Examples of the the word, socialism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( socialism ), is the 6649 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Što. From 1961 to 1991,the official language was Serbo-Croatian. Even under, socialism , Croats often referred to their language as Croato-Serbian (instead of
  2. Now moved to Labor whilst moderate middle-class Liberal voters concerned about, socialism ,moved to the Conservatives. The Liberals were reduced to a mere forty seats in
  3. The vast array of material on spiritual movements, anarchism,libertarian, socialism ,and the Green Movement that is now available on the Internet has been perhaps
  4. And rid the Muslim world of any non-Muslim influences, such as concepts like, socialism ,and nationalism. Enemies of Islam in Qutb's view included" treacherous
  5. Were nationalized, and the economy was based on a type of planned market, socialism , The country underwent a rebuilding process, recovered from World War II, went
  6. Arbor, Garrison Keillor described Ann Arbor as" a city where people discuss, socialism , but only in the fanciest restaurants. " Ann Arbor sometimes appears on
  7. Party on November 13, 1968,which stated::" When forces that are hostile to, socialism ,try to turn the development of some socialist country towards capitalism, it
  8. Dubček's leadership in the 1968 Prague Spring, which tried to create ", socialism ,with a human face" and perhaps even introduce political pluralism. This was
  9. Hold a genuine appreciation for labor unions (which he called" trades-union, socialism ,") and saw it as" an intelligent and self-governing socialism " saying,"
  10. Of" socialism . " Before Marxists established a hegemony over definitions of ", socialism ," the term socialism was a broad concept. " Tucker (as well as most of the
  11. As an information center that spread the ideas of agrarianism and combating, socialism ,on the left and landlords on the right, and never launched any significant
  12. A united national front would be set up and that it would not pursue, socialism , He managed to fulfill some of his promises: the release of some political
  13. Has been criticized as overstating the strength of his case, in describing, socialism ,as impossible, rather than having to contend with a source of inefficiency. A
  14. Authoritarian body of some sort that will impose this ideology. (Voluntarism, socialism , of course, is completely compatible with anarcho-capitalism. ) Some also argue
  15. The Balkans. It never attained the international visibility among peasants that, socialism ,did among the urban workers. Agrarian parties Peasant parties first appeared
  16. Common goods). Those who agree with this criticism argue it is a refutation of, socialism ,and that it shows that a socialist planned economy could never work in the long
  17. General Council. Proudhon's followers, the mutualists, opposed Marx's state, socialism , advocating political abstentionism and small property holdings. In 1868
  18. Socialism" saying," they promise the coming substitution of industrial, socialism ,for usurping legislative monism. " Tucker's concept of the four monopolies has
  19. And mutual aid. Collectivist anarchism, also referred to as" revolutionary, socialism ," or a form of such, is a revolutionary form of anarchism, commonly associated
  20. In the early days, Austrian economics was used as a theoretical weapon against, socialism ,and statist socialist policy. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, a colleague of Merger
  21. Can be made into a Nisha adjective" socialist ", from which an abstract noun ", socialism ," can be derived. Other recent formations are" republic" ( lit. " Public-ness
  22. To reduce red tape. In fact, some have advocated use of the term" crony, socialism ," instead to emphasize that the only way to run a profitable business in such
  23. Von Böhm-Bawerk, a colleague of Merger, wrote one of the first critiques of, socialism ,ever written in his treatise The Exploitation Theory of Socialism-Communism.
  24. Of Christ, played a pivotal role in inaugurating another movement, Christian, socialism , In this, Maurice transformed Hooker's emphasis on the international nature of
  25. Under conditions of intellectual freedom and the lofty moral ideals of, socialism ,and labor, accompanied by the elimination of dogmatism and pressure of the
  26. Not distinguish between the anarchist socialism Tucker advocated and the state, socialism ,he criticized, served in" providing the shift further illuminated in the 1970s
  27. And so on. ) varied among" socialist" philosophies. Tucker said, socialism ,was the claim that" labor should be put in possession of its own," holding
  28. Unpublished, private letter, which does not distinguish between the anarchist, socialism ,Tucker advocated and the state socialism he criticized, served in" providing
  29. Trades-union socialism " ) and saw it as" an intelligent and self-governing, socialism ," saying," they promise the coming substitution of industrial socialism for
  30. Government ". In its 2005 manifesto, the BNP opposed" globalism, international, socialism , laissez-faire capitalism and economic liberalism ". The BNP rejects the notion
  31. Talent. Health care has been in a steep decline after the collapse of, socialism ,in the country, but a process of modernization has been taking place since
  32. Anarchism, Frank Brooks, it is easy to misunderstand Tucker's claim of ", socialism , " Before Marxists established a hegemony over definitions of" socialism ,"
  33. 17 of the 35 were free-traders. Some historically declare the party a mix of, socialism , liberalism, pragmatism and 'Laborism '. These commitments are deemed to place
  34. Without the information efficiently and effectively provided by market prices, socialism ,lacks a method to efficiently allocate resources over an extended period of
  35. On some social issues. The National Left, although it seldom openly espouses, socialism , favors more state intervention in the economy, is generally less enthusiastic
  36. Of skepticism and with certain modern political ideologies such as versions of, socialism ,and liberalism. Events ranged from mere anti-clericalism to violent outbursts
  37. To coin new words using existing lexical resources (e.g. " Corporation ",", socialism ,", both ultimately based on the verb" to share, partner with ";" university "
  38. Of all forms of collectivism and statism, including fascism, communism, socialism , and the welfare state. Rand believed rights should be enforced by a
  39. With an increasingly open market environment, a system termed by some" market, socialism ,", and officially by the Communist Party of China" Socialism with Chinese
  40. Never clearly defined, and no Labor government ever attempted to implement ", socialism ," in any serious sense. Labor supported national wage fixing and a strong
  41. A synonym is still common outside the United States. Accordingly," libertarian, socialism ," is sometimes used as a synonym for socialist anarchism, to distinguish it
  42. The nation recover from the war, but it also has to finish the transition from, socialism ,to capitalism. With an uneasy peace in place, output recovered in 1996-98 at
  43. In the aftermath of World War I and the Russian Revolution of 1917,support for, socialism ,grew in trade union ranks, and at the 1921 All-Australian Trades Union Congress
  44. Have advocated a revolutionary overthrow of capitalism that would lead to, socialism , before eventually transforming into communism. Many socialists consider
  45. Labor should be put in possession of its own," holding that what" state, socialism ," and" anarchistic socialism " had in common was the labor theory of value.
  46. Marxists established a hegemony over definitions of" socialism ," the term, socialism ,was a broad concept. " Tucker (as well as most of the writers and readers in
  47. The leadership of the Soviet Union reserved, for itself, the right to define ", socialism ," and" capitalism ". Following the announcement of the Brezhnev Doctrine
  48. Of its own," holding that what" state socialism " and" anarchistic, socialism ," had in common was the labor theory of value. However," Instead of asserting
  49. And Slavic communal ideas shaped his world view. He proposed a form of agrarian, socialism ,with large state farms to counteract the inefficiency of very small holdings.
  50. Tucker (as well as most of the writers and readers in Liberty) understood ", socialism ," to refer to any of various theories and demands aimed to solve" the labor

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