Examples of the the word, stipulate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stipulate ), is the 8543 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The state government modified the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Act,1955,to, stipulate ,that the mayoral election be held directly and simultaneously with the
  2. Can suffer when the cards are shuffled too well. The official seat rules, stipulate ,that the cards are shuffled well, but according to a decision of the German
  3. That Japan would be involved in any response. However, Japan has refused to, stipulate ,whether the" area surrounding Japan" mentioned in the pact includes Taiwan
  4. Influencing the location of slaughterhouses. In addition, some religions, stipulate ,certain conditions for the slaughter of animals so that practices within
  5. It is normally conditional and subject to a means test. Some proposals also, stipulate ,a willingness to participate in the labor market, or a willingness to perform
  6. Member, a close relative, or a guardian. Human-rights-oriented laws usually, stipulate ,that independent medical practitioners or others accredited mental health
  7. Originating in Canada's former colonial power, the United Kingdom, which, stipulate , that the monarch's representative, the governor general, must select as prime
  8. The proceedings or at the appeal stage. The rules of procedure and evidence, stipulate ,the time for victim participation in proceedings before the Court. They must
  9. Of the United States. In pre-trial proceedings, the government offered to, stipulate ,that Noriega had received approximately $320,000 from the United States Army
  10. To safeguard Islam, Qurʻān and Shariah (based upon verses in the Quran which, stipulate ,this according to Ships). Ships believe that these Quranic verses make it
  11. United States and British Actors' Equity Association in the United Kingdom, stipulate ,that no two members may have identical working names. An actor whose name has
  12. That a deposition will go longer than one day must either ask the deponent to, stipulate ,to more time, or,if the deponent is uncooperative, go before the court and
  13. And is available in source code form. Earlier releases of bison used to, stipulate ,that parts of its output were protected under the GPL, due to the inclusion of
  14. The simple leaves are alternate, doubly serrate, feather-veined,petiole, and, stipulate , They often appear in pairs, but these pairs are really borne on spur-like
  15. Mere weeks before Paik's papal procession screening. Fred Forest does however, stipulate ,on his website that in 1959 Wolf Costello incorporated a television set into one
  16. December 1999. The Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of Macau, stipulate ,that Macau operates with a high degree of autonomy until at least 2049,fifty
  17. No license extends beyond the term of the agreement. Territory: a license may, stipulate ,what territory the rights pertain to. For example, a license with a territory
  18. Require only a simple majority. The simple majority also has the power to, stipulate ,issues that will thereafter require a two-thirds majority. Two-thirds of all
  19. To reach a wider audience. Judging the results The official Challenge rules, stipulate ,that the participant must agree, in writing, to the conditions and criteria of
  20. Still considered a prerequisite to practice as most employers and clients, stipulate ,that the individual hold such qualifications before hiring their services.
  21. Official is automatically removed from office; in addition, the Senate may, stipulate ,that the defendant be banned from holding office in the future. Impeachment
  22. Intended to promote the production of media arts, including film scenery, and, stipulate , that the government – on both the national and local levels – must lend aid in
  23. A political agenda. Also, laws surrounding the line of succession, those that, stipulate ,the eldest male is first in line, etc., can be altered without removing the
  24. The NFL; such ownership is in direct violation of current league rules, which, stipulate , a limit of 32 owners of one team and one of those owners having a minimum 30 %
  25. Abu This and Sahara, a security paradox was evolving: while the Oslo Accords, stipulate ,that the Israeli Army have authority to police Area B, they weren't; and
  26. Ministerial rules and the judicial explanations of the Supreme People's Court, stipulate ,detailed rules concerning the various aspects of the employment relationship.
  27. Rules and Directions),promulgated by the then Attorney General in 1992, stipulate , that the caution to be used to remind a suspect of his right to remain silent
  28. With the distinction between God and humans. This definition also does not, stipulate ,what exactly may be considered sacred. Thus, later sociologists of religion (
  29. Personal life Malice is famously protective of his private life. His contracts, stipulate ,that his likeness may not be used for promotional purposes, and he routinely
  30. Patients to refrain from smoking before and after surgery. Surgeons commonly, stipulate ,the latter regardless of the type of operation. Results Medical advances may
  31. As appropriate expressions of Quranic norms and values. The Qur'an does not, stipulate ,veiling or seclusion; on the contrary, it tends to emphasize the participation
  32. That men will be generally more powerful and/or skilled. For example rules may, stipulate ,that there must be an equal number of men and women on the team, or that
  33. Industry is governed by a number of international standards and guidelines that, stipulate ,performance criteria under certain conditions of excitement. A guide to these
  34. Difference disappeared beyond 85 years of age. Other directive may be made to, stipulate ,the desire for intubation in the event of respiratory failure or if comfort
  35. In Musharraf discussed how the municipality would enforce a decree that would, stipulate ,that all new buildings be fitted with one-way windows so that passersby would
  36. In the Union. A proposal, soon to be discussed in the European Parliament, stipulate ,that all national sports teams, including football, rugby,cricket and the
  37. Leaves have serrate or entire margins. They lack stipples or are minutely, stipulate , They are often beset with rather flattened bristles. The flowers grow solitary
  38. Agreement recently signed by Djibouti and the International Monetary Fund, stipulate ,increased privatization of parasitical and government-owned monopolies. There
  39. The PRA in the U. K. or the FCA in the U. S. Such political finance regimes, stipulate ,a variety of regulations for the transparency of fundraising and expenditure
  40. Establishment of a crime, and that the rules of international law also do not, stipulate ,specific penalties for the violations. In an attempt to address those
  41. All forms of public education in the state. Sections 8 and 9 of that article, stipulate ,the function and cost to students of the University of North Carolina.
  42. Official or not. The article 264 of the French civil code does, however, stipulate , that " upon divorcing both spouses lose the right to use each other's name ".
  43. The prosecutor, assistant United States attorney Peter Runner, had offered to, stipulate ,that Shakur was not depicted in any of the photographs. Shakur personally
  44. Restrictions, was combined by Carl Jung with a belief in natural essence to, stipulate ,a collective unconscious that was full of basic typologies that the conscious
  45. Of trade overprotection. Specific weaknesses in the text include: it does not, stipulate ,guidelines for the 'non-detriment' finding required of national Scientific
  46. Resigned his post of Chief of Staff in 1945,but did not retire, as regulations, stipulate ,that Generals of the Army remain on active duty for life. Analysis of Pearl
  47. Some mediation procedures derive from standard form contracts that routinely, stipulate ,choice of mediator in advance in default of the parties themselves choosing a
  48. Erasmus touches upon another important point of the controversy: You, stipulate ,that we should not ask for or accept anything but Holy Scripture, but you do it
  49. Become President or merely Acting President. Further, the Constitution did not, stipulate ,whether the vice president could serve the remainder of the president's term
  50. Salaries, membership dues, annuities,straight-line depreciation charges), stipulate , structured payment schedules, which is to say payment of the same amount at

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