Examples of the the word, punishment , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, corporal, punishment , administered to children by their parent or legal guardian is not legally
  2. A wrong a more powerful motive for leaving it undone, in the inescapable, punishment , Accordingly, the criminal code is as complete a register as possible of
  3. But an accidental application of force is not an assault. The potential, punishment ,for an assault in Canada varies depending on the manner in which the charge
  4. To hell. In the 1990s,the Catechism of the Catholic Church defined hell not as, punishment ,imposed on the sinner but rather as the sinner's self-exclusion from God.
  5. Young students, focusing on a conversational style, and avoided traditional, punishment , He hoped to perfect the human spirit and, to that end, advocated a vegan diet
  6. Above the ideas of society. Some Christian believers have come to downplay the, punishment ,of hell. Universalist's teach that salvation is for all. Jehovah's Witnesses
  7. Mind: Camus publicly reversed himself and became a lifelong opponent of capital, punishment , Camus played as goalkeeper for Racing Universities d'Alger (RUA won both the
  8. Capital punishment anywhere in the world. He wrote an essay against capital, punishment ,in collaboration with Arthur Koestler, the writer, intellectual and founder of
  9. In The Knights that wealthy citizens could regard civic responsibilities as, punishment ,imposed on them by demagogues and populists like Clean. Thus, the political
  10. Reasonable" varies in both statutory law and case law. Unreasonable physical, punishment ,may be charged as assault or under a separate statute for child abuse. Many
  11. The Fall, published the previous year, but for his writings against capital, punishment ,in the essay" Reflections SUR la Guillotine" ( Reflections on the Guillotine)
  12. Wisdom as one's errors are reviewed. Others view this period to include, punishment ,for past wrongs. At the end of this period, approximately one year, the soul
  13. Mute" ) was subject to pane forte et due (Law French for" strong and hard, punishment ,"). Today in common-law jurisdictions, the court enters a plea of not guilty
  14. Leapt up, Alcmene was released from her spell and gave birth to Heracles. As, punishment ,for deceiving Lucia, Galanthis was transformed into a weasel; she continued to
  15. Hermes gives her the money the sisters have already offered to Athena. As, punishment ,for Aglaulus's greed, Athena asks the goddess Envy to make Assaults jealous of
  16. Beliefs Alcott was fundamentally and philosophically opposed to corporal, punishment ,as a means of disciplining his students. Instead, beginning at the Temple
  17. In which a man was on trial for his life. However, the idea of capital, punishment ,disgusted him. After he left home before the age of eighteen, his main interest
  18. Where he had earlier studied and learned some Necronomicons lore. As, punishment ,for betraying their secrets, Alhazred was tortured. Then they blinded him
  19. The crow and turned all crows black (where they were previously white) as a, punishment ,for spreading untruths. When he found out the truth he sent his sister, Artemis
  20. Punishment In some jurisdictions such as Singapore, judicial corporal, punishment ,is part of the legal system. The officers who administer the punishment have
  21. Of the damned. Hell, however,does not fit modern, humanitarian concepts of, punishment ,because it cannot deter the unbeliever nor rehabilitate the damned, this
  22. Including some US states, also permit the use of less severe corporal, punishment ,for children in school. In English law,s58 Children Act 2004,limits the
  23. Punishment is part of the legal system. The officers who administer the, punishment ,have immunity from prosecution for assault. In the United States, the United
  24. She reported it to the rest of the class and, as a whole, they deliberated on, punishment , At times, Alcott offered his own hand for an offending student to strike
  25. Temple, Athena changed Medusa's form to match that of her sister Gorgons as, punishment , Medusa's hair turned into snakes, her lower body was transformed also, and
  26. And promise due to its early flowering, symbolizing God's sudden and rapid, punishment ,of His people; in Jeremiah 1:11–12,for instance. In the Bible the almond is
  27. And Buddhism, believe that one's status in the afterlife is a reward or, punishment ,for their conduct during life. Most atheists tend not to believe in life after
  28. The souls of the faithful who at death have not been cleansed from the temporal, punishment ,due to venial sins and from attachment to mortal sins cannot immediately attain
  29. Be legal? " For safeguarding the lives of citizens," he asserted," capital, punishment ,is therefore absolutely necessary. "" The murderer," wrote Schopenhauer,"
  30. To all criminal actions that can possibly be imagined …. " Should capital, punishment ,be legal? " For safeguarding the lives of citizens," he asserted," capital
  31. Method induced, he believed, was far superior to the fear instilled by corporal, punishment ,; when he used physical" correction" he required that the students be
  32. To Tartarus forever, but was instead sentenced to one year of hard labor as, punishment , due to the intercession of his mother, Leto. During this time he served as
  33. Kill you, or exhibit you in the streets of Constantinople. ": Alp Asian:" My, punishment ,is far heavier. I forgive you, and set you free. " Alp Arslan's victories
  34. During its earthly existence. The Zohar describes Gehenna not as a place of, punishment ,for the wicked but as a place of spiritual purification for souls. Reform and
  35. The many lovers, but the my theme of Artemis shooting Orion, was linked to her, punishment ,of Actaeon by T. C. W. Stanton; the Greek context of the mortal's reproach to
  36. The Emperor agreed to hand over 6,000 Roman pounds (ca. 2000 kg) of gold as, punishment ,for having disobeyed the terms of the treaty during the invasion; the yearly
  37. Revolution in October. Camus maintained his pacifism and resisted capital, punishment ,anywhere in the world. He wrote an essay against capital punishment in
  38. Up the question of innocent suffering. Panel may argue that the plague is a, punishment ,for sin, but how does he reconcile that doctrine with the death of a child? The
  39. Public security. " Schopenhauer disagreed with those who would abolish capital, punishment , " Those who would like to abolish it should be given the answer: 'First remove
  40. Or a permanent injunction. Criminal cases may lead to fines or other, punishment , such as imprisonment. The famous Latin Response Prudential (" answers of the
  41. By an intelligent being such as a god. It cannot independently bestow reward or, punishment , Philosophy Ayn Rand (; born Alisa Minor'Evan Rosenbaum, – March 6,1982) was
  42. But a test for us and to determine each individual's ultimate abode be it, punishment ,or Janna in the afterlife, which is eternal and everlasting. In the 20th
  43. Not a central tenet of the Jewish afterlife. According to the Talmud, eternal, punishment , is reserved for a much smaller group of malicious and evil leaders, either
  44. That he would escape the dangers of the sea in defiance of the immortals. In, punishment ,for this presumption, Poseidon split the rock with his trident and Ajax was
  45. Number of a community's members sat in judgment upon its criminals. Capital, punishment ,did not exist, nor did the community resort to imprisonment. Beating was
  46. With the story of how God sent angels to Abraham with the announcement of the, punishment ,to be imposed upon Lot's people in Sodom and Gomorrah (51: 24-34; 25: 51-60)
  47. Of Rome and Alexandria (i.e., the Nicene faith),or be handed over for, punishment ,for not doing so. Although much of the church hierarchy in the East had opposed
  48. Trial. He also asserted the principle, that the trial was to be held, and the, punishment ,inflicted, in the place where the crime had been committed. He mitigated the
  49. Be given the answer: 'First remove murder from the world, and then capital, punishment ,ought to follow. '" Seneca, Hobbes,Dübendorf, and Anselm Auerbach.
  50. In Paradise, the merely virtuous who await their reward, the wicked who await, punishment , and the wicked who have already been punished and will not be resurrected on

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