Examples of the the word, supplemental , in a Sentence Context
The word ( supplemental ), is the 6858 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- At Six Flags Magic Mountain. *1978 – First ascent of Mount Everest without, supplemental ,oxygen, by Reinhold Messier and Peter Labeled. *1980 – The eradication of
- The complex instrumental textures of their albums, the band used pre-recorded, supplemental ,backing tracks in live performances. Although that practice has now become
- Capacity left him incapable of prolonged exertion and frequently in need of, supplemental ,oxygen, within a few years of his operation he chewed tobacco and began smoking
- Bilateral relationship. " In late May 2007,President Bush signed into law a, supplemental ,spending bill for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that included an earmark of
- And adaptations of the Pre-Vatican II Roman Rite and Serum Rite, along with, supplemental ,material from cognate western sources, to provide such things as a common of
- Abraham Bulgaria for differing views of this matter. *Shaman Yeshiva: The ", supplemental ,soul" that a Jew can experience on Shabbat. It makes possible an enhanced
- Of entrained organics by flotation and settling processes; and Supply of, supplemental ,Dissolved Oxygen (DO) when biological treatment systems experience temporary
- The Book of Mormon, a sacred text published in 1830 regarded by the faith as a, supplemental ,Testament to the Bible. Adherents believe that the book was translated from an
- Ian Murdock (August 1993: March 1996),founder of the Debian Project A, supplemental ,position, Debian Second in Charge (2IC),was created by Anthony Towns. Steve
- 205 C-17s were on contract with the USAF. A contract for eight C-17s from the, supplemental ,war funding bill has not yet been awarded. On 18 December 2009,the US Senate
- Proved to be a very popular alternative milieu, so much so that much of the, supplemental ,material is now included in the core rule book. Pagan Publishing has released a
- To institute local sales taxes and special local taxes, such as the 0.5 %, supplemental ,sales tax in Minneapolis. Excise taxes are levied on alcohol, tobacco,and
- Slapstick humor and other physical comedy, but these were now frequently, supplemental ,to the verbal interaction. Another common comic production from the 1930s was
- Equipment includes a winch (maximum load capacity 6,000 lb (2,700 kg) ) and, supplemental ,armor. The M1025/M1026 and M1043/M1044 armament carriers provide mounting and
- In which postmenopausal women took 3 mg of boron a day. The results showed that, supplemental ,boron reduced excretion of calcium by 44 %, and activated estrogen and vitamin
- Countries provide basic or" sick" coverage only; their citizens can purchase, supplemental ,insurance for additional coverage. The European Commission's
- Electricity usage. Sales of alcoholic beverages account for added taxes. A 10 %, supplemental ,mixed drink tax is imposed on the sale of alcoholic beverages (excluding beer
- 1987 Chromium issued the supplement titled Cthulhu Now, a collection of rules, supplemental ,source materials and scenarios for playing Call of Cthulhu in the present day.
- Total of three times in the 1961 and 1962 seasons. Oakland took part in a 1961, supplemental , draft meant to boost the weaker teams in the league, but it did little good.
- 20 % interest),with some games, mainly on Wednesday evenings, airing over the, supplemental ,CAN+ channel. CIU came into the fold in the early 2000s due to demands by The
- The level of arterial pO2 is restored toward normal capacity. A small amount of, supplemental ,oxygen reduces the equivalent altitude in climate-controlled rooms. At 4000 m
- Inscribed on the same chord and on opposite sides of the chord, then they are, supplemental , ** For a cyclic quadrilateral, the exterior angle is equal to the interior
- Church's book is always released into the public domain. Trial use and, supplemental ,liturgies are however copyrighted by Church Publishing, the official publishing
- In remote sites where there is no access to a commercial power grid, or as a, supplemental ,electricity source for individual homes and businesses. Recent advances in
- Publication. Many printed encyclopedias traditionally published annual, supplemental ,volumes (" yearbooks" ) to update events between editions, as a partial
- Matres elections did not suffice to indicate the vowels precisely enough, so a, supplemental ,vowel pointing systems (unique) (diacritic symbols indicating vowel
- On colorectal cancer *A randomized controlled trial found that 1400–1500 mg, supplemental ,calcium and 1100 IU vitamin D3 reduced aggregated cancers with a relative risk
- Annex U – Enhanced reference picture selection mode * Annex W – Additional, supplemental ,enhancement information specification * Annex X (originally specified in 2001
- Books. A 256-page companion volume, Shadow Knight, was published in 1993. This, supplemental ,rule book includes the remaining elements from the Merlin novels, such as
- Become more prominent. The following is a list of" false document" in-canon, supplemental ,material: **The Autobiography of F. B. I. Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life
- The fetus is very slow. However, during this time, the mare should be provided, supplemental ,vitamins and minerals, particularly if forage quality is questionable.
- China" after its ruling party. In the 1970s,the KMT began to allow for ", supplemental ,elections" in Taiwan to fill the seats with the aging representatives in
- Curiosities. Many tourists visit the ruins each year, however,providing, supplemental ,income to the tourist industry. On 22 August 1943 a V-1 flying bomb (numbered
- To be significantly more effective. ADHD In December 2004,Teflon submitted a, supplemental ,new drug application (soda) to market Sharon, a brand name of tablets
- Of Major League Baseball's all-time leading home-run hitter Barry Bonds ', supplemental ,chemical regimen that included Modafinil in addition to anabolic steroids and
- Regulated by the state's Department of Elementary and Secondary Education A, supplemental ,education program, the Missouri Scholars Academy, provides an extracurricular
- Bedrock. It took nine years (1938–47) under relative secrecy, to complete the, supplemental ,grout curtain. Concrete The first concrete was poured into the dam on June 6
- S Randolph Carter, and Wells' Time Traveler on a strange journey in the, supplemental ,Allan and the Sundered Veil. Later, he is seen leading the Green Martians in a
- Or food processor may be required for kneading. The added gluten provides, supplemental ,protein to products with low or nonexistent protein levels. Imitation meats
- As repeatedly reactive and undergoes confirmatory testing with a more specific, supplemental ,test (e.g., Western blot or, less commonly, an immunofluorescence assay (IFA
- The Columbia well downstream from the discovery site; and it lent credence to, supplemental ,speculation placing the drop zone near the Washout River, which merges with
- Available space. Windings that use thicker conductors are often wrapped with, supplemental ,fiberglass insulating tape. Windings may also be impregnated with insulating
- Assessments, and goals. Throughout the year, tutors must attend two other, supplemental ,resource workshops to further their tutor training. Local loop unbundling (FLU
- But this of course required the reader to check both the main volumes and the, supplemental ,volumes. Some disk-based encyclopedias offer subscription-based access to
- Bodies; players in less formal settings are free to implement agreed-upon, supplemental ,or substitute rules at will. Rule infractions An infraction is any action which
- Adopted by the Sassanian Persians starting in the 3rd century CE, where it was, supplemental ,to the scale and patellar types already used. It was commonly also used as
- All together The German company SkySails has developed ship-pulling kites as a, supplemental ,power source for cargo ships, first tested in January 2008 on the ship MS
- The Norris's book * A song in the video game Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies. In, supplemental ,materials, the official designation of the enemy Yellow Squadron is Aquila
- As part of that decision, the G-20 leaders pledged to increase the IMF’s, supplemental ,cash tenfold to $500 billion, and to allocate to member countries another $250
- To Israeli law, the exercise of the right to remain silent may be considered as, supplemental ,evidence in most cases, and this fact also needs to be explained to the suspect
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