Examples of the the word, limb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( limb ), is the 5351 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Onto the planet. Earth-based observers detected the fireball rising over the, limb ,of the planet shortly after the initial impact. Astronomers had expected to see
  2. Ribs compared to most other diploids, giving it an unusually deep chest. The, limb ,bones were also very robust. Classification and species SP. Apatosaurus is a
  3. Which indicates hanging arms. Also, the Australopithecus hip and hind, limb ,very clearly indicate bipedalism, but these fossils also indicate very
  4. The limb so that medical intervention cannot save the limb , or by causing the, limb ,to be severed. Causes of amputation Circulatory disorders * Diabetic foot
  5. Measure, it is used to control pain or a disease process in the affected, limb , such as malignancy or gangrene. In some cases, it is carried out on
  6. The Volta, Komoe, Bandama, Gambia and Senegal the highlands of the western, limb , North of the Senegal, for over 1000 miles (1600 km) of coast, the arid
  7. Amputation) Neoplasm) Trauma * Severe limb injuries in which the, limb ,cannot be spared or attempts to spare the limb have failed * Traumatic
  8. Balboa (lunar crater),a lunar crater that is located near the western, limb ,of the Moon ** Balboa District, a district of Panama Province in Panama *
  9. Only 1/400th of the staff, and so could scarcely be discerned, and the northern, limb ,of the Sun's disc would be nearly vertical. Eratosthenes used measurements at
  10. Pressure or movement on his face or head. In many cases, the phantom, limb ,aids in adaptation to a prosthesis, as it permits the person to experience
  11. Neuropathies may cause generalized or localized sensory ataxia (e.g. a, limb ,only) depending on the extent of the neuropathic involvement. Spinal disorders
  12. The chemical composition of the atmosphere, temperature,head orientation, limb ,position, the chemical composition of the bloodstream, and more. In other
  13. Agate fills a void left by decomposed vegetative material such as a tree, limb ,or root and is called limb cast agate due to its appearance. Torricelli agate
  14. Drawn bows may be further divided based upon differences in the method of, limb ,construction, notable examples being self bows, laminated bows and composite
  15. Of the study, Dr. Alejandro J. Gonzalez also noted it would be" going out on a, limb ," to suggest calcium supplements as a weight-limiting aid. Prevention of
  16. With stroke patients experiencing limb ataxia who underwent intensive upper, limb ,retraining. Their therapy consisted of constraint-induced movement therapy
  17. Curve away from the archer when the bow is unstrung. The cross-section of the, limb ,also varies; the classic longbow is a tall bow with narrow limb s that are
  18. D him love ... and steal a kiss ... upon his breast, his thighs, and every, limb ,... and talk of love ", while the boy, naive and unaware of Greek love
  19. Threat of a" severe mistreatment" must involve an endangerment to life and, limb , In cases where the continued application of the treatment could be ended
  20. As it permits the person to experience proprioception of the prosthetic, limb , To support improved resistance or usability, comfort or healing, some type of
  21. Of life for patients in addition to being expensive. A typical prosthetic, limb ,costs in the range of $10,000-15,000 according to the American Diabetic
  22. No means of communication or hope of rescue, the victim has amputated their own, limb ,: * In 2007,66-year-old Al Hill amputated his leg below the knee using his
  23. The nature of a thing is such that it is reasonably certain to place life and, limb ,in peril when negligently made, it is then a thing of danger. Its nature gives
  24. Slavery to a period of five years and debt slaves had protection of life and, limb , which regular slaves did not enjoy. However, servants of the debtor could be
  25. And arteriosclerosis. Another study found it also effective for healing, limb ,ulcers caused by peripheral vascular disease. The boot checks the heart rhythm
  26. To remove the offending appendages, either by causing irreparable damage to the, limb ,so that medical intervention cannot save the limb , or by causing the limb to be
  27. Advocated as a suitable exercise for rehabilitation, particularly for lower, limb ,injury, owing to the low impact which it has on the joints. In particular
  28. Irreparable damage to the limb so that medical intervention cannot save the, limb , or by causing the limb to be severed. Causes of amputation Circulatory
  29. Pulleys, one or both of which has one or more cables attached to the opposite, limb , When the string is drawn back, the string causes the pulleys to turn. This
  30. Ordinary law of the land. The Separation of Powers Often regarded as a second, limb ,functioning alongside the Rule of Law to curb the powers of the Government. In
  31. Limb injuries in which the limb cannot be spared or attempts to spare the, limb ,have failed * Traumatic amputation (an unwanted amputation that occurs at the
  32. Sciences * Abduction (kinesiology),a type of movement which draws a, limb ,away from the median plane of the body * Abductive reasoning, a method of
  33. And faithful to the king and his heirs, and truth and faith to bear of life and, limb ,and Terrence honor, and not to know or hear of any ill or damage intended him
  34. An unwanted amputation that occurs at the scene of an accident, where the, limb ,is partially or wholly severed as a direct result of the accident, for example
  35. Kwanzaa, Ogowe and Canada drain the west coastal highlands of the southern, limb ,; the Volta, Komoe, Bandama, Gambia and Senegal the highlands of the western
  36. The Old French dismember and a more common term before the 17th century for, limb ,loss or removal),or simply" cutting ", but by the end of the 17th century "
  37. Be discharged via the respiratory tract. Warm compresses and elevation of the, limb ,may be beneficial for a skin abscess. Packing In North America, after drainage
  38. Most common reason for non-traumatic amputation) Neoplasm) Trauma * Severe, limb ,injuries in which the limb cannot be spared or attempts to spare the limb have
  39. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),schizophrenia, phantom, limb , syndrome,complex regional pain syndrome, paroxysmal extreme pain disorder
  40. Consists of northeasterly dipping Cretaceous strata, part of the northern, limb ,of the Wealden-Boulonnais dome. Characteristics include: * Continuous chalk on
  41. As indicated by one study performed with stroke patients experiencing, limb ,ataxia who underwent intensive upper limb retraining. Their therapy consisted
  42. Vascular disease. The boot checks the heart rhythm and compresses the, limb ,between heartbeats; the compression helps cure the wounds in the walls of veins
  43. Bow, The limb s are usually much stiffer than those of a recurve crossbow. This, limb ,stiffness makes the compound bow more energy efficient than other bows, but the
  44. Patient simply moves less, the infantile patient refuses to use the affected, limb , Elements of the history of the disorder guide diagnosis. Important features
  45. Most likely of a bear with mange. Jeffrey Mel drum, on the other hand, said the, limb ,proportions of the suspected juvenile in question were not bear-like, and
  46. By decomposed vegetative material such as a tree limb or root and is called, limb ,cast agate due to its appearance. Torricelli agate is formed from solidified
  47. Back of the bow, and the heart-wood to the compression on the belly. Hence,a, limb ,sector of yew wood shows the narrow, light-coloured sap-wood on the 'straight '
  48. Phenomenon is unexplained sensation in a body part unrelated to the amputated, limb , It has been hypothesized that the portion of the brain responsible for
  49. Especially to cheer recent amputees and explain to them that the loss of a, limb ,did not mean an end to a happy and productive life. Making no secret of his own
  50. Individual feels compelled to remove one or more of their body parts, usually a, limb , In some cases, that individual may take drastic measures to remove the

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