Examples of the the word, t , in a Sentence Context

The word ( t ), is the 1712 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. T,13 %),Syria (119,648 t ,7 %),I t aly (112,796 t ,6 %),Iran (108,677’ t , 6 %) and Morocco (83,000 t ,5 %). Algeria, Tunisia,and Greece each accoun t
  2. Is, in general, charge Q is de t ermined by s t eady curren t I flowing for a t ime’ t ,as Q = I t . His t ory The ampere was originally defined as one t en t h of t he CGS
  3. Lef t \sin (( \omega_c + \omega’m) t + \phi) + \sin (( \omega_c - \omega’m), t ,- \phi)\righ t . \, Therefore, t he modula t ed signal has t hree componen t s, a
  4. Del t a (\omega +\omega_c)-\del t a (\omega-\omega_c) \\ A\do t \sin (\omega_c, t ,) \quad \s t acked\quad i \pi A \do t \del t a (\omega +\omega_c)-\del t a (
  5. AM A carrier wave is modeled as a simple sine wave, such as:: c (, t ,) = C\do t \sin (\omega_c t + \phi_c),\, where t he radio frequency (in Hz)
  6. Omega +\omega_c)-\del t a (\omega-\omega_c) \\ m ( t )\do t \sin (\omega_c, t ,) \quad \s t acked \franc\do t \ =& \franc\do t M (\omega +\omega_c) - M (
  7. Pairs:: \begin m ( t ) \quad \s t acked\quad M (\omega) \\ \sin (\omega_c, t ,) \quad \s t acked\quad i \pi \do t \del t a (\omega +\omega_c)-\del t a (
  8. D\ t he t a. * t he area enclosed by a parame t ric curve \DEC u ( t ) (x ( t ),y (, t ,)) wi t h endpoin t s \DEC u ( t _0) \DEC u ( t _1) is given by t he line in t egrals
  9. A3E),we mus t choose: A \GE M. \, Spec t rum For more general forms of m (, t ,), t rigonome t ry is no t sufficien t . Bu t if t he t op t race of Figure 2 depic t s t he
  10. Are t he USA (715,623 t ,41 %),Spain (220,000 t ,13 %),Syria (119,648’ t , 7 %),I t aly (112,796 t ,6 %),Iran (108,677 t ,6 %) and Morocco (83,000
  11. T,41 %),Spain (220,000 t ,13 %),Syria (119,648 t ,7 %),I t aly (112,796’ t , 6 %),Iran (108,677 t ,6 %) and Morocco (83,000 t ,5 %). Algeria, Tunisia
  12. End where p (\ma t h bf, t ) is t he acous t ic pressure and \ma t h bf (\ma t h bf, t ,) is t he acous t ic fluid veloci t y vec t or, \ma t h bf is t he vec t or of spa t ial
  13. I t is generally assumed t ha t \omega’m \ll \omega_c\, and t ha t \min m (, t ,) = -M. \, Then ampli t ude modula t ion is crea t ed by forming t he produc t :: A\
  14. To be t he dura t ion of t he QC t ime-his t ory, or t he number of poin t s if \Del t a’ t ,is cons t an t . The benefi t of expressing t he s t a t is t ical momen t s in t erms of
  15. A resul t of compu t ing t he Fourier t ransform of: A + m ( t )\do t \sin (\omega_c, t ,), \,using t he following t ransform pairs:: \begin m ( t ) \quad
  16. And le t t he cons t an t M represen t i t s larges t magni t ude. For ins t ance:: m (, t ,) = M\do t \cos (\omega’m t + \phi). \, Thus, t he message migh t be jus t a
  17. English, t he lexical sec t ion wi t h ini t ial TH- reserved a place af t er t he le t t er’ t , bu t is inser t ed be t ween t he- and t i-. German words wi t h umlau t would fur t her be
  18. Should be wri t t en as ~f (\omega)=\franc\in t f ( t ) \exp (i\omega t ), t , ; however, i t is assumed t ha t t he shape of t he func t ion (and even i t s norm \in t
  19. To t he FAO, major producers are t he USA (715,623 t ,41 %),Spain (220,000’ t , 13 %),Syria (119,648 t ,7 %),I t aly (112,796 t ,6 %),Iran (108,677 t
  20. R^2 \, d\ t he t a. * t he area enclosed by a parame t ric curve \DEC u ( t ) (x (, t ,), y ( t ) ) wi t h endpoin t s \DEC u ( t _0) \DEC u ( t _1) is given by t he line
  21. Is \in t _0^ r^2 \, d\ t he t a. * t he area enclosed by a parame t ric curve \DEC u (, t ,) (x ( t ),y ( t ) ) wi t h endpoin t s \DEC u ( t _0) \DEC u ( t _1) is given by
  22. In t o t he following equivalen t form:: y ( t ) = A\do t \sin (\omega_c, t ,) + \begin\franc \end \lef t \sin (( \omega_c + \omega’m) t + \phi) + \sin ((
  23. Time ( t ha t is, in a word like ca t t he a sound comes af t er t he c sound, and t he’ t ,sound comes af t er t ha t ), t hey can generally be easily wri t t en in a linear (
  24. Can be t rigonome t rically manipula t ed in t o t he following equivalen t form:: y (, t ,) = A\do t \sin (\omega_c t ) + \begin\franc \end \lef t \sin (( \omega_c +
  25. Is modeled as a simple sine wave, such as:: c ( t ) = C\do t \sin (\omega_c, t ,+ \phi_c),\, where t he radio frequency (in Hz) is given by:: \omega_c / (
  26. Expression should be wri t t en as ~f (\omega)=\franc\in t f ( t ) \exp (i\omega’ t ,) t ; however, i t is assumed t ha t t he shape of t he func t ion (and even i t s norm
  27. Func t ion, t he expression should be wri t t en as ~f (\omega)=\franc\in t f (, t ,) \exp (i\omega t ) t ; however, i t is assumed t ha t t he shape of t he func t ion (
  28. 7 %),I t aly (112,796 t ,6 %),Iran (108,677 t ,6 %) and Morocco (83,000’ t , 5 %). Algeria, Tunisia,and Greece each accoun t for 3 %, Turkey,Pakis t an
  29. Rho (\ma t h bf, t ) is t he mass densi t y of t he fluid and \ma t h bf (\ma t h bf, t ,) is t he fluid veloci t y. The equa t ion for t he conserva t ion of mass for an
  30. Is given by: \franc + \ t abla \do t (\rho \ma t h bf) = 0 where \rho (\ma t h bf, t ,) is t he mass densi t y of t he fluid and \ma t h bf (\ma t h bf, t ) is t he fluid
  31. Ending ة is pronounced, excep t in cons t ruc t s t a t e nouns, where i t sounds as’ t ,(and in adverbial accusa t ive cons t ruc t ions,e.g. عادةً" usually ", where t he
  32. And t o i t s Fourier t ransform:: ~f (\omega)=\in t f ( t ) \exp (i\omega t ), t , Rigorously speaking, such an expression requires t ha t ~ f=0 ~; even if
  33. The t - t es t and t he ANOVA F- t es t are equivalen t ; t he rela t ion be t ween ANOVA and’ t ,is given by F = t 2. *Fac t orial ANOVA is used when t he experimen t er wan t s t o
  34. For simplici t y however, t heir respec t ive values can be se t t o 1 and 0. Le t m (, t ,) represen t an arbi t rary waveform t ha t is t he message t o be t ransmi t t ed. And
  35. Af t er t his normaliza t ion, t he n raw momen t s and cen t ral momen t s of x (, t ,) can be calcula t ed from t he rela t ive his t ogram:: m_no = \sum_^ x_kin \, H (
  36. Frac + \kappa~\ t abla \do t \ma t h bf & = 0 \squad \ t ex t \end where p (\ma t h bf, t ,) is t he acous t ic pressure and \ma t h bf (\ma t h bf, t ) is t he acous t ic fluid
  37. I t s larges t magni t ude. For ins t ance:: m ( t ) = M\do t \cos (\omega’m, t ,+ \phi). \, Thus, t he message migh t be jus t a simple audio t one of frequency:
  38. Sin (\omega_c t ) + \begin\franc \end \lef t \sin (( \omega_c + \omega’m), t , + \phi) + \sin (( \omega_c - \omega’m) t - \phi)\righ t . \, Therefore, t he
  39. Veloci t y are assumed t o be t ime harmonic func t ions of t he form: p (\ma t h bf, t ,) = \ha t (\ma t h bf)~ex ~; ~~ \ma t h bf (\ma t h bf, t ) \ha t (\ma t h bf)~ex ~; ~~ i:
  40. Bu t if t he t op t race of Figure 2 depic t s t he frequency spec t rum, of m (, t ,), t hen t he bo t t om t race depic t s t he modula t ed carrier. I t has t wo groups of
  41. And t o i t s Fourier t ransform:: ~f (\omega)=\in t f ( t ) \exp (i\omega’ t ,) t . Rigorously speaking, such an expression requires t ha t ~ f=0 ~; even if
  42. S t rong explosion of brea t h. In English a voiceless plosive t ha t is p, t ,or k is aspira t ed whenever i t s t ands as t he only consonan t a t t he beginning of
  43. Same name t o t he func t ion and t o i t s Fourier t ransform:: ~f (\omega)=\in t f (, t ,) \exp (i\omega t ) t . Rigorously speaking, such an expression requires t ha t ~
  44. Graph labelled" 50 % Modula t ion" in Figure 4. For t his simple example, y (, t ,) can be t rigonome t rically manipula t ed in t o t he following equivalen t form:: y (
  45. Sin (\omega_c t ),\, using t he following t ransform pairs:: \begin m (, t ,) \quad \s t acked\quad M (\omega) \\ \sin (\omega_c t ) \quad
  46. Tonnes in 2006. According t o t he FAO, major producers are t he USA (715,623’ t , 41 %),Spain (220,000 t ,13 %),Syria (119,648 t ,7 %),I t aly (112,796 t
  47. To demons t ra t e t he modula t ion index. The values A 1,and M 0.5,produce a y (, t ,) depic t ed by t he graph labelled" 50 % Modula t ion" in Figure 4. For t his
  48. Fluid veloci t y vec t or, \ma t h bf is t he vec t or of spa t ial coordina t es x, y,z, t ,is t he t ime, \rho_0 is t he s t a t ic mass densi t y of t he medium and \kappa is t he
  49. Of t he form: p (\ma t h bf, t ) = \ha t (\ma t h bf)~ex ~; ~~ \ma t h bf (\ma t h bf, t ,) \ha t (\ma t h bf)~ex ~; ~~ i: \sor t where \omega is t he frequency. Subs t i t u t ion
  50. Considered separa t e single le t t ers) would follow t he le t t ers d, e,g, l,n, r, t , x and z respec t ively. Nor is, in a dic t ionary of English, t he lexical sec t ion

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