Examples of the the word, binary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( binary ), is the 5339 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The target processor,e.g. to reside in flash or EPROM memory. It generates a, binary ,image, or Intel HEX file rather than an object file. * An assembler directive
  2. Life. The abacus shows how numbers, letters,and signs can be stored in a, binary ,system on a computer, or via ASCII. The device consists of a series of beads on
  3. Using natural numbers called code points) and encoding (to 8-,16- or 32-bit, binary , formats,called UTF-8,UTF-16 and UTF-32). To allow backward compatibility
  4. He made the first measurement of stellar parallax: 0.3 arc sec for the, binary ,star 61 CGI. Being very difficult to measure, only about 60 stellar
  5. Code loads the AL register with the data 01100001. 10110000 01100001 This, binary ,computer code can be made more human-readable by expressing it in hexadecimal
  6. And conquer algorithms. An example of decrease and conquer algorithm is the, binary ,search algorithm. * Dynamic programming. When a problem shows optimal
  7. Three critical ideas that are still part of every modern computer: #Using, binary ,digits to represent all numbers and data #Performing all calculations using
  8. An x86/IA-32 processor to move an immediate 8-bit value into a register. The, binary ,code for this instruction is 10110 followed by a 3-bit identifier for which
  9. Used the unit peaches of about 2° or 2½°. *The binary degree, also known as the, binary ,radian (or brad),is 1/256 of a turn. The binary degree is used in computing
  10. Communications are on-off keying, a type of amplitude-shift keying by which, binary ,data is represented as the presence or absence of a carrier wave. This is
  11. The lower half, and on the upper half, some of the same text but represented in, binary ,code. At the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, outside the Belt
  12. Degree, also known as the binary radian (or brad),is 1/256 of a turn. The, binary ,degree is used in computing so that an angle can be efficiently represented in
  13. On This Day in Canada ---- In mathematics, associativity is a property of some, binary ,operations. It means that, within an expression containing two or more
  14. In less or more time, space,or 'effort' than others. For example,a, binary ,search algorithm will usually outperform a brute force sequential search when
  15. Mth Already 01 On This Day in Canada ---- In mathematics,a, binary ,relation R on a set X is antisymmetric if, for all a and b in X: if R (a, b )
  16. Would allow two four-bit patterns to efficiently encode two digits with, binary ,coded decimal. However, it would require all data transmission to send eight
  17. The winter of 1937–38. The ABC innovations included electronic computation, binary ,arithmetic, parallel processing, regenerative capacitor memory, and a
  18. One common example would be the vector cross product. Definition Formally,a, binary ,operation *\! \! \! On a set S is called associative if it satisfies the
  19. Be written in an assembler language) can, in theory, process the object code/, binary ,of any assembler to achieve portability even across platforms (with an
  20. Centaurus. With the aid of a telescope, Alpha Centauri can be resolved into a, binary ,star system in close orbit. This is known as the Alpha Centauri AB system
  21. Structures (such as semigroups and categories) explicitly require their, binary ,operations to be associative. However, many important and interesting
  22. Charles Pickering presented evidence that Algol was actually an eclipsing, binary , This was confirmed a few years later, in 1889,when the Potsdam astronomer
  23. It appears to the unaided eye as a single object, Alpha Centauri is actually a, binary ,star system (designated Alpha Centauri AB or α CEN AB) whose combined visual
  24. Is no conclusive evidence for this. System Algol A and Algol B are an eclipsing, binary , because their orbital plane coincidentally contains the Earth's line of sight
  25. Example, A (BC)= (AB)C. This mapping is not commutative. Non-associativity A, binary ,operation * on a set S that does not satisfy the associative law is called
  26. Show that the cloud is asymmetrical and matches the pattern of X-ray binaries (, binary ,star systems containing black holes or neutron stars),mostly on one side of
  27. To be more precise, however,Algol is a triple-star system: the eclipsing, binary ,pair is separated by only 0.062 AU, while the third star in the system (Algol
  28. C Code Contest is a program that adds numbers, but visually looks like a, binary ,adder drawn in logic ports. Examples of ASCII-style art predating the modern
  29. The ABC pioneered important elements of modern computing, including, binary , arithmetic and electronic switching elements, Atanasoff and Clifford Berry's
  30. A (α CEN A) and Alpha Centauri B (α CEN B) are the individual stars of the, binary ,system, usually defined to identify them as the different component of the
  31. Not counting impurities, such as a copper-nickel alloy, then it is called a, binary ,alloy. If there are three types of atoms forming the mixture, such as iron
  32. Advance Wars video games * Adder (electronics),an electronic circuit to add, binary ,numbers Aeneas (; Greek:, Aineías, derived from Greek Αἰνή meaning" to praise
  33. To test his idea ... When the tinkering was over, Stibitz had constructed a, binary ,adding device ". Davis (2000) observes the particular importance of the
  34. Trivial ring contains a maximal ideal. **For every non-empty set S there is a, binary ,operation defined on S that makes it a group. (A cancellation binary operation
  35. German identity politics to which they technically do not belong. This cultural, binary ,illustrates that rap has taken different routes in Germany and that, even among
  36. Of an alloy containing only two constituents, like iron and carbon, is called a, binary ,system, while all the alloy combinations possible with a ternary alloy, such
  37. Studied cryptology and also built three of four stages of an electromechanical, binary ,multiplier. In June 1938 he obtained his PhD from Princeton; his dissertation (
  38. Formal proofs and is generally preferred in the research literature. The, binary ,lambda calculus may provide the simplest definition of complexity yet. In this
  39. Is a binary operation defined on S that makes it a group. (A cancellation, binary ,operation is enough. ) **The closed unit ball of the dual of a normed vector
  40. Was two simultaneous equations, a trivial problem. ) Intermediate results were, binary , written onto paper sheets by electrostatically modifying the resistance at
  41. In the spectrum of Algol, inferring variations in the radial velocity of this, binary ,system. Thus, Algol became one of the first known spectroscopic binaries.
  42. Of the operation to be performed, reading,writing, converting to or from, binary ,to decimal, or reducing a set of equations was made by front panel switches and
  43. The particular importance of the electromechanical relay (with its two ", binary ,states" open and closed):: It was only with the development, beginning in the
  44. The Algol paradox in the theory of stellar evolution: although components of a, binary ,star form at the same time, and massive stars evolve much faster than the less
  45. British standard. The digits 0–9 were arranged, so they correspond to value in, binary ,prefixed with 011,making conversion with binary -coded decimal straightforward.
  46. A speed of 30 additions/subtractions per second. Data was represented as 50-bit, binary , fixed point numbers. The electronics of the memory and arithmetic units could
  47. Might choose to use assembly language, such as when: * a stand-alone, binary ,executable of compact size is required,i.e. one that must execute without
  48. X + 0x02. The coefficients are displayed in their hexadecimal equivalent of the, binary ,representation of bit polynomials from GF (2)x. The Columns step can also
  49. Tool, the underlying concepts remain very important. Such fundamental topics as, binary ,arithmetic, memory allocation, stack processing, character set encoding
  50. Units. *The Babylonians sometimes used the unit peaches of about 2° or 2½°. *The, binary ,degree, also known as the binary radian (or brad),is 1/256 of a turn. The

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