Examples of the the word, aisle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aisle ), is the 9215 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shelf space and/or better positioning (such as at eye-level, on the checkout, aisle ,or at a shelf's" end cap" ). This extra supplier cost (up to $30,000 per
  2. By the Demon Mara. Cave 24: Pillar style: Unfinished pillars of the front, aisle ,are worth noting for the evolution of the pillar style. The earliest pillars
  3. Tens of millions of visitors per year. These had a center nave with one, aisle ,at each side and an apse at one end: on this raised platform sat the bishop and
  4. Borgia in 1497. In 1502 the Cardinal commissioned a library with access from an, aisle ,of the Duo mo di Saint, which was intended to house the library of humanist
  5. Effort, and any manner of compromise alienated factions on both sides of the, aisle , such as the appointment of Republicans and Democrats to command positions in
  6. Used, aqueducts were sometimes cut into the buttress to divert water over the, aisle ,walls. Etymology The term originates from the French gargoyle, originally "
  7. Azeem waits dejectedly at the altar as his bride-to-be makes her way down the, aisle , But when he lifts the veil to kiss her, he finds Lisa instead of his arranged
  8. Images of the Buddha in the niches. The forecourt has fallen. There is a second, aisle ,towards the nave. The columns have square bases, round shafts, and rich bands
  9. Or band leader. It may be done in the same manner as they walked down the, aisle ,during the wedding ceremony. This is generally much faster than a receiving
  10. Of the square is parallel to the respective walls of the hall, making an, aisle ,in between. The colonnades have rock-beams above and below them. The capitals
  11. Years the growing Catholic community in the town had utilized at first one, aisle ,of, and ultimately the entire of the chapel at St Michaels convent. However the
  12. New York City's commuter railroads, Metro-North,told people:" I designed the, aisle ,seat with a halfback and no upholstery, so it will be very uncomfortable to
  13. Inside the chapel an arcade of three Gothic arches separates the south, aisle ,from the nave. The hairdos is made of oak and is inscribed with the Lord's
  14. Foot. " Jamaica often prayed before a large black crucifix hanging in the north, aisle ,of Water Cathedral. During one of these prayers, the Christ on the cross is
  15. Is more than 366 with a 3–4–3 seat arrangement (a cross-section of 3 seats,an, aisle , 4 seats, another aisle , and 3 seats) in economy class and a 2–3–2 arrangement
  16. Usually based on a module. Within a church the module is often the width of an, aisle , The need to integrate the design of the plan with the façade was introduced as
  17. UK mar mite can also be purchased in most CUB food stores, the international, aisle ,of Kroger supermarkets, and some QFC supermarkets, where it is found in the
  18. Him by unanimously voting that he be buried with no expense in the north, aisle ,of the Abbey. His epitaph reads:" Here yes Henry Purcell Esq., who left this
  19. 6 August 1637 and his funeral was held on 9 August. He is buried in the north, aisle ,of the Nave in Westminster Abbey, with the inscription" O Rare Ben Johnson" (
  20. 3–4–3 seat arrangement (a cross-section of 3 seats, an aisle ,4 seats, another, aisle , and 3 seats) in economy class and a 2–3–2 arrangement in first class on the
  21. Brooks' 1987 film Space balls parodies the wedding scene. As she walks down the, aisle ,to wed Prince Valium, Princess Vespa (Daphne Zúñiga) is told by her father
  22. Altogether. The nave in the northern houses, not infrequently, had only a north, aisle , as at Bolton, Brinkburn and Innermost. The arrangement of the monastic
  23. Storms out. At the wedding ceremony, as Mr. Andrews walks his daughter down the, aisle , he quietly encourages Ellie to run off again, telling her that her car is out
  24. Plan adopted by the Austin canons in their northern abbeys, and has only one, aisle ,to the nave—that to the north; while the choir is long, narrow and aisle less.
  25. His clerical connections, arranged for his sister to be buried in the north, aisle ,of the nave of Winchester Cathedral. The epitaph composed by her brother James
  26. A child murdered by the Real IRA in Olaf she symbolically walked up the main, aisle ,of the church hand-in-hand with the Ulster Unionist Party leader and then First
  27. The north; while the choir is long, narrow and aisle less. Each transept has an, aisle ,to the east, forming three chapels. The church at Bay ham was destitute of
  28. Was no room, leave the bus. Black people were not allowed to sit across the, aisle ,from white people. The driver also could move the" colored" section sign, or
  29. Of stops on the way to the CBD, and possibly again he may have to stand in the, aisle , He will get off at the station most convenient to his destination and possibly
  30. Mainly to the foremost limbs of birds (in addition to the architectural, aisle , ) But in recent centuries the word's meaning has extended to include lift
  31. Seats need to be filled, and each passenger is no more than one seat from the, aisle , The 767 interior introduced larger overhead bins and more lavatories per
  32. After his election, Daley quickly moved back to the Democratic side of the, aisle ,in 1938,when he was elected to the Illinois State Senate. He was appointed by
  33. Cows enter, in single file, and line up almost perpendicular to the central, aisle ,of the milking parlor on both sides of a central pit in which the milker works
  34. To me and he said," And no girls. Only boys. " And he went up and down the, aisle ,of the plane, repeating that this club would be just for boys. USO tour When Al
  35. Played at Western weddings includes a processional song for walking down the, aisle ,(ex: wedding march) and reception dance music includes: *Various works for
  36. Tupelo attended by the family," he would slide down off my lap, run into the, aisle ,and scramble up to the platform. There he would stand looking at the choir and
  37. Chamber. There are benches on two sides of the chamber, divided by a center, aisle , This arrangement reflects the design of St Stephen's Chapel, which served as
  38. And campaign finance reform initiatives, his ability to reach across the, aisle , his well-known military service and experience as a POW, his experience from
  39. On tracks (compact shelving) was introduced to cut down on otherwise wasted, aisle ,space. Library 2.0,a term coined in 2005,is the library's response to the
  40. Free to vote against their own party and vote with the opposition (" cross the, aisle ,") when they please. " In America the same political labels (Democratic and
  41. But was still sized between most of its competitors on either side of the, aisle , For 2011 a new unibody Durango based on the Jeep Grand Cherokee was released.
  42. In Eritrea are not crowded because it is illegal for passengers to stand in the, aisle , There are organized breakfast and/or lunch stops on longer trips. When
  43. Calvary (Golgotha) On the south side of the altar via the ambulatory (an, aisle ,surrounding the end of the choir or chancel of a church)is a stairway climbing
  44. Sandstone with a tile roof. Its plan consists of a two-bay nave, a south, aisle , a vestry, and a narrower and lower single-bay chancel. On the gable ends of
  45. They split up in October 2009. In October 2010,he walked Alexa Vega down the, aisle ,at her wedding to producer Sean Cover. The" one-man film crew" and "
  46. As best man. Peel wore Liverpool football colors (red) and walked down the, aisle ,to the song" You'll Never Walk Alone ". Their sheepdog, Woggle, served as a
  47. Him) though it's possible he made more than that. He also has a" Farnsworth, aisle ," in the Warehouse which includes not just some parts and items created by him
  48. twenty-six,twenty-seven, & twenty-nine Cave 21: The interior view towards left, aisle ,shows mature sense of the use of space. The pillars are well carved and the
  49. The groom. In Swedish white weddings, the bride and groom usually go down the, aisle ,together. Similarly, some couples choose to have the groom escorted to the
  50. We had this thing done as a hit until Joan Collins walked down that courtroom, aisle , " Co-star Al Corley noted that Collins" just flew" in the role that was "

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