Examples of the the word, communism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( communism ), is the 6565 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nanjing government. Shanghai capitalists did briefly support him out of fear of, communism ,in 1927,but this support eroded in 1928,when Chiang turned his tactics of
  2. As both transitioned from Cold War-era foreign policies of international, communism ,to pro-Western pragmatism following the fall of the Soviet Union. Albert Sidney
  3. Research being carried out by immigrants from Central Europe. At the end of the, communism , publicists and historians in Central Europe, especially anti-communist
  4. A Marxist or that he had read Was Capital, but did write that" we might see, communism ,as a springboard and asceticism that prepares the ground for more spiritual
  5. First characterized his goal as a" third form of society, the synthesis of, communism ,and property. " Individualist anarchism refers to
  6. And insurrectionary anti-organizationalist sections. Anarchist, communism ,proposes that the freest form of social organization would be a society
  7. Became public and his reputation suffered. He supported apartheid and Chinese, communism ,under Mao Zedong, and spoke against the legalization of homosexuality in the
  8. Was extirpated from Europe. Unlike Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, the end of, communism ,in this country did not automatically mean the end of the" communist" name:
  9. Of capitalism that would lead to socialism, before eventually transforming into, communism , Many socialists consider capitalism to be irrational, in that production and
  10. The Communist Party). As a distinguished writer sympathizing with the cause of, communism , he was invited to tour the Soviet Union as a guest of the Soviet Union of
  11. In the book. He is an allegory of Karl Marx and Lenin, the founders of, communism , in that he draws up the principles of the revolution. His skull being put on
  12. Does not always have a communitarian philosophy. Some forms of anarchist, communism ,such as insurrectionary anarchism are egoist and strongly influenced by radical
  13. Century Motor Company (Rand's extensive metaphor for the inherent flaws of, communism ,), as well as a hint of John Galt's true background. *Calvin Atwood is owner
  14. Agent. Goldwater emphasized his strong opposition to the worldwide spread of, communism ,in his 1960 book The Conscience of a Conservative. The book became an important
  15. At that time. It was a different time. There was a great deal of concern about, communism ,in this part of the world. Communism was a threat to the democracies in this
  16. Advocated a lifestyle that bore many similarities to later understandings of, communism , with communal ownership of land, and absolute equality for males and females
  17. Of his family. His daughter, Oriole,reported," Father's attitude towards, communism ,never changed one whit, nor about religion .... In his last months he called in
  18. Of might" exists until overridden by contract. He objected to all forms of, communism , believing that even a stateless communist society must encroach upon the
  19. Impede individual liberty and favor consensus democracy instead. In anarchist, communism , as money would be abolished, individuals would not receive direct compensation
  20. Analysis of rebellion and revolution which expressed his rejection of, communism , Upsetting many of his colleagues and contemporaries in France, the book
  21. He also jailed dissidents who were labeled by the KMT as supporters of, communism ,or Taiwan independence. Later,Chiang's son, Chiang Ching-kuo, and Chiang
  22. In the early 20th century. Mormonism and the national debate over socialism and, communism ,Mormonism has had a mixed relationship with socialism in its various forms. In
  23. Powers worst fear was that the poverty and hunger would drive the Germans to, communism , General Lucius Clay stated" There is no choice between being a communist on
  24. Mass-starvation in Germany, and with the danger of losing the entire nation to, communism , the U. S. government abandoned the Morgenthaler plan in September 1946 with
  25. Principle. " The purge, which was led by Baldwin, himself a former supporter of, communism , began with the ouster of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, a member of both the
  26. And anarchist legal philosophy reflect anti-statist interpretations of, communism , collectivism, syndicalism or participatory economics. However, anarchism has
  27. Restored democracy. This occurred at around the same time as the fall of, communism ,in Romania, Bulgaria,Hungary and Poland. Within three years communist rule was
  28. Johnson and their daughter, Oriole,who reported," Father's attitude towards, communism ,never changed one whit, nor about religion .... In his last months he called in
  29. S provocative advocacy of aggressive tactics to prevent the spread of, communism ,in Asia led to effective counterattacks from Lyndon B. Johnson and his
  30. War setting his descriptions could hardly fail to evoke comparison to Soviet, communism ,and the seeming willingness of Stalin and his successors to control those
  31. Degrees of expression in the 20th century in such movements as socialism, communism , and fascism. The least collectivist of these is social democracy, which seeks
  32. Thought ", or Maoism outside of China. It represented a powerful branch of, communism ,that existed in opposition to the Soviet Union's" Marxist revisionism ".
  33. Union brought further evidence of the superiority of market capitalism over, communism , Globalization Although international trade has been associated with the
  34. And Baku Academy of Music. After Azerbaijan gained independence, the fall of, communism ,led to development of a number of private institutions, including Afghan
  35. Anarchism enjoys complex relationships with ideologies such as Marxism, communism ,and capitalism. Anarchists may be motivated by humanism, divine authority
  36. There are variants of anarchism, such as collectivist anarchism and anarchist, communism , which are collectivist. Collectivist anarchists, particularly Mikhail Bakunin
  37. Would have free access to the resources and surplus of the commune. Anarchist, communism ,does not always have a communitarian philosophy. Some forms of anarchist
  38. Minister in 1932. * The 1955 split on communism . During the 1950s the issue of, communism ,and support for communist causes or governments caused great internal conflict
  39. Conspiracy theory" to criticize the ideologies driving fascism, nazism, and, communism , Popper argued that totalitarianism was founded on" conspiracy theories "
  40. A fierce opponent of all forms of collectivism and statism, including fascism, communism , socialism, and the welfare state. Rand believed rights should be enforced by a
  41. Activity is informed by the same ethos, as suggested by his repudiation of, communism ,after his 1936 voyage to the USSR. Early life Gide was born in Paris on 22
  42. Of Planning, keeping in close touch with those who had special knowledge on, communism , among them Year Mohammad Kiddie Far hang and Ali Mohammad Ahmad, a professor at
  43. To communist orthodoxy, Ginsberg held" his own idiosyncratic version of, communism ,". On the other hand, when Donald Mains, a New York City politician, publicly
  44. Churchill's concern with security, and his distrust of and hostility to, communism , even during the alliance imposed on him by the Nazi threat. The only direct
  45. Croatia declared independence and became a sovereign state. Since the fall of, communism ,and the end of the Croatian War of Independence, Croatia has achieved high
  46. Professor at Harvard, wrote of him:" Solzhenitsyn blamed the evils of Soviet, communism ,on the West. He rightly stressed the European origins of Marxism, but he never
  47. Relations have significantly improved since the Angolan government abandoned, communism ,and nominally embraced democracy in 1991,embracing a pro-U. S. and to a lesser
  48. Particularly Mikhail Bakunin, were among the earliest critics of authoritarian, communism , They agree with communists that the means of production should be expropriated
  49. Share-transfer to citizens. The effect of this policy has been dramatic. Under, communism , state ownership of businesses was estimated to be 97 %. Privatization through
  50. To the Nationalists and becoming Prime Minister in 1932. * The 1955 split on, communism , During the 1950s the issue of communism and support for communist causes or

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