Examples of the the word, notes , in a Sentence Context
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- Of the property right of whoever the first user will turn out to be. " Rothbard, notes ,that the resource need not continue to be used in order for it to be the person
- Calls his logic" as definitely antiquated as Ptolemaic astronomy ". Russell, notes ,that these errors make it difficult to do historical justice to Aristotle
- Of theories concerning the purpose of this device, which,as James Goodwin, notes , was common in silent cinema but became considerably rarer in the more “
- Lovecraft's death, Derleth wrote a number of stories based on fragments and, notes ,left by Lovecraft. These were published in Weird Tales and later in book form
- Has now been recognized as an early model for a computer and Lady Lovelace's, notes ,as a description of a computer and software. Her notes were labelled
- Script, Kurosawa at this stage often produced extensive, fantastically detailed, notes ,to elaborate his vision. For example, for Seven Samurai, he created six
- The New York Philharmonic. Gershwin collaborated on the original program, notes ,with the critic and composer Deems Taylor, noting that:" My purpose here is to
- Associated with the presence of nectarines below the ovaries. However, Stevens, notes , that superior ovaries are distributed among the 'lower Asparagus' in such a
- A recent paper on the computational complexity of economic equilibrium, notes ,that if finding a true economic equilibrium is not just hard but impossible for
- S early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine. Her, notes ,on the engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm intended to be
- Thoughtful, and conventional man to propose so perverse a plan ". Johnson, notes ,Swift’s obvious affinity for Tertullian and the bold stylistic and structural
- Commonly assume these latter to be Aristotle’s own (unpolished) lecture, notes ,(or in some cases possible notes by his students). However, one classic
- The richness and diversity of animal life in Azerbaijan can be found in travel, notes ,of Eastern travelers. Animal carvings on architectural monuments, ancient rocks
- On local supplies that the Patriots tried to cut off. By comparison, Duffy, notes , that Frederick the Great usually commanded from 23,000 to 50,000 in battle.
- AAL ". In 1953,over one hundred years after her death, Lady Lovelace's, notes ,on Babbage's Analytical Engine were republished. The engine has now been
- Scorpaeniformes, and Performed. The listing follows Fishcake with, notes ,when this differs from Nelson and ITIS. ** Order Polypteriformes, including the
- Screen. * Modified cassette recorder. To record a lecture, own thoughts, ideas, notes , etc. * Desktop compact cassette dictation system. To allow audio cassette
- To be Aristotle’s own (unpolished) lecture notes (or in some cases possible, notes ,by his students). However, one classic scholar offers an alternative
- Affection for Chill Island, which he mentioned frequently in his letters and, notes , although this was largely due to the circumstances of his visits, as he was
- Added to the translation. Lady Lovelace spent most of a year doing this. These, notes , which are more extensive than Menabrea's paper, were then published in The
- The Analytical Engine. With the article, she appended a set of notes . The, notes ,are longer than the memoir itself and include (Section G),in complete detail
- Seemed to find it increasingly difficult to sustain the heroic ideal. As Prince, notes ," Kurosawa’s is an essentially tragic vision of life, and this sensibility ...
- On the engine, which she supplemented with a set of notes of her own. These, notes ,contain what is considered the first computer program—that is, an algorithm
- The track or road as they go. These detailed descriptions are known as" pace, notes , " During the actual rally, the co-driver reads the pace notes aloud (using an
- A Pedantic text. In his commentary on Chapter 3 of the Brahma Surreys, Sivananda, notes ,that karma is insentient and short-lived, and ceases to exist as soon as a deed
- Quality, but with a more noticeable environmentalist edge to the writing, notes ,critic Norbert Blew. A close literary relative of the Sac Prairie Saga was
- Proof of early interest and influence appears in Schopenhauer's 1815/16, notes , ( transcribed and translated by Urs App) about Buddhism. They are included in
- Luigi Mens rea on the engine, which she supplemented with a set of, notes ,of her own. These notes contain what is considered the first computer
- However, and is a master of public relations and back-room deals. Rand's, notes ,indicate that she modeled him on President Harry S. Truman, and that she
- Laboratory equipment. Bell had a specially made table where he could place his, notes ,and equipment inside a locking cover. Worse still, his health deteriorated as
- Is considered by some to have held back science considerably. Bertrand Russell, notes ,that" almost every serious intellectual advance has had to begin with an
- And habits acquired by man as a member of society. " However, as Stocking, notes , Taylor mainly concerned himself with describing and mapping the distribution of
- Sketch of the Analytical Engine Invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. With, notes ,by trans. Ada Lovelace, in Scientific Memoirs, Vol 3 (1842) August William
- Alone except for a succession of pet poodles named Atman and But. The numerous, notes ,that he made during these years, amongst others on aging, were published
- Turn it into recognized text (deferred recognition). A Newton note (or the, notes ,attached to each contact in Names and each Dates calendar or to-do event)
- Machine, the Analytical Engine. With the article, she appended a set of, notes , The notes are longer than the memoir itself and include (Section G),in
- Heard, played on the piano by a woman in a nearby house. As one commentator, notes ," In contrast to this scene of primitive violence, the serenity of the Mozart
- Of the expression being used before 1962 has ever appeared. Kingsley AMIS, notes ,in his Memoirs (1991) that no trace of it appears in Eric Partridge's
- Others believe exile or forced restitution are sufficient. Bruce L. Benson, notes ,that, in the interest of deterring crime, legal codes may impose punitive
- S engine was not built until nearly 150 years later in 1989–91,Lovelace's, notes ,are important in the early history of computers. She also foresaw the
- Both currencies were replaced by the EU's single currency, the euro. Coins and, notes ,of both the franc and the peseta remained legal tender in Andorra until 31
- Menabrea's paper into English, subsequently requesting that she augment the, notes ,she had added to the translation. Lady Lovelace spent most of a year doing this
- Nietzsche, and scholars have found indications of his influence in early, notes ,from Rand's journals, in passages from the first edition of We the Living (
- Known as" pace notes . " During the actual rally, the co-driver reads the pace, notes ,aloud (using an in-helmet intercom system) to the driver, enabling them to
- His research in sound and endeavored to find a way to transmit musical, notes ,and articulate speech, but although absorbed by his experiments, he found it
- One, he would immediately recognize the error, though she had taken detailed, notes ,on each shot, and he had not. She compared his mind to a computer, which could
- 9:1); or," ... till they see the kingdom of God" ( Luke 9:27). ) Schweitzer, notes ,that St. Paul apparently believed in the immediacy of the" Second Coming of
- The most part) do not. " Bound explains this as follows: Murray N. Rothbard, notes ,that the capitalist system of today is, indeed,not properly anarchistic
- And Lady Lovelace's notes as a description of a computer and software. Her, notes ,were labelled alphabetically from A to G. In note G, the Countess describes an
- The satirical element of the pamphlet is often only understood after the reader, notes ,the allusions made by Swift to the attitudes of landlords, such as the
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