Examples of the the word, galaxy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( galaxy ), is the 5342 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Giant. Anglia contains the following deep sky objects: *NGC 2997,a spiral, galaxy ,of type Sc which is inclined 45° to our line of sight. *The Anglia Dwarf, a
  2. Sombrero Galaxy. It is now widely accepted that the center of (nearly) every, galaxy ,(not just active ones) contains a supermassive black hole. The close
  3. Of the mission. The background includes the Moon, the planet Saturn and a, galaxy ,or nebula. The wing of the eagle partially overlays the Moon, suggesting its
  4. Inclined 45° to our line of sight. *The Anglia Dwarf, a 14.8 m dwarf spheroidal, galaxy ,that belongs to our Local Group of galaxies. It was discovered only as recently
  5. Free-form, possibly based on a martial arts form in the fictional Pegasus, galaxy , The broken is more often held with one hand rather than two. *In books as in
  6. Of red dwarf systems). It is estimated that 10 % of the stars in our, galaxy ,are sun-like; there are about a thousand such stars within 100 light-years of
  7. Which drastically alters the local physics in that sector of the, galaxy , This shifts the surrounding area into the" Slow Zone" ( where superluminal
  8. Of relationships between galaxies to create branching diagram hypotheses of, galaxy ,diversification. A calendar is a system of organizing days for social
  9. Inside stars and the total mass of atoms forms about 10 % of the mass of the, galaxy , (The remainder of the mass is an unknown dark matter. )
  10. Cepheid variable stars. He discovered a relationship between the redshift of a, galaxy ,and its distance. He interpreted this as evidence that the galaxies are
  11. Of dark energy—so-called phantom energy theories—suggest that ultimately, galaxy ,clusters, stars,planets, atoms,nuclei and matter itself will be torn apart by
  12. Distance, the quasar would be 5 magnitudes (or 100 times) brighter than our, galaxy , Stars and galaxies (M) In stellar and galactic astronomy, the standard
  13. To our Universe only on large scales—local concentrations of matter such as our, galaxy ,are gravitationally bound and as such do not experience the large-scale
  14. Cosmic size, become the seeds for the growth of structure in the universe (see, galaxy ,formation and evolution and structure formation). While the detailed particle
  15. Results are used to determine the distribution of dark matter in the, galaxy , Astronomers use asymmetric techniques for the tracking of near-Earth objects.
  16. But never stop. Star formation would cease as all the interstellar gas in each, galaxy ,is consumed; stars would burn out leaving white dwarfs, neutron stars, and
  17. 100.4) (-20.5- (-25.5) ) (100.4)5 100). If this particular quasar and our, galaxy ,could be seen side by side at the same distance, the quasar would be 5
  18. Stars in a similar state. Galactic nuclei Astronomers use the term" active, galaxy ," to describe galaxies with unusual characteristics, such as unusual spectral
  19. M = M - 5 (1-\log_)\! \, For objects at very great distances (outside our, galaxy ,) the luminosity distance DL must be used instead of d (in parsecs). Given
  20. Are hoped to shed light on the large population of old M dwarfs in the, galaxy , Such research has astrological implications: given that the habitable zones
  21. Α Scorpio, α SCO, Alpha Scorpio) is a red supergiant star in the Milky Way, galaxy ,and the sixteenth brightest star in the nighttime sky (sometimes listed as
  22. Identical to the real distance to the object, because spacetime within our, galaxy ,is almost Euclidean. For much more distant objects the Euclidean approximation
  23. An average density of about 0.25 atoms/m3. Name hinshaw20060210/> Within a, galaxy ,such as the Milky Way, atoms have a much higher concentration, with the density
  24. Subspecies, with the implication that many of these effectively vanish from the, galaxy , reminiscent of The Singularity in the works of Vernon Vine. The
  25. Will be possible or if interference with radio sources on earth and in the, galaxy ,will be too great. Dark energy is broadly similar to inflation, and is thought
  26. Of galaxies can be much lower (brighter). For example, the giant elliptical, galaxy ,M87 has an absolute magnitude of −22 (i.e. as bright as about 60,000 stars of
  27. After the Big Bang, and since then larger structures have been forming, such as, galaxy ,clusters and super clusters. Populations of stars have been aging and evolving
  28. Of a point-like or star-like source of the same total luminosity as the, galaxy , as it would appear if observed at the standard 10 parsecs distance. In
  29. It is now indicated by numerous observations: the anisotropies in the CMB, galaxy ,cluster velocity dispersion, large-scale structure distributions
  30. Most of the Big Dipper) are genuinely close to one another, travel through the, galaxy ,with similar velocities, and are likely to have formed together as part of a
  31. Distributions, gravitational lending studies, and X-ray measurements of, galaxy ,clusters. The evidence for dark matter comes from its gravitational influence
  32. Astrobiologist. One is to assume that the vast majority of life forms in our, galaxy ,are based on carbon chemistries, as are all life forms on Earth. While it is
  33. So a quasar at an absolute magnitude of −25.5 is 100 times brighter than our, galaxy ,(because (100.4) (-20.5- (-25.5) ) (100.4)5 100). If this particular
  34. Strongly suggests a connection between the formation of the black hole and the, galaxy ,itself. Currently, the best evidence for a supermassive black hole comes from
  35. Between the mass of this hole and the velocity dispersion of the host, galaxy ,'s bulge, known as the M-sigma relation, strongly suggests a connection between
  36. Does not apply for objects at very great distances (far beyond our, galaxy ,), since a correction for General Relativity must then be taken into account
  37. In the interstellar medium and that high-density regions are common in the, galaxy , Interferometric studies VLA observations of NH3 in seven regions with
  38. He discovered that radio waves were being emitted from the center of the, galaxy , In 1932,experimental high fidelity, long playing, and even stereophonic
  39. Area of Boötes. *The Boötes Dwarf Galaxy (Boo I DSP) is a faint, satellite, galaxy , of the Milky Way located in Boötes about 197 000 light-years (60 PC) away
  40. The farther away, the higher the apparent velocity. If the distance between, galaxy ,clusters is increasing today, everything must have been closer together in the
  41. Galaxies. Cosmologists study these simulations to see if they agree with the, galaxy ,surveys, and to understand any discrepancy. Other, complementary observations
  42. Arguments against the steady-state model. Observations of star formation, galaxy ,and quasar distributions and larger structures agree well with Big Bang
  43. Of The Casebook of Solar Pons, wrote that the series is" ... as sparkling a, galaxy ,of Shylockian pastiches as we have had since the canonical entertainments came
  44. Rotating colony designed as a gathering place for the sentient species of the, galaxy , in order to foster peace through diplomacy, trade,and cooperation. Instead
  45. Spectrum with even greater resolution than the cosmic microwave background and, galaxy ,surveys, although it is not known if these measurements will be possible or if
  46. Life with a non-carbon chemistry will be discovered; * Mathematical studies of, galaxy ,formation will confirm that it is sensitive to the rate of expansion of the
  47. Apparent magnitude Given the absolute magnitude M\! \, for objects within our, galaxy ,you can also calculate the apparent magnitude m\! \, from any distance d\! \, (
  48. Investigations. Remaining issues, such as the cusp halo problem and the dwarf, galaxy ,problem of cold dark matter, are not fatal to the dark matter explanation as
  49. Might be required. For nearby astronomical objects (such as stars in our, galaxy ,) luminosity distance DL is almost identical to the real distance to the object
  50. Of tens of pc. This picture is consistent with the picture within our Milky Way, galaxy ,— hot dense molecular cores form around newly forming stars embedded in larger

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