Examples of the the word, bundle , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In a collection without describing how they are tied together. For example, bundle ,theory regards an apple as red, four inches (100 mm) wide, and juicy but
  2. Spaces. In each of the above cases, the functor sends each space to its tangent, bundle ,and it sends each function to its derivative. There is one requirement for such
  3. There is no substance in which the properties inhere. Arguments for the, bundle ,theory The difficulty in conceiving of or describing an object without also
  4. Property is not essentially a 'right to a thing ', but rather a separable, bundle ,of rights subsisting between persons which may vary according to the context
  5. Contained in much smaller (10 cm diameter),easier to fabricate tubes. Each, bundle ,is a cylinder assembled from alloy tubes containing ceramic pellets of fuel. In
  6. Also conceiving of or describing its properties is a common justification for, bundle ,theory, especially among current philosophers in the Anglo-American tradition.
  7. Berg," mountain" * was Repack," luggage, baggage " from her Pack," pack, bundle , pile" * was Refuge," poultry, fowl (birds) " from late MHG deluge (e
  8. Of a collection ( bundle ) of properties, relations or tropes. According to, bundle ,theory, an object consists of its properties and nothing more: thus neither can
  9. Software. Timeline * In late 2005,AOL released AOL Safety & Security Center,a, bundle ,of McAfee antivirus, CA anti-spyware, and proprietary firewall and phishing
  10. To New Statesman::’ ’” I left the Church of England because there was a huge, bundle ,of straw. The ordination of women was the last straw, but it was only one of
  11. Works of Basis and Butt-head (ISBN 978-1-4165-2436-6). This book is a, bundle ,of four previous books (Encyclopedia, Huh Huh for Hollywood, The Butt-Files
  12. Argument concludes that the conceptual challenge of bare particulars leaves a, bundle ,of properties and nothing more as the only possible conception of an object
  13. The same object if there is no substance in which they both inhere. Traditional, bundle ,theory, according to Professor Dustin Moriarty, explains the com presence of
  14. Mac LAN product which was discontinued by CA in 2007. Group Logic continues to, bundle ,its Applejack protocol with its ExtremeZ-IP server software for
  15. Eye itself, while abnormalities such as optic nerve hyperplasia affect the nerve, bundle ,that sends signals from the eye to the back of the brain, which can lead to
  16. Form should be the curvature form of a connection of a Hermitian line, bundle , which is called a quantization. Bombay Sapphire is a brand of gin
  17. Or dominant ways to view categories as of the end of the 20th century. #via, bundle ,theory as bundle s of properties - categories reflect differences in these #via
  18. Ways: # Counter-clockwise rotation aligns the flagella into a single rotating, bundle , causing the bacterium to swim in a straight line. # Clockwise rotation breaks
  19. Without properties nor can one even conceive of such an object; for example, bundle ,theory claims that thinking of an apple compels one also to think of its color
  20. To the bundle theory Objections to bundle theory concern the nature of the, bundle ,of properties, the properties' relation (the togetherness relation between
  21. Redness and juiciness inhere in an apple, making the apple red and juicy. The, bundle ,theory of substance explains com presence. Specifically, it maintains that
  22. Theory about object hood in which an object consists only of a collection (, bundle ,) of properties, relations or tropes. According to bundle theory, an object
  23. M (20 inches) long and weighs about 20 kg (44 lb) and replaces the 37-tube, bundle , To allow the neutrons to flow freely between the bundle s, the tubes and
  24. Map provides the link between the two alternate definitions of the cotangent, bundle ,given above. Given a function f ∈ Ix (a smooth function vanishing at x) we
  25. Then by a bare particular or by any other non-empirical underlying strata. The, bundle ,theory of substance thus rejects the substance theories of Aristotle, Descartes
  26. Bacterium to swim in a straight line. # Clockwise rotation breaks the flagella, bundle ,apart such that each flagellum points in a different direction, causing the
  27. Beat origin (typically from the sinoatrial or SA node) following down the, bundle ,of HIS and ultimately stimulating the ventricles to contract forcing blood
  28. Power, or more precisely sections of the kith exterior power of the cotangent, bundle , are called differential k-forms. They can be thought of as alternating
  29. As fagot to in Italy. However, the usual etymology that equates fagot to with ", bundle ,of sticks" is somewhat misleading, as the latter term did not come into
  30. In the rotation state of a single flagellum can disrupt the entire flagella, bundle ,and cause a tumble. Receptor regulation Chen, when activated by Cheap, acts as a
  31. Out of a single block of wood—in other words, a single" stick" and not a, bundle , Circumstantial evidence indicates that the baroque bassoon was a newly
  32. And nothing more as the only possible conception of an object, thus justifying, bundle ,theory. Objections to the bundle theory Objections to bundle theory concern the
  33. Redness, being four inches (100 mm) wide, and juiciness. Critics question how, bundle ,theory accounts for the properties' ( the togetherness relation between those
  34. Smith, and others. Language-reality objection The language-reality objection to, bundle ,theory relates to the impact language has on understanding reality. The
  35. To form a new differentiable manifold of twice the dimension, the cotangent, bundle ,of the manifold. The tangent space and the cotangent space at a point are both
  36. Education. Citizenship was equated by Virginia Leary (1999) as connoting" a, bundle ,of rights -- primarily, political participation in the life of the community
  37. Theory. According to this understanding, the self can not be reduced to a, bundle ,because there is nothing that answers to the concept of a self. Consequently
  38. The union of all line segments connecting a fixed point to points of X *Conic, bundle , an algebraic variety that appears as a solution of a Cartesian equation *Conic
  39. Under the European Patent Convention. European patents, once granted, become a, bundle ,of nationally enforceable patents, in the designated states. This can be
  40. Loss. Cacti are subject to Uranium infections in their vascular cambium (the, bundle ,of fibers and the" ring" inside the center of a cactus visible when cut in
  41. With 12 such assemblies lying end to end in a pressure tube. The newer CANDLES, bundle ,has 43 tubes, with two pellet sizes (so the power rating can be increased
  42. Software might be backed up or copied without permission. When Apple decided to, bundle ,Catalyst with its new Profile hard disk, Quark celebrated, and Selector III's
  43. Example, may be found together on top of the table because they are part of a, bundle ,of properties located on the table, one of which is the" looks like an apple "
  44. Blaze 2006). 19 Manchu" a very big number ". 20 ROK" a, bundle ,of 10 squirrels ", Nanai" collection, gathering ". 21" A Hundred" in
  45. Appeared in his Basic Number Theory in 1967). His 'matrix divisor' ( vector, bundle ,savant la letter) Riemann–Rock theorem from 1938 was a very early anticipation
  46. The purpose of illustrating the concept of analog computation, include using a, bundle ,of spaghetti as a model of sorting numbers; a board, a set of nails, and a
  47. Wide, and juicy but lacking an underlying substance. The apple is said to be a, bundle ,of properties including redness, being four inches (100 mm) wide, and
  48. Thus justifying bundle theory. Objections to the bundle theory Objections to, bundle ,theory concern the nature of the bundle of properties, the properties '
  49. Conception of an object, thus justifying bundle theory. Objections to the, bundle ,theory Objections to bundle theory concern the nature of the bundle of
  50. Reality. The objection maintains that language causes confusion that supports, bundle ,theory. Per the objection, properties are synthetic constructions of language

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