Examples of the the word, pillar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pillar ), is the 6564 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Substructures. The main portion of the tower is a hollow concrete hexagonal, pillar ,containing the six elevators, stairwells,and power and plumbing connections.
  2. Sarah lion capital is also known as the national symbol of India. The Sarah, pillar ,bears one of the Edicts of Ashoka, an inscription against division within the
  3. Down along the present Angola (Portuguese West Africa),and erected a second, pillar , probably marking the termination of this voyage, at Cape Santa Maria (the
  4. Was now discovered (perhaps in August 1482),and marked by a Pedro, or stone, pillar ,(still existing, but only in fragments) erected on Shark Point, attesting the
  5. Diameter) with a 16-metre travel are mounted horizontally in the base of the, pillar ,which pushes a carriage (the French word for it translates as chariot and this
  6. Culture and Values Shaped the Comic Book Superhero says that Superman is both a, pillar ,of society and one whose cape conceals a" rubbish," saying," He's a
  7. Natural resources, Costa Rica ranks sixth worldwide in the natural resources, pillar , but 104th in terms of its cultural resources due to the country's limited
  8. The UK from 1987 to 1992 * Capital (architecture),the crowning member of a, pillar ,or column * Capital (fortification),a proportion of a bastion * Capital
  9. Non-religious interpretations also about the symbolism of the Ashoka capital, pillar ,at Sarah. According to them, the four lions symbolize Ashoka's rule over the
  10. For he said, I have no son to keep my name in remembrance: and he called the, pillar ,after his own name: and it is called unto this day,Absalom's monument. "
  11. Indian lions" standing back to back. It was originally placed atop the Asoka, pillar ,at Sarah, now in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The pillar , sometimes
  12. Atop the Asoka pillar at Sarah, now in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The, pillar , sometimes called the Asoka Column is still in its original location, but the
  13. Which reads," No one shall cause division in the order of monks ". The Sarah, pillar ,is a column surmounted by a capital, which consists of a canopy representing an
  14. Unfinished pillar s of the front aisle are worth noting for the evolution of the, pillar ,style. The earliest pillar s are simple, roughly shaped on four sides. Post
  15. Secretary-General is located in Brussels. It is the central administrative, pillar ,of the Benelux Economic Union. It handles the secretariat of the Committee of
  16. Wooden prototypes, or wanted stable supports, so they included one central, pillar ,in their lower story. The simple octagonal pillar s are bare, unlike the pillar s
  17. Today preserved at the Topeka Palace in Istanbul, Turkey ), put up a memorial, pillar ,to himself in the Forum of Taurus, and turned the ruined temple of Aphrodite
  18. Of divisions before dying. This is known as the Hay flick limit, and is now a, pillar ,of biology. J. A. Minkowski has argued that, while " immortal" strains of
  19. To install a relatively standard and modern cable hoisted system in the north, pillar ,using a cable-hauled counterbalance weight, but hoisted by a block and tackle
  20. Sung in some Eastern Orthodox churches.: O Holy father Athanasius, : like a, pillar ,of orthodoxy: you refuted the heretical nonsense of Arius: by insisting that
  21. Day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a, pillar ,to the LORD at its border. " The first Christians in Egypt were common people
  22. Charlemagne forced the Engrains in 773 to submit and cut down an Arminius, pillar ,near Paderborn. The campaign was cut short by his first expedition to Italy. He
  23. Is the most popular of the relics left by Ashoka. Made of sandstone, this, pillar , records the visit of the emperor to Sarah, in the 3rd century BC. It has a
  24. Travel. The counterbalance is clearly visible within the structure of the North, pillar , This latter elevator was upgraded in 1995 with new cars and computer controls.
  25. Had been a famous and bloody battle, settled nothing. On 939 Æthelstan, the ", pillar ,of the dignity of the western world" in the words of the Annals of Ulster
  26. As often as I mention him who was possessed of all virtues. He was the true, pillar ,of the church. His life and conduct were the rule of bishops, and his doctrine
  27. 20 % against the US dollar since 2005. The state still dominates in strategic ", pillar ," industries (such as energy and heavy industries),but private enterprise (
  28. The foundation being ready for construction on top. To build the main support, pillar , a hydraulically-raised slip form was built at the base. This was a fairly
  29. Big/old breadfruit" and people of Maori called this star as Poutu-te-rangi,", pillar ,of heaven ". Japan Airlines' Starlet 777-200 JA8983 was named Altair. In
  30. European Court of Human Rights should be recognized as the pre-eminent judicial, pillar ,of any future architecture. It has also been applied to the body of "
  31. The Pillars of Hercules flank the Strait of Gibraltar. Clearly, the European, pillar ,is the Rock of Gibraltar; the African pillar was presumably either Monte Macho
  32. Since the second century. Indeed, Hippocrates used the term Columbia (little, pillar ,). Avicenna named the clitoris the Alberta or Virgo (rod). Albucasis, an
  33. Has been discovered from various inscriptions, including the Blanking, pillar ,inscription written by Sri Cesar Narmada in 914 AD and mentioning "
  34. Of the difference in latitude. In his time, the noon was simply a vertical, pillar ,or rod mounted on a horizontal plane. The position of its shadow on the plane
  35. Cochineal dye industry in Central America. Particularly in South America dead, pillar ,cacti can yield valuable wood for construction. Some cacti are also of
  36. The 18th century itself, the music historian Charles Burned was sent from, pillar ,to post in search of places where the operation was carried out:" I inquired
  37. Elevators and were scrapped from the South pillar in 1900 and from the North, pillar ,in 1913 after failed attempts to re-power them with an electric motor. The
  38. Gibraltar. Clearly, the European pillar is the Rock of Gibraltar; the African, pillar ,was presumably either Monte Macho in Ceuta or Rebel Must in Morocco. The Roman
  39. The Buddha is seated. Goddess: There is a goddess on the bracket of the first, pillar ,on left in the interior. She is standing under a fully blossomed tree.
  40. Their way into" vanilla" markets. The former niche expanded to an important, pillar ,of the business with adult accessories. Today practically all suppliers of sex
  41. Letitia, the civets capital of the Celtic Paris ii. The distinctive stone, pillar ,is an important monument of Gallo-Roman religion. Its low reliefs depict and
  42. Robin then comes into shot and joins his new partner. They both leap off the, pillar , towards the camera. A rough edit of the first half of the scene appears on the
  43. Time the Parliament and Commission had been strengthened inside the Community, pillar ,curbing the ability of the Council to act independently. The development of the
  44. Illusion created by the slower recording speed of the camera. A column or, pillar ,in architecture and structural engineering is a vertical structural element
  45. Updated the kit, adding white sleeves and changing the shade to a brighter, pillar ,box red. Two possibilities have been suggested for the origin of the white
  46. To the new (in 1899) French elevators and were scrapped from the South, pillar ,in 1900 and from the North pillar in 1913 after failed attempts to re-power
  47. S catacombs, known as Km al-Shoqafa, are a short distance southwest of the, pillar , consist of a multi-level labyrinth, reached via a large spiral staircase, and
  48. The Bat-Signal shines on the night sky and Batman is standing on a, pillar ,looking ahead. Robin then comes into shot and joins his new partner. They both
  49. To God" and a scene from the Book of Exodus, with Moses, the Israelites,the, pillar ,of fire, and George III depicted as pharaoh. The design that was produced was
  50. Pattern. The terminology is taken from architectural analogy, where a column, pillar ,is beneath the (often stylized) head capital, which is also a biological

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