Examples of the the word, speculation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( speculation ), is the 5341 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To make claims for motives which in the Old World would have been mere, speculation , The concentration on historical data led to some claims of high accuracy that
  2. One year exactly. As Jackson was a controversial figure in his day there is, speculation ,that officials in Washington chose to wait a period of time before issuing a
  3. That previously allowed a controlled release of water. There had been some, speculation ,as to the dam's integrity, and concerns had been raised by the head of the
  4. With the now publicized story of Andersson and Lyngstad's divorce, speculation ,increased of tension within the band. Also released in the United States was
  5. For marriage. American continent connection theory In the late 20th century, speculation ,arose that people of the group related to the Common may have been one of the
  6. Jobs. On June 26, 2009,rumors of a merger with US Airways resurfaced too much, speculation ,within the online aviation community. In August 2009,American was placed under
  7. Out the history of Hinduism there has been a strong tradition of philosophic, speculation ,and skepticism. In Greek philosophy Agnostic thought, in the form of skepticism
  8. Saturn's moon Enclaves may be considered a likely candidate as well. This, speculation ,of likely candidates of life is primarily based on the fact that (in the cases
  9. Ring" failed to reach the Top 30 in the United Kingdom, increasing growing, speculation ,that the group were simply Eurovision one-hit wonders. Post-Eurovision In
  10. 2007,and again in October 2007 after Prime Minister Gordon Brown quashed, speculation ,of an autumn 2007 general election. Widdecombe was one of the 98 MPs who voted
  11. Ambrosia led the Catholic one. Subsequent later historians accepted Myers ', speculation ,as fact, creating a narrative of events in 5th century Britain with various
  12. Anxiety Søren Kierkegaard wrote that Albert Magnus," arrogantly boasted of his, speculation ,before the deity and suddenly became stupid. " Kierkegaard cites G. O. Maybach
  13. The Hollywood Reporter claimed shortly after that Schwarzenegger sought to end, speculation ,that he might run for governor of California. On October 7,2003,the recall
  14. Gaul as its origin. In the late 19th century, there was a great deal of, speculation ,about who might have authored the creed, with suggestions including Ambrose of
  15. At February 2009 owned 15,555 shares (25.0 %) in the club. This led to press, speculation ,of a bidding war between Krone and Romanov. While the rest of the board have
  16. Of speculation among classics scholars. In the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, speculation ,ranged along the following lines::" While some regard the Amazons as a purely
  17. The result of antimatter meeting matter is an explosion. There is considerable, speculation ,as to why the observable universe is apparently composed almost entirely of
  18. When word of this spread, land in and around Columbia soared in price due to, speculation , When time came for the railroads to purchase land, the increase in land prices
  19. World with an estimated revenue of €127 million. In April 2008,after months of, speculation , George Soros was confirmed by Rosella Sense, CEO of Italian Serie A
  20. Who later change their religious allegiance. In December 1978,there was media, speculation ,that Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, might marry a Roman Catholic, although
  21. Water? Anaxagoras marked a turning-point in the history of philosophy. With him, speculation ,passes from the colonies of Greece to settle at Athens. By the theory of minute
  22. On the island. The origin of these breeds is uncertain, and is a matter of some, speculation , Common suggestions are that they are old English breeds introduced by the
  23. Been suffering a mental illness. He was intolerant of what he regarded as loose, speculation ,parading as theory, and sought through his writings to save his beloved science
  24. The middle Elbe. Owing to the uncertainty of this passage, there has been much, speculation ,regarding the original home of the Anglia. One theory is that they or part of
  25. Browne who described ` Abdul'Baha as: Marriage and family life As a young man, speculation ,was rife amongst the Baha’is to whom ` Abdul'Baha would marry. Several young
  26. Speculated about the possibility of life in settings other than Earth, however, speculation , on the nature of life elsewhere often has paid little heed to constraints
  27. Weeks before the first Boston manned space flight. This revelation caused some, speculation ,whether the Apollo 1 disaster might have been averted had NASA been aware of
  28. In charge of checking that the spacecraft was in working order. There was, speculation ,that they might be preparing to launch men on a similar circular mission
  29. They were getting divorced. The news caused interest from the media, and led to, speculation ,about the band's future. ABBA assured the press and their fan base they were
  30. Breed to specific Afghan owners or places is absent, even though there is much, speculation ,about possible connections with the ancient world among fanciers and in
  31. David Grin spoon calls astrobiology a field of natural philosophy, grounding, speculation , on the unknown, in known scientific theory. NASA's interested in exobiology
  32. Capability to thrive in the harshest environments on Earth, have led to, speculation ,that life may be thriving on many of the extraterrestrial bodies in
  33. Of local and state banks that sprang up. This fed an expansion of credit and, speculation , At first, as Jackson withdrew money from the Bank to invest it in other banks
  34. Francis, Duke of Cádiz. Alfonso's biological paternity is uncertain: there is, speculation ,that his biological father may have been Francisco Serrano (his mother's
  35. Shells, which sell for more than US$1,400 per metric tonne. There is, however, speculation , that local criminal gangs barter abalone illegally with Chinese nationals in
  36. Of a relationship between Aaliyah and R. Kelly. Shortly after, there was, speculation ,about a secret marriage with the release of" Age Ain't Nothing but a Number "
  37. Mounted Amazons, the origin of the story of the Amazons has been the subject of, speculation ,among classics scholars. In the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica speculation ranged
  38. To be through Roman Catholic houses. When in December 1978 there was media, speculation ,that Prince Charles might marry a Roman Catholic, Enoch Powell defended the
  39. He was that Wallace was theorizing about distribution, adding that" without, speculation ,there is no good and original observation" while commenting that" I believe I
  40. Chemistry and biology—may have their theoretical bases challenged. Although, speculation ,is entertained to give context, astrobiology concerns itself primarily with
  41. Braves. Hudson was due to become a free agent at the end of the season and, speculation ,at the time was that he would not be re-signed. LF Eric Byrnes was on the
  42. Timeline Wars trilogy in the 1990s. Such" para time" stories may include, speculation ,that the laws of nature can vary from one universe to the next, providing a
  43. That we did not already know. In its strong version, it is a gratuitous, speculation ,". A further criticism by Fostering concerns the flawed" anthropic" inference
  44. S entourage and regularly accompanied him on his many travels. There was, speculation ,about the nature of Vivaldi's and Giro's relationship, but no evidence to
  45. For centuries were unearthed in the 19th and 20th centuries, producing lively, speculation ,about their importance in early Christianity among religious scholars, while
  46. A field with academic work of high quality at one end but uncontrolled, speculation ,bordering on lunacy at the other. " History of archaeoastronomy Two hundred
  47. Each other. Schuster's ideas were not a serious theoretical proposal, merely, speculation , and like the previous ideas, differed from the modern concept of antimatter in
  48. Htm English and American Flowers. Contains, speculation ,on how glaciation may have affected distribution of mountain flora in North
  49. Roxana miscarried at Babylon. Alexander's sexuality has been the subject of, speculation ,and controversy. Nowhere in the ancient sources is it stated that Alexander had
  50. With a revenue of $8.16 billion and a profit of $1.21 billion. After years of, speculation ,and multiple rumored" leaks" Apple announced a large screen, tablet-like

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