Examples of the the word, oracle , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And to deposit in exchange the price which they consider fair. But in case the, oracle ,denies them permission, because there is an oracle here, they add something to
  2. It and filled it with honeycomb. When they sought advice about this event,an, oracle ,told them to take the head down and bury it, and to make annual sacrifice to
  3. Were preparing to make reprisals, in spite of the advice of the Delphic, oracle ,that they should desist from attacking Regina for thirty years, and content
  4. Ages did not understand the prophecy and was disappointed. This puzzling, oracle ,forced Ages to visit Pitchers, king of Frozen, who was famous for his wisdom
  5. Conversation where the oracle remembers the conversation history (persistent, oracle ,): \angle O (n),O (n) \range ** for an n-sentence conversation where the
  6. Final victory of Athens over Regina was in 458 B. C., the thirty years of the, oracle ,would carry us back to the year 488 BC as the date of the dedication of the
  7. With Hecuba, wife of King Priam of Troy, Apollo had a son named Troilus. An, oracle ,prophesied that Troy would not be defeated as long as Troilus reached the age
  8. And if the oracle refuses again, they add something more, until at last,the, oracle ,agrees that the price is sufficient. And then the victim doesn’t run away any
  9. Black Sea off the modern coasts of Romania and Ukraine, with a temple and an, oracle ,which survived into the Roman period. In the lost epic Æthiopis, a
  10. Sanctuary site near the modern village of Kalahari is not only the site of the, oracle ,of Apollo at AAI but that it was in constant use for cult practices from
  11. Lances reveals himself to Dana us, and kills him (thus fulfilling the, oracle ,). He and Hypermnesia will establish a ruling dynasty in Argos. The other
  12. Parents were anxious that their daughter remained unmarried. They consulted an, oracle ,who told them she was destined for no mortal lover, but a creature that lived
  13. Mountain, that even the gods themselves feared. Eros had arranged for the, oracle ,to say this. Psyche was resigned to her fate and climbed to the top of the
  14. Achilles gave Telefax a wound that would not heal; Telefax consulted an, oracle , who stated that" he that wounded shall heal ". Guided by the oracle , he
  15. S journey to Troy, Artemis becalmed the sea and stopped the journey until an, oracle ,came and said they could win the goddess' heart by sacrificing Iphigenia
  16. Over the ghostly world and it is believed that she was the deity behind the, oracle , The older tales mentioned two dragons who were perhaps intentionally conflated
  17. The Castilian Spring. This was the spring which emitted vapors that caused the, oracle ,at Delphi to give her prophecies. Hera sent the serpent to hunt Let to her
  18. Earth or fertile soil. After the worship of Zeus had displaced the oak-grove, oracle ,at Dodoma, some poets made Zeus the father of Aphrodite. In some tales
  19. Said to have been the place where the god went from Demos. As at Delphi the, oracle ,at Panama was a woman. Oracles were also given by sons of Apollo. * In Or opus
  20. Killed the bear, so Artemis sent a plague in revenge. The Athenians consulted an, oracle ,to understand how to end the plague. The oracle suggested that, in payment for
  21. Dynasty comes from Shang-era inscriptions on bronze artifacts, most comes from, oracle ,bones — turtle shells, cattle scapulae, or other bones, which bear glyphs that
  22. And when Apollo at winter left for Hyperbola, he would leave the Delphic, oracle ,to Dionysus. This contrast appears to be shown on the two sides of the Borges
  23. With his people down to the time of the coming of the Messiah. *The second, oracle ,(ch. ) points out the glories that await Israel in" the latter-day ", the
  24. An oracle , who stated that" he that wounded shall heal ". Guided by the, oracle , he arrived at Argos, where Achilles healed him in order that he became their
  25. Author of the Book of Obadiah, see Obadiah. The canonical Book of Obadiah is an, oracle ,concerning the divine judgment of Odom and the restoration of Israel. The text
  26. A and B, such that PA BPA and PB ≠ PPB. Moreover, relative to a random, oracle ,with probability 1,P BPP and BPP is strictly contained in NP and co-NP.
  27. 9 to 14 This section consists of two" oracle s" or" burdens ": *The first, oracle ,(ch. ) gives an outline of the course of God's providential dealings with his
  28. Chapter 2," one finds in the records" that Jeremiah, having received an, oracle ,of the Lord, ordered that the tent and the ark and the altar of incense should
  29. His doctrines out of fear of Constantine, and took refuge in divination. An, oracle ,in hexameter verse represented a pastoral life as his only retreat, but his
  30. Oracle, but failed. " * At Panama, in Lucia, there was a seasonal winter, oracle ,of Apollo, said to have been the place where the god went from Demos. As at
  31. Visited by a drought in consequence of a murder which had been committed,the, oracle ,of Delphi declared that the calamity would not cease unless Abacus prayed to
  32. 9-11) and Third Zechariah (12-14) since each begins with a heading, oracle , Composition The return from exile is the theological premise of prophet's
  33. That a BPP machine with the power to solve BPP problems instantly (a BPP, oracle ,machine) is not any more powerful than the machine without this extra power.
  34. There is an oracle here, they add something to the price offered, and if the, oracle ,refuses again, they add something more, until at last, the oracle agrees that
  35. Northeastern corner of Phones, in Greece. It was famous in antiquity for its, oracle ,of Apollo Abacus, one of those consulted by Croesus, king of Lydia, and
  36. Then to him unknowingly. After eating his own sons' corpses, Thyestes asked an, oracle ,how best to gain revenge. The advice was to father a son with his own daughter
  37. The Athenians consulted an oracle to understand how to end the plague. The, oracle ,suggested that, in payment for the bear's blood, every young Athenian virgin
  38. Oracles were also given by sons of Apollo. * In Or opus, north of Athens,the, oracle ,Amphibious, was said to be the son of Apollo; Or opus also had a sacred spring.
  39. Langle O (1),poly (n) \range ** for an n-sentence conversation where the, oracle ,remembers the conversation history (persistent oracle ): \angle O (n),O (
  40. Fell silent. Julian the Apostate (359 - 61) tried to revive the Delphic, oracle , but failed. " * At Panama, in Lucia, there was a seasonal winter oracle of
  41. Marry the fifty sons of Egypt. Dana us secretly informs his daughters of an, oracle ,predicting that one of his sons-in-law would kill him; he therefore orders the
  42. Wish to get them from the god of the island himself, they consult Achilles ’, oracle , They ask permission to slaughter the victims chosen from among the animals
  43. In the present instance it is made clear by the express words of the, oracle ,(Numbers 12:6-8) that Moses was unique among men as the one with whom the
  44. Fair. But in case the oracle denies them permission, because there is an, oracle ,here, they add something to the price offered, and if the oracle refuses again
  45. Die in the wild, but Apollo asked Hermes to save the child and bring him to the, oracle ,at Delphi, where he was raised by a priestess. One of his other liaisons was
  46. His brother and fled to the cave where he was also afterwards consulted as an, oracle ,Mythology Birth When Zeus' wife Hera discovered that Let was pregnant and
  47. Been discovered (S. Mandruzzato, Trattato DEI Agni d'Band, Padua,1789). An, oracle ,of Ger yon lay near, and the so-called sorts Predestine (C. I. L. i., Berlin
  48. And his second wife was Calliope. Still without a male heir, Aegeus asked the, oracle ,at Delphi for advice. Her cryptic words were" Do not loosen the bulging mouth
  49. She was considered a daughter of Zeus and Done, the mother goddess whose, oracle ,was at Dodoma. Aphrodite herself was sometimes also referred to as" Done. " "
  50. By the Boeotian's and remained in a ruined state. It was rebuilt by Hadrian. The, oracle ,was, however,still consulted,e.g. by the The bans before Electra in 371 BCE.

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