. Finding their position in mainland
  21. Location, and hot, dry summers. Rainfall occurs mostly during the spring and, autumn , Under Köppen's climate classification, Ankara features a semi-arid climate.
  22. And negotiations commenced. Alexander artfully prolonged the talks until the, autumn ,storms should begin. At length Aaron, weary of delay, attacked,only to
  23. Cut off or the tendons of his feet severed. Hunting The Ainu hunted from late, autumn ,to early summer. The reasons for this were, among others, that in late autumn
  24. Manner at once creditable to his judgment and fortunate for his country. In the, autumn ,of this year he gratified a wish he had long entertained of visiting London
  25. While is used in both contexts. * In the UK generally the term fall meaning ", autumn ," is obsolete. Although often found from Elizabethan literature to Victorian
  26. Trees or shrubs. Shoot buds stalked. Male and female catkins produced in, autumn ,(fall) and expanding and pollinating then. Three species: *Anus
  27. Of this edifice had been laid, Canova returned to Rome; but every succeeding, autumn ,he continued to visit Passage, in order to direct the workmen, and encourage
  28. Due to a lack of discipline, which fostered desertion in large numbers. By, autumn ,1917,an estimated two million men had unofficially left the army. Kerensky and
  29. To join Hangar of Frills. They defeated Guy, but were bought off and left in, autumn , Arnulfo then personally led an army across the Alps early in 894. In January
  30. And persuaded him to give lectures there on science and engineering. In the, autumn ,of 1846,he, aged 23,and John were able to purchase a cottage near Neath
  31. His promotion to an ordinary professor of St Petersburg University followed in, autumn ,1894. In 1896,he was elected ordinary member of the academy as the successor
  32. And they made an agreement which ensured the privileges of the clergy. In the, autumn ,of the year, he also met with Duke Frederick II of Austria, and they agreed to
  33. Cm long and 2–3 cm broad, arranged in two rows. The leaves are produced in the, autumn ,or early spring in warm climates depending on the onset of rain and eventually
  34. By another, the Forest Cities, for whom he played for two years. In the, autumn ,of 1867 he accepted a $40 per week contract, nominally as a clerk, but really
  35. Is commonly associated with the season of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and, autumn ,in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in
  36. 1712 a peremptory ukase ordered him off to the army in Pomerania, and in the, autumn ,of the same year he was forced to accompany his father on a tour of inspection
  37. Began to practice rituals together at Jones' home in Couldn, and for the, autumn ,equinox on 22 September 1907 developed a new ceremony based upon the Golden
  38. In October 2007 after Prime Minister Gordon Brown quashed speculation of an, autumn ,2007 general election. Widdecombe was one of the 98 MPs who voted to keep their
  39. Programmers. The foursome decided to record their first album together in the, autumn ,of 1972,and sessions began on 26 September 1972. The women shared lead vocal
  40. And unveiled the hit single and video" I Know There's Something Going On" in, autumn ,of that year. The single became a number 1 hit in France, where it spent five
  41. Heavy snowfall, while summers are very warm and humid; in between, spring and, autumn ,are short but mild. The area experiences lake effect weather, primarily in the
  42. Autumn to early summer. The reasons for this were, among others, that in late, autumn , plant gathering, salmon fishing and other activities of securing food came to
  43. And about 12 %,16 %, and 4 % of their fecal volume in spring, summer,and, autumn , respectively, is composed of ants. Relationship with humans Ants perform many
  44. His work and those of his contemporaries. It is developing as an annual, autumn ,event in his native town of Legato where a theater has been re-named in his
  45. Season varies depending on their location, but normally takes place during the, autumn ,or spring. During the breeding season, unpaired male werewolves will search
  46. Out to be true),yet so did able ministers desert Antony for Octavian in the, autumn ,of 32 BC. These defectors, Munatius Places and Marcus Titus, gave Octavian
  47. Although they say they are not sure that this was the same person. In the, autumn ,of 2001,after September 11,Al Jazeera television broadcast a tape they claim
  48. And on the streets during the 1980s. Mass protests from both camps in, autumn ,1988 forced Bendjedid to concede the end of one-party rule. Political events (
  49. May be propagated from offsets or by dividing the rootstock in early spring or, autumn , Notes In Greek mythology, Agamemnon (Ancient Greek:; modern
  50. Derivative. After briefly occupying a shed formerly used as a chicken hut, in, autumn ,1913 they built their first hospital of corrugated iron, with two 13-foot rooms

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