Examples of the the word, stewardship , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stewardship ), is the 8185 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Influenced by principles of environmentalism, including ecology, conservation, stewardship , responsibility and sustainability. Pollution control laws generally are
  2. Which will enable sustainability and can serve as a model for other sites ’, stewardship , Rho Saliva Reckoned (; 3 September 1900–31 August 1986),was a Finnish
  3. Conservation Corps The Minnesota Conservation Corps provides environmental, stewardship ,and service-learning opportunities to youth and young adults while
  4. Employed by America’s farmers. The term depicts the push for innovation, stewardship ,and advancements continually made by growers to sustainably produce
  5. That everyone is entitled to personal revelation with respect to his or her, stewardship ,(leadership responsibility). Thus, parents may receive inspiration from God
  6. Its energy use, reduce negative environmental impacts and promote environmental, stewardship , " The Energy and Environmental Advisory Committee has developed a set of
  7. 1987,with the success of X11 becoming apparent, MIT wished to relinquish the, stewardship ,of X, but at a June 1987 meeting with nine vendors, the vendors told MIT that
  8. The party subsequently lost much of its reputation for good financial, stewardship ,although the end of the recession was declared in April 1993 bringing economic
  9. Part of the Museum of Museums wings at the IEOM, which came into being under the, stewardship ,of then-director Michael Fear. Men at Work are an Australian rock band who
  10. Sponsor educational events to teach newcomers about safety, responsible land, stewardship ,and how to improve riding techniques. Terrence Vance" Terry" Gilliam (; born
  11. A leader and a community, they do not differ on the underlying theory of, stewardship , Both abhor waste of natural resources in particular to show off or demonstrate
  12. Protected to preserve the integrity of the SI system. Yet, in spite of the best, stewardship , the average mass of the worldwide ensemble of prototypes and the mass of the
  13. DOE/NNSA) Office of Defense Programs, which supports its stockpile, stewardship ,and advanced scientific computing programs. Funding to support LLNL's global
  14. These have been given ownership over large tracts of land, which require, stewardship , Alaska is the only state in which possession of one ounce or less of marijuana
  15. Services is described in ARIN's mission statement:: Applying the principles of, stewardship , AKIN, a nonprofit corporation, allocates Internet Protocol resources; develops
  16. Has widened and would more accurately be described as that of ethical, stewardship , The conservator applies some simple ethical guidelines, such as: * Appropriate
  17. Territory. Unlike Yosemite, there was no state government that could assume, stewardship ,of the land, so the federal government took on direct responsibility for the
  18. Achievement Track, which recognizes companies for their environmental, stewardship ,and performance. It is also a member of the South Carolina Environmental
  19. 1790. " It reinforces the Coast Guard maritime strategy of safety, security and, stewardship , and it reflects not only the global reach of our maritime services but the
  20. A major power-broker in the Near East. By the standards of the time,Venice's, stewardship ,of its mainland territories was relatively enlightened and the citizens of such
  21. Stewardship coordinator position, and has formalized a policy on environmental, stewardship ,to give full institutional support to the cause of campus sustainability. As of
  22. Created an inventory of UW's greenhouse gas emissions, an environmental, stewardship ,coordinator position, and has formalized a policy on environmental stewardship
  23. For 'Christianity. '” TiB 1955 XI p. 524“ 7. Does not, in accordance with his, stewardship ,of the house God, the administrator need to be a man who has no flaw in him
  24. 27 February 2011,the National Transitional Council was established under the, stewardship ,of Mustafa Abdul Jail,Gaddafi's former justice minister, to administer the
  25. The nation's nuclear weapons from inception until the shift into stockpile, stewardship ,after the close of the Cold War. Historically the two national laboratories in
  26. Creeps on the earth. ”" Animal rights advocates argue that dominion refers to, stewardship ,and does not denote any right to mistreat other animals, which is consistent
  27. Rights, such as the right to life, and also unique responsibilities, such as, stewardship ,of the environment. Carl Cohen argued that racism and sexism are wrong because
  28. From the human environment. Many people remain uncomfortable with the immediate, stewardship ,cessation of this disposal system, suggesting perpetual management and
  29. Will become a major international attraction deserving the continuing, stewardship ,of the government. In 1875,Colonel William Ludo, who had previously explored
  30. Of these was Cygnus Solutions, now part of Red Hat. Copyright, licenses,and, stewardship ,The GNU Project suggests contributors assign the copyright for GNU packages to
  31. BT sweet corn. Seed is available only to large professional farmers who sign a, stewardship ,agreement. The farmer must agree to not repackage or resell Attribute seed.
  32. Government. Policies Economic policy The party's reputation for economic, stewardship ,was dealt a blow by Black Wednesday in 1992,in which billions of pounds were
  33. Became king, he gave the castle to his wife, Henrietta Maria; he bestowed the, stewardship ,on Robert Carey, earl of Monmouth, and gave it to Carey's sons, Henry and
  34. The National Trust could afford to buy most of the property back from her. Her, stewardship ,of these farms earned her wide regard, but she was not without her critics. She
  35. In the development. The Open Group In January 1997,the X Consortium passed, stewardship ,of X to The Open Group, a vendor group formed in early 1996 by the merger of
  36. Is to build a new generation of conservation managers by inspiring lifelong, stewardship ,of the environment and communities by engaging high school and college-age
  37. Were desperate for regulatory action to force the company to improve its, stewardship ,of the network and its performance. Swift had been appointed rail regulator in
  38. Certification process differs between these groups, all of them include forest, stewardship , respect for aboriginal peoples, compliance with local, provincial or national
  39. Is currently thought to relate primarily to computer simulations and stockpile, stewardship , The development of the Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility will
  40. Land was the most valuable asset, which the Native Americans held in collective, stewardship , The United States systematically obtained Choctaw lands for conventional
  41. Advisory members (one 2-year term, eligible for two additional terms),and, stewardship ,and audit committee at-large members (one 2-year term, eligible for two
  42. Ocean and coastal resources, and conducts research to improve understanding and, stewardship ,of the environment. In addition to its civilian employees, NOAA research and
  43. 1927 he befriended Johanna EY, who as" Mutter EY" became well known for her, stewardship ,of young and upcoming artists of the day. Lean became a member of her circle
  44. Shunned the temptations of the flesh, and exercised prudence in the financial, stewardship ,of his see. Death Shortly before Augustine's death, Roman Africa was invaded
  45. Park, and the continuation of fell farming. William Heels continued his, stewardship ,of their properties and of her literary and artistic work for the eighteen
  46. To themselves the authority to determine and expel Covenant-breakers. This, stewardship ,oversaw the execution of the final years of Shogi Effendi's ordinances of the
  47. Valley of the Central Highlands. The 'extreme democracy' and ecological, stewardship ,of the highlands Japan society is documented by Jared Diamond in the book.
  48. Its first absolute majority in the House of Commons since the 1840s. Under the, stewardship ,of R. A. Cross, the Home Secretary,Disraeli's government introduced various
  49. The regulator probed ever more deeply, serious shortcomings in the company's, stewardship ,of the network were revealed. It was the Hatfield crash on 17 October 2000 that
  50. And contemporary period; and which is represented by a controlling benevolent, stewardship ,of the politics and economy of Korea by seniors or the older urban-dwelling

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