Examples of the the word, seizure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( seizure ), is the 5348 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Midi were aware that the Pope had been equivocal over the siege of Zara and the, seizure ,and looting of Constantinople. As the Languid was supposedly teeming with
  2. Not without flagrantly violating provisions against unreasonable search and, seizure ,in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Some observers argued that this
  3. That such searches violated Fourth Amendment protections against search and, seizure , federal courts ruled that they were acceptable when applied universally, and
  4. Suriname and Guyana. The largest success for the GWC in its history was the, seizure ,of the Spanish silver fleet, which carried silver from Spanish colonies to
  5. Itchy skin, acne,pallor, convulsions,and with chronic and/or high doses, seizure , stroke, coma,heart attack and death can occur. There is also significant
  6. At some point in time obtained in violation of the homestead principle, through, seizure , by the state or put in private hands with the assistance of the state. Rothbard
  7. Is derived from a plant that was formerly used by folklorists and other, seizure ,disorders, which are now considered to be inappropriate treatments. Toxicity
  8. Supporting the Confederacy. Despite sympathy for the Confederacy,France's own, seizure ,of Mexico ultimately deterred them from war with the Union. Confederate offers
  9. Resulted in consecutive Ru's' and Byzantine invasions, which ended with the, seizure ,of the capital Presley by the Byzantine army. Under Samuel, Bulgaria somewhat
  10. Use above),pregnancy, nursing mothers, and in patients with epilepsy or other, seizure ,disorders. The fluoroquinolones rapidly cross the blood-placenta and blood-milk
  11. Problems. Medical uses Carbamazepine is typically used for the treatment of, seizure ,disorders and neuropathic pain. It may be used as a second line treatment for
  12. The Chilean constitution, the court supported and strengthened Pinochet's, seizure ,of power. Finally, a military coup overthrew Allende on September 11, 1973. As
  13. Government. This view suggests that policies of collectivization and mass, seizure ,of property that lead to the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s were a result of the
  14. Who had won and lost many fights, the rout of a detachment and the forcible, seizure ,of some debatable frontier lands was an untoward incident; but it was not a
  15. Anticonvulsant medications such as phenytoin are often used to control, seizure ,; medications or procedures may be employed to relieve intracranial pressure.
  16. Use of benzodiazepines, those having ingested a substance that lowers the, seizure ,threshold or may cause an arrhythmia, and in those with abnormal vital signs.
  17. Through the brain via two electrodes, usually one on each temple, to induce a, seizure ,while the patient is under a brief period of general anesthesia. Hospital
  18. By this financial crisis, but according to Suetonius a result of Caligula's, seizure ,of public carriages, Construction Despite financial difficulties, Caligula
  19. Groups, the one that mounted the fiercest resistance to the attempts at, seizure ,of their territory were the Apache, meaning " people of the land. " As the
  20. Socialist transformation of society, opposed any move that would result in the, seizure ,of state power by the PDP and did not support the military coup that resulted
  21. Pope Boniface VIII led to destruction of the fortress at Palestrina and to the, seizure ,of the Pope at Agni by Sierra Colonia in 1303. Sierra, apparently,smacked
  22. And allegedly illegal fishing in Antarctic waters in 1998 resulted in the, seizure ,(by France and Australia) of at least eight fishing ships. See Ocean
  23. Hermann Göring, when,on 20 January 1943,the 10th anniversary of the Nazis ', seizure ,of power, a Mosquito attack knocked out the main Berlin broadcasting station
  24. Government. Thus, in April 1917,after the Russian Revolution but prior to the, seizure ,of power by the Bolsheviks in October, LDS apostle David O. McKay told an
  25. U. S. trade embargo, instituted in October 1960 in response to Cuba's, seizure ,of U. S. -owned properties, not only ensured that new vehicle exports would
  26. Convert to carboxyhemoglobin. A level of 50 % carboxyhemoglobin may result in, seizure , coma, and fatality. In the United States, the OSHA limits long-term workplace
  27. And communities. One of Henry VIII's earliest acts was their dissolution and, seizure ,of their assets. In 1841 Marian Rebecca Hughes became the first woman to take
  28. Hijacking (also known as skyjacking and sky controlling) is the unlawful, seizure ,of an aircraft by an individual or a group. In most cases, the pilot is forced
  29. Activity when the animal is actively engaged in a task. During an epileptic, seizure , the brain's inhibitory control mechanisms fail to function and electrical
  30. General Buckner decided to proceed immediately with Phase II of his plan—the, seizure ,of northern Okinawa. The 6th Marine Division headed up the Ashikaga Isthmus.
  31. Before starting the drug. It may also aggravate other types of generalized, seizure ,disorder, particularly absence seizure s. In addition, carbamazepine has been
  32. Mike Patterson of the Philadelphia Eagles collapsed on the field and suffered a, seizure ,during a practice. After he collapsed, Patterson was rushed to the hospital
  33. Estate. Henry Percy,4th Earl of Northumberland, also supported Richard's, seizure ,of the throne of England. The Percy's were loyal Lancastrians, but Edward IV
  34. S invasion of North Carolina. Spots wood disavowed himself of any part of the, seizure , He defended his actions, writing to Lord Carteret, a shareholder of the
  35. As terror, aggression,sexual violence. Only a couple of months after Belize’s, seizure ,of power, in May 2003,taxi and truck drivers conducted a strike against these
  36. Thousands being taken illegally, often undersized. Convictions have resulted in, seizure ,of diving gear, boats,and motor vehicles as well as fines and in rare cases
  37. During the Second World War, Winston Churchill prepared plans for the British, seizure ,of the Canary Islands as a naval base, in the event of Gibraltar being invaded
  38. Side effect of many antipsychotics is that they tend to lower an individual's, seizure ,threshold. Chlorpromazine and clozapine, in particular, have a relatively high
  39. For a second invasion. The invasion began on 14 August and resulted in the, seizure ,of Amorphous, Karpass, Famagusta and the Memorial. The Greek-Cypriot forces were
  40. And cause the disease while overwhelming or" seizing" the victim (hence ", seizure ,"). To cure such diseases it was necessary to draw out the evil demons by
  41. In dose at a rate of 200 mg every 1–2 weeks may be required to achieve a stable, seizure ,threshold. Stable carbamazepine concentrations usually occur within 2–3 weeks
  42. Opium led Britain to attack China in the First Opium War, and resulted in the, seizure ,by Britain of Hong Kong Island, at that time a minor settlement. The 1857
  43. The vitamin thiamine, to prevent Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which can cause a, seizure ,(more usually a treatment for chronic alcoholism, but in the acute context
  44. Sign the Liaquat-Nehru Pact. *1952 – U. S. President Harry Truman calls for the, seizure ,of all domestic steel mills to prevent a nationwide strike. *1953 – Mau
  45. Is popular in France. Cloacae also has a useful role for very short-term, seizure ,prophylaxis and in Catalonia epilepsy. But diazepam may be used as an
  46. Uncut German DVD version was released, but the Berlin-Tiergarten Court ordered, seizure ,of the DVD in April 2002 (Case Number 351 Gs 1749/02). In Finland, The Evil
  47. Were angered by British harassment of U. S. ships on the high seas and, seizure ,(" Impressment" ) of 6,000 sailors from American ships, severe restrictions
  48. He was momentarily impressed by the" splendid surgery" of the Bolshevik, seizure ,of power in October 1917,but -- again to judge by the evidence of the novel
  49. And the FDA warn that central nervous system adverse effects, including, seizure , risk,may be increased when NSAIDs are combined with quinolones. The
  50. The suzerain of the lords whose lands were now open to despoliation and, seizure , Phillip Augustus wrote to Pope Innocent in strong terms to point this out—but

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