Examples of the the word, myers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( myers ), is the 7940 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. Bar: cross bar: Estes bar: newton bar: Babbitt bar: Eberhard bar:, myers , bar: Gordon bar: jumper bar: Robertson bar: gamble bar: Lyle bar: martin bar:
  2. Projects for R. Buck minster Fuller’s World Design Science Decade. Name ", myers ," /> Later Years From 1985,Bill served as an honorary technical advisor to
  3. To many individuals and community groups in Australia and Europe. Name ", myers ," /> He worked with Bracknell & Organ Architects from 1990 as an occasional
  4. Architects from 1990 as an occasional associate until his passing. Name ", myers ," /> On Monday,10 September 2001,Bill Lucas died of a heart attack at Moon bah
  5. Cooperative Art Center with Owen Tooth, Marion Best and Mary White. Name ", myers ," /> Both of them were also involved in arranging the purchase of“ Sea View
  6. County, fl,Pam Yarbrough,9/03 *" Southwest Florida arts ", News press, ft., myers , Fl., Miriam Pereira,9/03 *" CARTEL DIGITAL ", Fetish images, Skin Two
  7. Ralph E. Eberhard" bar: Myers from: 1997 till: 1998 color: general bar:, myers , from: 1998 till: 2000 color: NORAD bar: Myers from: 2000 till: 2005 color: JCS
  8. South Wales, where he tutored for ten years between 1965 and 1975. Name ", myers ," /> At this time, Bill supervised students from UNSW, University of Sydney and
  9. Lack of prey, which will lead to a rebound in the moose population. Name ", myers ," /> The normal ratio of moose to wolves is forty or fifty to one, whereas in
  10. Ruth helps to establish Guiana Progressive Community School. Name ", myers ," /> Teaching career As an educator, Bill helped to further develop the
  11. By Pam Wentzel,9/03 *" CARTEL ART AT ECC ", Ft. Myers Beach Observer, ft., myers , fl,9/03 *" Digital artist lectures on his work ", Florida today, Brevard
  12. Bar: hooks text:" Jan Hooks" bar: Jackson text:" Victoria Jackson" bar:, myers , text:" Mike Myers" bar: season text:" Kevin Neal on" bar: stiller text: "
  13. Eberhart from: 2000 till: 2004 color: NORAD text:" Ralph E. Eberhard" bar:, myers , from: 1997 till: 1998 color: general bar: Myers from: 1998 till: 2000 color:
  14. Prevent the suburb of Paddington from comprehensive redevelopment. Name ", myers ," /> Paddington was the scene of many historical sites and architecture
  15. 1930 color: ACM bar: fuller from: 1930 till: 1933 color: CMC text: Fuller bar:, myers , from: 1930 till: 1933 color: ACM text: Myers bar: Russell from: 1933 till:
  16. Bar: jejune bar: long bar: Neville bar: Leland bar: Williams bar: fuller bar:, myers , bar: Russell bar: McDougal bar: little bar: Holcomb bar: Smith bar: Vanderbilt
  17. Till: 1998 color: general bar: Myers from: 1998 till: 2000 color: NORAD bar:, myers , from: 2000 till: 2005 color: JCS text:" Richard B. Myers" bar: Gordon from:

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