Examples of the the word, strand , in a Sentence Context

The word ( strand ), is the 5334 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Known as DNA intercalates, fit into the gap between adjacent bases on a single, strand ,and induce frameshift mutations by" masquerading" as a base, causing the DNA
  2. H-bonded to β strand 1,which is H-bonded to β strand 3,which is H-bonded to β, strand ,4,which is H-bonded to β strand 5,the other edge strand . In the same system
  3. Conformation and involved in backbone hydrogen bonds to at least one other, strand ,; by contrast, a β sheet refers to an assembly of at least two such β strand s
  4. Dedicated to a current band or performer. On Sundays, Channel 4's 4Music, strand , aired between 17:00 and midnight on The Hits. The first 'episode' was
  5. The successive β strand s alternate directions so that the N-terminus of one, strand ,is adjacent to the C-terminus of the next. This is the arrangement that
  6. A foot to land, : We'll rouse to arms like sires of yore, : To guard our native, strand ,;: Britannia then shall surely know, : Though oceans roll between, : Her sons in
  7. Bonds, forming a generally twisted, pleated sheet. A beta strand (also β, strand ,) is a stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino acids long with
  8. Process where genetic information in DNA is used to produce a complementary RNA, strand , This RNA strand is then processed to give messenger RNA (mRNA),which is
  9. Of softwood allow Alberta to produce large quantities of lumber, oriented, strand , board (OSB) and plywood, and several plants in northern Alberta supply North
  10. One another in a helical fashion so that successive repetitions of the same, strand ,hydrogen-bond with each other in a parallel orientation. See the beta helix
  11. Out explicitly, β strand 2 is H-bonded to β strand 1,which is H-bonded to β, strand ,3,which is H-bonded to β strand 4,which is H-bonded to β strand 5,the other
  12. DNA sequences illustrate pair double- strand ed patterns. By convention, the top, strand ,is written from the 5' end to the 3' end; thus, the bottom strand is written
  13. Reaction (PCR),transcription mediated amplification (TMA),and the DNA, strand ,displacement amplification (SDA) now are the mainstays. NEAT for chlamydia
  14. Parallel β sheet with topology 21345; thus, the edge strand s are β, strand ,2 and β strand 5 along the backbone. Spelled out explicitly, β strand 2 is
  15. A ball when viewed from fairly near (3-dimensional),or a curved, strand ,(1-dimensional),he argued that the dimensions of an object are relative to
  16. To different residues altogether, or to none at all. Finally, an individual, strand ,may exhibit a mixed bonding pattern, with a parallel strand on one side and an
  17. And brings the two cells together. 3- The mobile plasmid is nicked and a single, strand ,of DNA is then transferred to the recipient cell. 4- Both cells synthesize a
  18. Or superficial layer of an organ * Cortex (hair),the middle layer of a, strand ,of hair Organs * the Adrenal cortex, the portion of the Adrenal gland
  19. Network with their neighbors in which the N-H groups in the backbone of one, strand ,establish hydrogen bonds with the C=O groups in the backbone of the adjacent
  20. Bp = base pair (s)—one BP corresponds to circa 3.4 Å of length along the, strand ,In case of single strand ed DNA/RNA units of nucleotides are used, abbreviated
  21. Gazelles (a major euphemistic symbol of 'the young beloved' in the Hebrew, strand ,of the medieval love poetry of the region),but these have since been lost
  22. Which uracil is substituted for thymine where uracil takes its place in the RNA, strand ,: AUCGAUUGAGCUCUAGCG UAGCUAACUCGAGAUCGC Length measurements The following
  23. Such as Alzheimer's disease. Nomenclature In the most common usage, β, strand , refers to a single continuous stretch of amino acids adopting an extended
  24. Then small molecules. But conformation of the DNA molecule, such as % single, strand , super coiling, etc., is also a factor. When analyzing molecules by size, it is
  25. Are β strand 2 and β strand 5 along the backbone. Spelled out explicitly, β, strand ,2 is H-bonded to β strand 1,which is H-bonded to β strand 3,which is H-bonded
  26. Is H-bonded to β strand 4,which is H-bonded to β strand 5,the other edge, strand , In the same system, the Greek key motif described above has a 4123 topology.
  27. Applied. Hence, the Roman Catholic Church does not regard itself as a party or, strand ,within the universal church – but rather identifies itself as the universal
  28. Constantine. Eugenics, in his later works, is the best representative of this, strand ,of Constantine propaganda. Mauritius' prescripts were declared invalid, and
  29. The top strand is written from the 5' end to the 3' end; thus, the bottom, strand ,is written 3' to 5 '.: A base-paired DNA sequence: ATCGATTGAGCTCTAGCG
  30. A noncoding control region containing the origin of replication for the heavy, strand , In between a grouping of five tRNAs genes, a sequence resembling vertebrate
  31. DNA fragment essentially involves four steps # fragmentation - breaking apart a, strand ,of DNA # ligation - gluing together pieces of DNA in a desired sequence #
  32. H-bonded to β strand 3,which is H-bonded to β strand 4,which is H-bonded to β, strand ,5,the other edge strand . In the same system, the Greek key motif described
  33. The C=O groups in the backbone of the adjacent strand s. In the fully extended β, strand , successive side chains point straight up, then straight down, then straight up
  34. Motif The psi-loop, Ψ-loop, motif consists of two antiparallel strand s with one, strand ,in between that is connected to both by hydrogen bonds. There are four possible
  35. In a way that many of his recent predecessors had not, and asserting a new, strand ,of Liberalism for the post-war world. The new middle-class suburban generation
  36. Of softwood allow Alberta to produce large quantities of lumber, oriented, strand , board (OSB) and plywood, and several plants in northern Alberta supply North
  37. An individual strand may exhibit a mixed bonding pattern, with a parallel, strand ,on one side and an antiparallel strand on the other. Such arrangements are less
  38. Altruism is central to the teachings of Jesus, one important and influential, strand ,of Christianity would qualify this. St Thomas Aquinas in the Summat Theological
  39. Transferred to the recipient cell. 4- Both cells synthesize a complementary, strand ,to produce a double- strand ed circular plasmid and also reproduce pile; both
  40. 5 along the backbone. Spelled out explicitly, β strand 2 is H-bonded to β, strand ,1,which is H-bonded to β strand 3,which is H-bonded to β strand 4,which is
  41. There is the linker histone,H₁,which contacts the exit/entry of the DNA, strand ,on the nucleosome. The nucleosome core particle, together with histone H₁,is
  42. In between that is connected to both by hydrogen bonds. There are four possible, strand ,topologies for single Loops as cited by Hutchinson et al. (1990). This
  43. A grouping of five tRNAs genes, a sequence resembling vertebrate origin of light, strand ,replication is found. It is difficult to draw evolutionary conclusions because
  44. A mixed bonding pattern, with a parallel strand on one side and an antiparallel, strand ,on the other. Such arrangements are less common than a random distribution of
  45. Β sheet with topology 21345; thus, the edge strand s are β strand 2 and β, strand ,5 along the backbone. Spelled out explicitly, β strand 2 is H-bonded to β
  46. Information in DNA is used to produce a complementary RNA strand . This RNA, strand ,is then processed to give messenger RNA (mRNA),which is free to migrate
  47. Backbone hydrogen bonds, forming a generally twisted, pleated sheet. A beta, strand ,(also β strand ) is a stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino
  48. In DNA upstream of each constant region gene (except in the chain). The DNA, strand ,is broken by the activity of a series of enzymes at two selected S-regions. The
  49. The most critical burn of the flight, as any failure of the SPS to ignite would, strand ,the crew in Lunar orbit, with little hope of escape. As with the previous burn
  50. Mesothelium covering the gut with that lining the body wall. The wall of each, strand ,is made of mesothelium, and surrounds a space filled with fluid, thought to be

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