Examples of the the word, confession , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Retroactively filled with grace by Christian or, in rare circumstances, confession ,of faith alone as long as the baptism was done in the name of the Holy Trinity
  2. To organize the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Malobabić made an implied, confession ,to a priest before he was executed. Vulović's confession came at trial where
  3. Used casuistry, particularly in practicing the private Roman Catholic, confession , The term casuistry quickly became pejorative with Blaine Pascal's attack on
  4. Person must confess during the celebration of the sacrament of anointing, this, confession , replaces the penitential rite A passage of Scripture is read, and the priest
  5. Episcopal churches include: * Certain national churches of the Lutheran, confession ,* Some churches listed in the article titled Episcopal Church (
  6. Did not say that non-Christians were actively denied salvation:" ... this, confession ,does not deny salvation to non-Christians, but points to its ultimate source in
  7. Made an implied confession to a priest before he was executed. Vulović's, confession ,came at trial where he said he received orders signed by Serbia's top military
  8. Which was used to wrap one of the victims. Misspelled quickly recanted his, confession , citing intimidation, coercion,fatigue, and veiled threats from police. Police
  9. Homily. There are a variety of congregational prayers, including thanksgiving, confession , and intercession, which occur throughout the service and take a variety of
  10. In later life: After starting his writing career by writing for" true, confession ," style pulp magazines like True Story, van Vogt decided to switch to writing
  11. Of prayer is the law of belief" ) as the foundation of Anglican identity and, confession , Protracted conflict through the seventeenth century with more radical
  12. The theology of an eponymous founder (such as Calvinism),nor summed up in a, confession ,of faith beyond the ecumenical creeds (such as the Lutheran Book of Concord).
  13. A need to convert to Judaism. The author writes," Let us hold fast to our, confession , " The book could be argued to affirm special creation. It affirms that God by
  14. Misspelled specifically said he was" scared of the police" during his first, confession , Portions of Misskelley's statements to the police were leaked to the press
  15. Generally reserve a period of time for self-examination and private, silent, confession , just before partaking in the Lord's Supper. Foot washing Seventh Day Adventists
  16. Government of Russia. Before being shot, Dragutin Dimitrijević made a written, confession ,to the court that he had ordered Made Malobabić to organize the assassination
  17. The music behind 'grace' sounded graceful. There was a rise at the point of, confession , as though the author was stepping out into the open and making a bold
  18. Tradition),and the Eucharist, Holy Orders, Reconciliation of a Penitent (, confession ,), Anointing of the Sick, and Matrimony. Symbols The cross, which is today one
  19. With the Orthodox Church. If he has been baptized in another Christian, confession ,(other than Orthodox Christianity)his previous baptism is considered
  20. Then, rob them of their possessions without any formal accusation, without, confession , and without legal trial and conviction, contrary to the privileges granted to
  21. As a hymn of response to forgiveness of sin or as an assurance of pardon; as a, confession ,of faith or after the sermon. " Notes
  22. Only two sacraments, the Eucharist and Baptism (though some Lutherans add, confession ,), deeming Anointing only a humanly-instituted rite. Non-traditional Protestant
  23. Of community and religious leaders (16b-18),social regulation (19-25),and, confession ,of identity and loyalty (26). *Chapters 27-28: Blessings and curses for those
  24. Belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God, his death and resurrection, and, confession , of Christ as Lord); grace; the Kingdom of God; last things (Jesus Christ will
  25. Anathemas posthumously declared orthodox with the intent of condemning any, confession ,other than one nature in Christ. Roman Legate Hilary, who as pope dedicated an
  26. Movement, there arose greater concern for reunion of the churches of" Catholic, confession , " This desire to work towards full communion with other denominations led to
  27. Were based on the older liturgy but influenced by Protestant principles. The, confession ,of the reformed Church of England was set out in the Forty-two Articles (later
  28. Serena goes on to note that Speer's original draft of his memoirs lacks the, confession ,and Hitler's tearful reaction, and contains an explicit denial that any
  29. Is longer and polemical, as well as didactic, it is not called a creed but a, confession ,of faith. The terms" creed" and" faith" are sometimes used to mean religion
  30. Two years ago. One of Alexander's radical associates manages to extract a, confession ,from Alex after removing him from F. Alexander's home and lock him in a
  31. Cried," ... the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth. " She made a, confession ,that the Israelites had failed to make. After more than three years of drought
  32. Was first questioned on June 3,1993,a day after Hutcheson's purported, confession , Hutches on was unable to recall the Wicca meeting location, and did not name
  33. Book Erich Maria Remarque says" This book is to be neither an accusation nor a, confession , and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who
  34. But he also offered his art to a wider purpose,“ My art is really a voluntary, confession ,and an attempt to explain to myself my relationship with life—it is, therefore
  35. Opposed to the use of creeds as a test of faith. They believed that the simple, confession ,that Jesus Christ is Lord was sufficient to unite all Christians. They
  36. And with the Canaanites still present everywhere. Chapters 1:1-2:5 are thus a, confession ,of failure; chapters 2:6-3:6 are a major summary and reflection from the
  37. Autobiography through the ages The classical period: Apologia, oration, confession , In antiquity such works were typically entitled in reference to this tradition.
  38. In your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. That, confession ,of Christ as Lord and sincere belief in his resurrection is sufficient for
  39. 230 times, and express the theme that the true mark of a Christian is the, confession ,of Jesus as the true Lord. Paul viewed the superiority of the Christian
  40. In order to get at the bottom of the mystery of the flight. On 18 February a ", confession ," was extorted from Alexei which implicated most of his friends, and he then
  41. Has confessed is merely one more fact that is entered into evidence, and a, confession ,by the defendant does not remove the requirement that the prosecution present a
  42. Penitential practices for those repenting of sins, which emphasized private, confession ,to a priest, followed by penances levied by the priest in reparation for the
  43. But at the same time He is present. In their desire to maintain a rigid, confession ,of unity, they stripped from God all attributes (Tania) which may lead to
  44. S marriage to the Duke of Lennon, and had" persuaded him to make a public, confession ,to the Queen in the ambassador's presence, accusing his former friends of
  45. And Hitler's tearful reaction, and contains an explicit denial that any, confession ,or emotional exchange took place, as had been alleged in a French magazine
  46. Histological heresies of Nestorianism and Eutychianism. A need for a clear, confession ,against Arianism arose in Western Europe when the Ostrogoths and Visigoths, who
  47. And Arminians. The first Baptists–called" General Baptists" because of their, confession ,of a" general" or unlimited atonement, were Arminians. The Baptist movement
  48. Jurisdictions the defendant must have allocation of her or his crime, a false, confession ,will not be accepted even in common law courts. By contrast, in an
  49. Defining statements of Anglicanism doctrine. Other articles and creeds The, confession ,of faith of Westminster is one of many evangelical creeds that give articles of
  50. Letters (1656–7) he scolded the Jesuits for using casuistic reasoning in, confession ,to placate wealthy Church donors, while punishing poor penitents. Pascal

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