Examples of the the word, evangelical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( evangelical ), is the 5345 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. More generally among Baptists, a variety of para church agencies and, evangelical ,educational institutions may be supported generously or not at all, depending
  2. Rope). In the 18th century and early 19th century, sectarian tensions arose as, evangelical ,Protestant missionaries sought to 'redeem the Irish poor from the errors of
  3. Other articles and creeds The confession of faith of Westminster is one of many, evangelical ,creeds that give articles of faith based on sold scripture rather than on the
  4. And if current growth rates continue, China will become a global center of, evangelical ,Christianity in coming decades. Islam in China dates to a mission in 651,only
  5. And was never brought to a vote. Franklin was an enthusiastic supporter of the, evangelical ,minister George Whitefield during the First Great Awakening. Franklin did not
  6. And equitable establishment of religion that was known in the world. ’” The, evangelical ,revivalists who were active mid-century, such as Franklin’s friend and preacher
  7. Holy Roman Empire and mediatization of smaller imperial fiefs by Napoleon,the, evangelical ,Abbess of Edinburg was also per office the head of that reichsunmittelbar
  8. His engraving of The Last Supper of 1523 has often been understood to have an, evangelical ,theme, focussing as it does on Christ espousing the Gospel, as well the
  9. In the country, including about 10,000 Roman Catholics and 150,000 to 200,000, evangelical , Protestants (mainly Pentecostal),according to the Protestant Church of
  10. Placing special emphasis on this experience as a basis for all one's actions, evangelical , Origin Biblical foundation Most English Bibles contain three uses of the
  11. Church bodies. China is believed to now have the world's second-largest, evangelical ,Christian population — behind only the United States — and if current growth
  12. This process is a verbal, plenary,inerrant, and authoritative record. " Most, evangelical ,Biblical scholars associate inspiration with only the original text; for
  13. Church, while United Methodists have the Reconciling Ministries Network and, evangelical ,Christians have Evangelicals Concerned. In Europe, lesbian and gay evangelical
  14. Today is the motif of ecumenical dialogue in this task which now includes, evangelical ,Protestants and http://forums.catholic.com/showthread.php? T=63095 Catholics as
  15. Here is not in the encyclical) By contrast, most Reformed (Calvinist), evangelical , and fundamentalist Protestant groups recognize baptism as an act of obedience
  16. Was accompanied by numerous objections, notably from the deeply conservatively, evangelical ,Diocese of Sydney which noted the loss of BCP wording and of an explicit
  17. Has occurred between the Jewish community and the Catholic Church, and, evangelical , Christian organizations. The Boeing (formerly McDonnell Douglas) C-17
  18. Two. The communion encompasses a wide spectrum of belief and practice including, evangelical , liberal, and Catholic. The Anglican Communion Office is headed by its
  19. Being arrested and imprisoned by the Ottoman authorities in 1864. Mainline, evangelical ,Protestants date back to the work of Congregational and later Methodist
  20. During the 17th and 18th centuries. Moralism can be found among various, evangelical ,groups in the United States and within the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. " Four
  21. Offered. After interviewing and polling thousands of youth across America, evangelical ,statistician Christian Smith writes," ... in general comparisons among major
  22. True church, but incomplete without the other; such that a true catholic and, evangelical ,church might come into being by a union of opposites. Central to Maurice's
  23. In Christ are part of the" True Church," according to exemplary statements of, evangelical ,Protestant theology, notwithstanding condemnation of the Catholic Church by
  24. Suspicion of heresy, either from the moderation of their characters or from the, evangelical ,tincture of their theology. 1538,vicar-general of the Capuchin order In 1538
  25. Personal beliefs or was a device to appeal to his audiences, who were mostly, evangelical ,Protestants. Though he never joined a church, Lincoln was familiar with the
  26. Evangelical Christians have Evangelicals Concerned. In Europe, lesbian and gay, evangelical ,Christians have a European forum. Working within the worldwide Anglican
  27. Traditions of numerous Church of England parishes, primarily affecting those of, evangelical ,persuasion. These churches now adopt a contemporary worship form of service
  28. 98 % of the population of the Comoros is Muslim Sunni,2 % are Catholic, and, evangelical , believers represent only 0.1 % of the population (Patrick Johnstone and Jason
  29. Aligned with a Christian denomination, primarily with those characterized as, evangelical , conservative, or fundamentalist. While creationist movements also exist in
  30. Controversies of the 4th and 5th centuries to become statements of faith. Many, evangelical ,Protestants reject creeds as definitive statements of faith, even while
  31. Baptists and some non-denominational churches, and is not uncommon among, evangelical ,members of the Church of England. Historically, Amyraldism has been called "
  32. Then the center-left Democratic mainstream. Reflecting the state's large, evangelical ,population, the state has a strong social conservative bent. Under the Arkansas
  33. Notice beyond the schools and congregations of conservative fundamental and, evangelical ,Christians until the 1970s when its followers challenged the teaching of
  34. Interpretation of the creation and favor an alternative explanation. However, evangelical ,Christians have continued to believe the literal claims of Genesis. Members of
  35. Be saved. Franklin, steeped in Puritanism and an enthusiastic supporter of the, evangelical ,movement, rejected the salvation dogma, but embraced the radical notion of
  36. EMIR (Evangelical Ministries to New Religions) founded in 1982 which has the, evangelical ,Lausanne Covenant as governing document and which stresses mission, scholarship
  37. The Coptic and Syrian churches. Armenia also has a population of Catholics and, evangelical ,Protestants. There has been a problem of population decline due to elevated
  38. Believed the group was a critical aid in staying sober. Following the Group's, evangelical ,bent, Thacher sought out former drinking buddy Bill Wilson to tell him he was
  39. The" Benedictine vow" and is the Benedictine antecedent and equivalent of the, evangelical ,counsels professed by candidates for reception into a religious order. Much
  40. Grounds of moral accountability; but the overwhelming majority of Protestant, evangelical ,pastors and theologians hold to one of these two systems or somewhere in
  41. View of Christian marriage has been articulated and defended by several, evangelical ,leaders in what is called the Dancers Statement. A more detailed statement of
  42. Rather than in a literal restoration of Israel.; Adherents: Held by reformed, evangelical ,Protestants (especially Sydney Anglicans).; Approaches to Revelation: Usually
  43. Other Christians as well as in comparison to other Baptists. Most Baptists are, evangelical ,in doctrine, but Baptist beliefs can vary due to the congregational governance
  44. Recent history, born again is a term that has been widely associated with the, evangelical ,Christian renewal since the late 1960s,first in the United States and then
  45. Including the Nigeria-based" Winners Chapel," are affiliated with various, evangelical ,Christian groups. Members of the Bahá'í and Jehovah's Witnesses religious
  46. Abraham, Moses,David and the New Covenant in Christ.; Adherents Held by many, evangelical ,Reformed Protestant Churches who take a Historical-grammatical and typological
  47. Of the population over age 14 identified as Roman Catholic and 15.1 percent as, evangelical , In the census, the term" evangelical " referred to all non-Catholic Christian
  48. On sold scripture rather than on the living experience of the Church. Many, evangelical ,creeds will restate traditional Calvinist or Arminian theology, such as belief
  49. Practice probably the most liberal of all religions, do not share a creed. Many, evangelical ,Protestants similarly reject creeds as definitive statements' faith, even while
  50. As Roman Catholic and 15.1 percent as evangelical . In the census, the term ", evangelical ," referred to all non-Catholic Christian churches except the

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