Examples of the the word, electron , in a Sentence Context

The word ( electron ), is the 5350 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Coupling, which is an interaction between the spin and motion of the outermost, electron , Name fitzpatrick20070216/> When an atom is in an external magnetic field
  2. Is a mathematical function that describes the wave-like behavior of either one, electron ,or a pair of electron s in an atom. This function can be used to calculate the
  3. Which measures the energy loss of an electron beam within a transmission, electron ,microscope when it interacts with a portion of a sample. The atom-probe
  4. Or electron s with other particles that have the same charge. For example,an, electron ,can be replaced by a more massive muon, forming a music atom. These types of
  5. Rest being named in alphabetical order (omitting j). The wave function for the, electron ,cloud of a complex atom may be seen as being built up (in approximation) in
  6. Of increasing odd numbers (1,3,5,7. ), each of which represents a set of, electron ,pairs with a given energy and angular momentum. The repeating periodicity of
  7. These elements take many forms of electron -sharing that are more than simple, electron ,transfers. Examples include the element carbon and the organic compounds.
  8. Included for comparison. Hydrogen The element hydrogen, with its solitary one, electron ,per atom, is usually placed at the top of Group 1 of the periodic table for
  9. From the atoms of the alkali metals. As in the halogens, only one additional, electron ,is required to fill in the outermost shell of the hydrogen atom, so hydrogen
  10. The electron energy levels, a phenomenon called the Stark effect. If a bound, electron ,is in an excited state, an interacting photon with the proper energy can cause
  11. Term may also refer to the physical region defined by the function where the, electron ,is likely to be. Within a physical context atomic orbitals are the basic
  12. Associated with electron s is small, but it definitively established that, electron ,motion of some kind is responsible for magnetization. Schrödinger gas model
  13. Core held most of the atom's mass and a positive charge which, in units of the, electron ,'s charge, was to be approximately equal to half of the atom's atomic weight
  14. Gallium arsenide, indium arsenide, and aluminum arsenide. The valence, electron ,count of Gas is the same as a pair of Si atoms, but the band structure is
  15. Terms of an atomic radius. This is a measure of the distance out to which the, electron ,cloud extends from the nucleus. However, this assumes the atom to exhibit a
  16. Affects their physical and chemical characteristics. It is derived from the, electron ,configuration of carbon, which has four valence electron s. The carbon atoms in
  17. From the data above. In fact, it is sometimes placed over lithium (due to its, electron ,configuration),sometimes carbon (due to its electron egativity) Ammonium ion
  18. Cause a comparable splitting and shifting of spectral lines by modifying the, electron ,energy levels, a phenomenon called the Stark effect. If a bound electron is in
  19. Electron deficiency) or negative charge if there are more electron s (, electron ,excess). A positively or negatively charged atom is known as an ion. An atom
  20. Spectral line. The interaction of the magnetic field with the atom shifts these, electron ,configurations to slightly different energy levels, resulting in multiple
  21. The sun, but instead exist as standing waves. The lowest possible energy an, electron ,can take is therefore analogous to the fundamental frequency of a wave on a
  22. Samples for analysis. A more area-selective method is, electron ,energy loss spectroscopy, which measures the energy loss of an electron beam
  23. Torsion pendulum. They confirmed that this leads the bar to rotate, because the, electron ,'s angular momentum changes as the magnetization changes. This experiment
  24. That for low bias, the microscope images the space-averaged dimensions of the, electron ,orbitals across closely packed energy levels—the Fermi level local density of
  25. Of hydrogen requires considerably more energy than removal of the outer, electron ,from the atoms of the alkali metals. As in the halogens, only one additional
  26. Of a complex atom may be seen as being built up (in approximation) in an, electron ,configuration that is a sum of simpler hydrogen-like atomic orbitals. In such a
  27. Within a physical context atomic orbitals are the basic building blocks of the, electron ,cloud model (alternatively referred to as the wave mechanics model or atomic
  28. Band. Valence and bonding behavior The outermost, electron ,shell of an atom in its uncombined state is known as the valence shell, and the
  29. New mathematical model of matter was revealed. As far as atoms and their, electron ,shells were concerned, not only did this yield a better overall description, i.
  30. Of argon, is produced by the decay of 40K with a half-life of 1.25 years by, electron ,capture or positron emission. Because of this, it is used in potassium-argon
  31. An atom. This function can be used to calculate the probability of finding any, electron ,of an atom in any specific region around the atom's nucleus. The term may also
  32. The atom is said to have undergone the process of ionization. In the event the, electron ,absorbs a quantity of energy less than the binding energy, it will transition
  33. To be an alkali metal, as it, like the other alkali metals, has one valence, electron ,; however, hydrogen rarely acts like an alkali metal, as can be seen from the
  34. The principles of quantum mechanics. The number of electron s in each element's, electron ,shells, particularly the outermost valence shell, is the primary factor in
  35. A shell are said to be in a bound state. The energy necessary to remove an, electron ,from its shell (taking it to infinity) is called the binding energy. Any
  36. After the death of Warren G. Harding *1932 – The positron (antiparticle of the, electron ,) is discovered by Carl D. Anderson. *1937 – The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 is
  37. Donors, producing arsenals (just as ordinary photosynthesis uses water as, electron ,donor, producing molecular oxygen). Researchers conjecture that, over the
  38. Occurring with a half-life of 1.25 years, decays to stable (11.2 %) by, electron ,capture or positron emission, and also to stable (88.8 %) via beta decay.
  39. Is electron energy loss spectroscopy, which measures the energy loss of an, electron ,beam within a transmission electron microscope when it interacts with a portion
  40. A diatomic gas consisting of two atoms per molecule. The removal of the single, electron ,of hydrogen requires considerably more energy than removal of the outer
  41. These names indicate the orbital shape and are used to describe the, electron ,configurations. They are derived from the characteristics of their
  42. Argon is preferred for the sputter coating of specimens for scanning, electron ,microscopy. Argon ions are also used for sputtering in micro electron ics.
  43. Emission of a photon with a matching energy level. For this to occur,the, electron ,must drop to a lower energy state that has an energy difference matching the
  44. Infinity) is called the binding energy. Any quantity of energy absorbed by the, electron ,in excess of this amount is converted to kinetic energy according to the
  45. Employ a version of photosynthesis in the absence of oxygen with arsenide as, electron ,donors, producing arsenals (just as ordinary photosynthesis uses water as
  46. Valence shells. Name reusch20070716/> For example, a transfer of a single, electron ,between atoms is a useful approximation for bonds that form between atoms with
  47. The magnetic moment of the atom and its electron s. Some atoms can have multiple, electron ,configurations with the same energy level, which thus appear as a single
  48. Neutral, otherwise it has a positive charge if there are fewer electron s (, electron ,deficiency) or negative charge if there are more electron s ( electron excess)
  49. To an excited state. After a statistically sufficient quantity of time,an, electron ,in an excited state will undergo a transition to a lower state. The change in
  50. By the effect of other electron s, but still remains attractive in sum). The, electron ,cloud model can only be described by quantum mechanics, in which the electron s

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