Examples of the the word, steep , in a Sentence Context

The word ( steep ), is the 5349 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Granite, which is redder. The summit dome itself, together with the, steep ,northern cliffs, are composed of despite and basaltic lava. The mountain has
  2. Floods. Two ladders or wooden staircases provide access to the house. The, steep ,thatch roof overhanging the house walls protects the interior from rain.
  3. Also has claim to of territorial seas. The interiors of the islands vary from, steep ,mountains to low hills. The climate is generally tropical and mild, and the two
  4. Warm, it was not entirely without glaciation. Fauna The Cambrian marked a, steep ,change in the diversity and composition of Earth's biosphere. The incumbent
  5. By broken country, and by a stream, the Petite Greece, which runs deep between, steep ,and slippery slopes. On the French side of the stream the ground rises to Offs
  6. Bicycle lift has been developed to encourage cyclists by giving assistance on a, steep ,hill. Action buses In Canberra, Australia,offers bicycle rack on the front of
  7. To the character of the Atlantic provinces, though it has recently been in, steep ,decline. Canada has mineral resources of coal, copper,iron ore, and gold.
  8. Of 430 fathoms (790 m). Others, however,are shallow, and hardly reach the, steep ,sides of the valleys in the dry season. Such are Lake Runway, in a subsidiary
  9. There were two lesser approaches up the hill on its north side, consisting of, steep , narrow flights of steps cut in the rock. Homer is assumed to refer to this
  10. Differ in that they are left-hand drive, as well. The roads are often quite, steep ,and winding, and ruts can be a problem when it rains. The only airline based on
  11. Barrels than equivalent guns. All this means they can deliver fire with a, steep ,angle of descent. Because of their multi-charge capability, their ammunition is
  12. As at Durham and Worcester, where the monasteries stand close to the, steep ,bank of a river) to accommodate the arrangement to local circumstances. We
  13. Ratios, often including an extremely low gear (" granny gear" ) for climbing, steep ,hills. Different gears and ranges of gears are appropriate for different people
  14. Other plants were also developed in the Americas, as was extensive terracing of, steep ,hillsides in much of Andean South America. The Greeks and Romans built on
  15. From. To the northeast of these highlands and lowlands is a rugged section with, steep ,mountain-sides, deep narrow coves and valleys, and flat mountain-tops. Its
  16. Appear to be both religious and monumental. From the religious perspective,a, steep ,stairway can be interpreted as a" stairway to heaven," the realm of the gods.
  17. Motorist Mary Lyman, who was on I-395,saw the airplane pass over at a ", steep ,angle toward the ground and going fast" and then saw the cloud of smoke from
  18. But well adapted for an ambuscade, as it was traversed by a water-course with, steep ,banks, densely overgrown with brambles and other thorny plants, and here he
  19. OVAs). Black Sea Coast The Black Sea coast is characterized by a range of, steep ,mountains that extend along the entire length of the coast, separating it from
  20. At Peleliu's highest point, Umurbrogol mountain, a collection of hills and, steep ,ridges. Located at the center of Ellis, Umurbrogol overlooked a large portion
  21. Be hazardous and slippery. Thanks to the zigzags, the path is not unusually, steep ,apart from in the initial stages, but inexperienced walkers should be aware
  22. Are typified by a narrow shelf that rarely exceeds 20 km in width and a, steep ,apron that is typically 1:40 gradient with numerous submarine canyons and
  23. Shortly before the deposition of the Burgess Shale. This would have left a, steep ,cliff, the bottom of which would be protected, because the limestone of the
  24. Of AM radio interference would increase. Modern switching amplifiers need, steep ,low pass filtering at the output to get rid of high frequency switching noise
  25. To tsunamis, floods,droughts, Santa Ana winds, wildfires,landslides on, steep ,terrain, and has several volcanoes. It sees numerous earthquakes due to several
  26. And eastern. The altitude rises from west to east. To the north the plain has, steep ,shores along the Danube or forms fertile alluvial plains (Nijinsky
  27. Of Sistra and then cuts to the east-southeast for 136 km. The Danube, with, steep , bluffs on the Bulgarian side and a wide area of swamps and marshes on the
  28. East, but geographically speaking they are part of the Avon River valley. The, steep ,face of basaltic North Mountain shelters the valley from the adjacent Bay of
  29. And Hubert, god of wealth, with North. Stairs Korean stairs are notoriously, steep , Frequently, the length of the riser exceeds that of the tread, producing an
  30. Of Aligarh, from which the state took its name. This fort, situated on a, steep ,hill, towers more than 800 ft (244 m) above the eponymous township, and
  31. South-facing Mediterranean coast of Turkey is separated from the interior by, steep ,ranges, known as the Taurus mountains, that run along the entire length of the
  32. North of the Don stretching as far as Fraser burgh; to the south of the Dee are, steep ,rocky cliff faces with only minor pebble and shingle beaches in deep inlets. A
  33. The Danger Mountains at the northern rim of the Tone Sap Basin consist of a, steep ,escarpment with an average elevation of about 500 meters, the highest points of
  34. British cavalry. Some cuirassiers then found themselves hemmed in by the, steep ,sides of the sunken lane, with a confused mass of their own infantry in front
  35. Are two miles (3 km) in circumference, and the fort can only be approached by, steep ,and very roughly paved slopes. When it came into the hands of the British Raj
  36. Cones of material extending out from spiral galaxies Geography *Cinder cone,a, steep ,conical hill of volcanic fragments around and downwind from a volcanic vent
  37. Aviation security measures by all countries have arrested and reversed the, steep ,upward movement of hijackings. However, the situation has not returned to the
  38. United States, many security indicators improved. Reported kidnappings showed a, steep ,decrease (from 3,700 in 2000 to 172 in 2009 (Jan. -Oct.) ) as did
  39. Although there is no cliff at the site where his body was found there is a very, steep ,rocky embankment - which would have been fatal in the dark. After Alexander's
  40. Here. As a rule, the lakes found within the great rift-valleys have, steep ,sides and are very deep. This is the case with the two largest of the type
  41. Itself fail, due to the stress of the crisis, causing the arbitrageur to face, steep ,losses. Liquidity risk Arbitrage trades are necessarily synthetic, leveraged
  42. Decomposed volcanic rock and vegetable deposits could only be retained on the, steep ,slopes so long as it was protected by the vegetation to which it in great part
  43. Is a continuation of Raccoon. South of these the mountains are marked by, steep ,northwest sides, sharp crests and gently sloping southeast sides. Southeast of
  44. Protests Protests led by Buddhist monks began on 19 August 2007 following, steep ,fuel price increases, and continued each day, despite the threat of a crackdown
  45. The intended houses were designed by Saudi as structures jutting out from the, steep ,hillside or running on viaducts, with separate footpaths in arcades formed
  46. U. S. were located in various defensive positions, for example, on high, steep ,mesas such as at Mesa Verde or present-day Coma" Sky City" Pueblo, in New
  47. Big Brother Albania and Albanians Got Talent. Health care has been in a, steep ,decline after the collapse of socialism in the country, but a process of
  48. Large number of higher-order Bernie polynomials. However, wavefronts with very, steep ,gradients or very high spatial frequency structure, such as produced by
  49. River draining into the Pacific. The river's heavy flow and its relatively, steep ,gradient give it tremendous potential for the generation of electricity. The 14
  50. If they are available at all. Agriculture Due to the northern climate and, steep ,terrain, relatively little farming occurs in Alaska. Most farms are in either

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