Examples of the the word, comparatively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( comparatively ), is the 9214 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In non-mammalian vertebrates, the surface of the cerebrum is lined with a, comparatively ,simple three-layered structure called the gallium. In mammals, the gallium
  2. War II and Kvindemuseet mainly showcasing feminist history and culture. Being a, comparatively ,large Danish city, Aarhus has received a fair share of immigrants from various
  3. Network of thousands of small yards was progressively abolished in favor of, comparatively ,few major terminals. The closures were heavily criticized at the time, and
  4. Concentration on historical data led to some claims of high accuracy that were, comparatively ,weak when compared to the statistically led investigations in Europe. This came
  5. The arid region reaches to the Atlantic. Farther north are the streams, with, comparatively , short courses, reaching the Atlantic and Mediterranean from the Atlas mountains
  6. Develop games for the saturated Atari 2600 market. As a result, the 5200 had a, comparatively ,small library of games, many of which were simply updated versions of Atari
  7. Used to play video games and enjoyed a strong supply of game software. The, comparatively ,low price for a complete computer system with dedicated monitor, its high
  8. Unlike the strong turbulence of fricative consonants. Because voicelessness has, comparatively ,reduced resistance to air flow from the lungs, the increased pulmonic pressure
  9. Composed two hundreds is hardly credible) and church music in general are, comparatively ,unimportant, except the great St Cecilia Mass (1721),which is one of the
  10. The attacker to guess where on the stack the Nosed is instead of the, comparatively ,small shell code. Because of the popularity of this technique, many vendors of
  11. Fairly often in RNA (see wobble base pair). Paired DNA and RNA molecules are, comparatively ,stable at room temperature, but the two nucleotide strands will separate above a
  12. 11.2 out of 100 known pregnancies) and the Netherlands (10.6 per 100),had a, comparatively ,low ratio of induced abortion. Others like Russia (62.6 out of 100),Romania
  13. Ability. He succeeded as a theologian despite his juridical training and his, comparatively ,late handling of Biblical and doctrinal subjects. His spiritual successor
  14. Satellites, human spaceflight and exploration of other planets. While, comparatively ,inefficient for low speed use, they are very lightweight and powerful, capable
  15. Surface. These effects can lead to significant lead leaching from brasses of, comparatively ,low lead content. Silicon is an alternative to lead; however, when silicon is
  16. Complex over the years. Their popularity in the United States would remain on a, comparatively ,smaller scale, and " Dancing Queen" became the only Billboard Hot 100 number 1
  17. As the inert gas within Scalene lines and glove boxes. The use of argon over, comparatively ,less expensive nitrogen is preferred where nitrogen may react with the
  18. And armor protection relative to other vehicles of its era. It can cross, comparatively ,rough terrain at high speeds, but is fuel, maintenance,and ammunition-hungry
  19. Computers. Several APL compilers achieved some levels of success, though, comparatively , little of the development effort spent on APL over the years went to perfecting
  20. Computer uses The algorithm Although the basic idea of binary search is, comparatively ,straightforward, the details can be surprisingly tricky … — Professor Donald
  21. Grounds (e.g., that it does not involve anxiety or excitement and that it is, comparatively ,inert and compatible with the entire absence of the sensuous element),it is
  22. Began to flow between Algiers and Spain. However, Algiers continued to be of, comparatively ,little importance until after the expulsion of the Moors from Spain, many of
  23. Cent of their vocabulary. Afrikaans speakers are able to learn Dutch within a, comparatively ,short time. Native Dutch speakers pick up written Afrikaans even more quickly
  24. Gene/Echo, Ivan → Bank, Vasil → Vasco There is an interesting trend (which is, comparatively ,modern, although it might well have deeper, dormant roots) where the feminine
  25. Mercury and Gemini),as those astronauts were unable to move freely in the, comparatively ,smaller cabins of those spacecraft. The increased cabin space in the Apollo
  26. One of the central characteristics is that anthropology tends to provide a, comparatively ,more holistic account of phenomena and tends to be highly empirical. The quest
  27. Address effectively become constant. Applejack Data Stream Protocol This was a, comparatively ,late addition to the Applejack protocol suite, done when it became clear that a
  28. Margin of the African plateaus,many streams run to the sea with, comparatively ,short courses, while the larger rivers flow for long distances on the interior
  29. Experienced users of electronic analog computers said that they offered a, comparatively ,intimate control and understanding of the problem, relative to digital
  30. Built in Canadian cities have air conditioning systems. While energy is, comparatively ,cheap in Canada, the large size of the average Canadian home and cold winters
  31. Shift in emphasis was that during the last years of his life, Dürer produced, comparatively ,little as an artist. In painting, there was only a portrait of. As for
  32. Defenses at the Battle of Kin burn. Nevertheless, wooden-hulled ships stood up, comparatively ,well to shells, as shown in the 1866 Battle of Lisa, where the modern Austrian
  33. S circuitry (at least in transistor- or IC-based designs) operates from a, comparatively ,low-voltage DC power supply. However, the anode connection for a cathode-ray
  34. View programming in standard programming languages, such as COBOL and Java, as, comparatively , tedious. APL is often found where time-to-market is important, such as with
  35. More equal than in the case the Mercia dominance of the Twice, which was a, comparatively ,small kingdom. Mercia was arguably the most powerful Anglo-Saxon kingdom for
  36. Bones. Also, unusual among diploids is the shape of the tail, which is, comparatively ,thin in breadth and short, a profile caused by the vertebral spines
  37. Acts primarily on the dopaminergic systems, while l-amphetamine is, comparatively ,norepinephrinergic (nor adrenergic). The primary reinforcing and
  38. Books. Revelation concentrates on Isaiah, the Psalms and Ezekiel and neglects, comparatively ,speaking, the books of the Pentateuch which are the dominant sources for other
  39. Islands. Both described Aruba as an" island of giants," remarking on the, comparatively ,large stature of the native Caution compared to Europeans. Opera also
  40. Press, almost all books were copied by hand, which made books expensive and, comparatively ,rare. Smaller monasteries usually had only a few dozen books, medium-sized
  41. Parliamentarian, Conservative statesman and literary figure. Starting from, comparatively ,humble origins, he served in government for three decades, twice as Prime
  42. For the library. Although the Turn Sandman Building and Daimio Sanatorium are, comparatively ,pure modernist works, they too carried the seeds of his questioning of such an
  43. One monophonic stave at a time on color screens). Due to the ST having, comparatively ,large amounts of memory for the time, sound sampling packages became a
  44. The term" the outback" is generally used to refer to locations that are, comparatively ,more remote than those areas named" the bush ". Overview The outback is home
  45. Suburb of Hind marsh. Road transport in Adelaide has historically been, comparatively ,easier than many of the other Australian cities, with a well-defined city
  46. 20 % less power than its predecessor, and thus reducing heat output, comparatively ,as well. While the proceeding Athlon" Thunderbird" was capable of clock
  47. Newtons still demand a sale price on the used market far greater than that of, comparatively ,aged Pas produced by other companies. In 2006 CNET compared an Apple
  48. Initial settlements widely dispersed near the coast and near rivers, due to, comparatively ,harsh farming conditions in areas farther from water. Pioneering groups had
  49. Folklore plays a major role in Belgium's cultural life: the country has a, comparatively ,high number of processions, cavalcades,parades,'boomerangs' and 'duchesses '
  50. For example, the promoter regions for often-transcribed genes — are, comparatively ,GC-poor (for example, see TATA box). GC content and melting temperature must

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