Examples of the the word, repeal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( repeal ), is the 6650 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To stay under the 0.5 % limit established by the Volstead Act. Following the, repeal ,of Prohibition in 1933,the major breweries continued to use unsalted cereal
  2. Their period in opposition was short, because the Conservatives split over the, repeal ,of the Corn Laws, a free trade issue, and a faction known as the Elites (but
  3. Parks system, the introduction of the Town and Country Planning system,the, repeal ,of the Trades Disputes Act 1927,the introduction of a Dock Labor Scheme in
  4. Production. In the 1840s,Britain adopted a less protectionist policy, with the, repeal ,of the Corn Laws and the Navigation Acts. Other sources argued that
  5. Emergency on 24 February 2011. The country's Council of Ministers approved the, repeal ,two days prior. Geography Algeria lies mostly between latitudes 19° and 37°N (
  6. Under the latter, post-FSLN, government of Violeta Chamorro),following a, repeal ,of the law requiring the country to seek compensation. Human rights violations
  7. For the Dartmouth Board of Trustees in 2009 placed its ultimately successful, repeal ,before alumni voters, arguing that the system has not been electing the most
  8. The Rockingham government came to power and Parliament debated whether to, repeal ,the stamp tax or send an army to enforce it. Benjamin Franklin made the case
  9. To the Stamp Act, and his testimony before the House of Commons led to its, repeal , With this, Franklin suddenly emerged as the leading spokesman for American
  10. Due to the potato blight. The split in the Tory/Conservative party over the, repeal ,of the Corn Laws had profound implications for Disraeli's political career:
  11. Universal suffrage and the first one by a popular vote (of Colorado men). The, repeal ,of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act in 1893 led to a staggering collapse of the
  12. Asked the Ninth Circuit to suspend LCR's suit in light of the legislative, repeal , LCR opposed the request, noting that gay personnel were still subject to
  13. Calling homosexuality" immoral" and" disgusting ", while also advocating the, repeal ,of all laws against it. She also endorsed several Republican candidates for
  14. Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Michael Mullen voicing their support for a, repeal ,of DAD. On March 25, 2010,Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced new rules
  15. Established by Congress during the final stages of the implementation of the, repeal , " Attorneys warned of" significant immediate harms on the government. " On
  16. Catholics, owe allegiance to the Pope. This would, according to opponents of, repeal , amount to a loss of sovereignty. Hilton, writing in The Spectator in 2003
  17. Principle in cases of murder and rape, but the proposed legislation extends the, repeal ,also to cases involving culpable homicide and serious sexual crimes (such as
  18. July 14,the Justice Department filed a motion" to avoid short-circuiting the, repeal ,process established by Congress during the final stages of the implementation
  19. Chief. The best known of these cases was the Mammoth grant in 1845 and the, repeal ,of the Corn Laws in 1846. The end of 1845 and the first months of 1846 were
  20. BSCS soon after they were published in 1963. The Tennessee legislature did not, repeal ,the Butler Act until 1967. Creation science (dubbed Scientific Creationism at
  21. Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 on a 234–194 vote that would, repeal ,the relevant sections of the law 60 days after a study by the U. S. Department
  22. For immigrants and their descendants to return home ", as well as the, repeal ,of anti-discrimination legislation. The BNP finished fifth in the 2008 London
  23. A national hero in America when he spearheaded the effort to have Parliament, repeal ,the unpopular Stamp Act. An accomplished diplomat, he was widely admired among
  24. Stamp tax or send an army to enforce it. Benjamin Franklin made the case for, repeal , explaining the colonies had spent heavily in manpower, money,and blood in
  25. Of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certified that, repeal ,would not harm military readiness, followed by a 60-day waiting period. A July
  26. Law into the body of U. S. federal law. As a result, Congress can modify or, repeal ,treaties afterwards. It can overrule an agreed-upon treaty obligation even if
  27. Brewing Co. (Providence, Rhode Island) has been making a bock beer since the, repeal ,of Prohibition in the 1930s,and celebrated the start of spring with annual
  28. By some as" a compensation with a revenge" against those who had obtained, repeal ,of the Corn Laws. The establishment of the income tax on a permanent basis had
  29. And retired Republican Senator Barry Goldwater, who argued on behalf of full, repeal , After Congressional phone lines were flooded by organized anti-gay opposition
  30. Anti-gay opposition, President Clinton backed off on his campaign promise to, repeal ,the ban in favor of DAD. Reservist exception In September 2005,the Center for
  31. Usage with opposition to evolution. In 1961 in the United States, an attempt to, repeal ,the Butler Act failed. The 1968 Person v. Arkansas judgment ruled that state
  32. Of Croatia decides on the constitutionality of laws and has the right to, repeal ,a law it finds unconstitutional. It also can impeach the president. The body is
  33. Support. In his 2008 election campaign, President Barack Obama advocated a full, repeal ,of the laws barring homosexuals from serving in the military. On October 10
  34. Roman Catholic MP Edward Leigh, Widdecombe proposed an amendment opposing, repeal ,of Section 28 of the Local Government Act, which banned the promotion of
  35. To, and to amend the act to establish a uniform rule of naturalization; and to, repeal ,the act heretofore passed on that subject; ch. 54,) repeal ed and replaced the
  36. On Sundays until 12p. m., and on Dec. 25 from 12 a. m. until 12 p. m, until a, repeal ,in late 2010. Specific localities may petition for exceptions for either
  37. British people and not used as an International Health Service. *The BNP will, repeal ,the 1998 Human Rights Act and withdraw from the European Convention on Human
  38. A battle in parliament between the free traders and the protectionists over the, repeal ,of the Corn Laws, with the latter rallying around Disraeli and Lord George
  39. Practice in the 19th century with the lowering of tariffs in the 1820s,the, repeal ,of the Poor Relief Act, that had restricted the mobility of labor, in 1834
  40. On different types of income. As noted above, Disraeli had been opposed to the, repeal ,of the corn laws in June 1846. Repeal of the Corn Laws had removed the
  41. Class to the Tory landed class by persuading the latter to accept the, repeal ,of the Corn Laws in 1846. He created a new political group that sought to
  42. Towards resolution were the Repeal of the Population Registration Act,the, repeal ,of the Group Areas and the Native Land Acts and a catch-all Abolishment of
  43. Parties) to coexist with the Communist Party and in 1990 obtained the, repeal ,of Article Six of the USSR constitution which gave the party supremacy over all
  44. N't ask,don't tell,don't pursue,don't harass. " A congressional bill to, repeal ,DAD was enacted in December 2010,specifying that the policy would remain in
  45. Were the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829,the Reform Act of 1832,and the, repeal ,of the Corn Laws in 1846. The Anti-Corn Law League brought together a coalition
  46. The average and poor citizens of the Britain. Immediately, Peel hoped that the, repeal ,of the tariff on wheat (the Corn Laws) and the resultant influx of cheaper
  47. Security and cut off Capone's contact with colleagues. His isolation and the, repeal ,of Prohibition in December 1933,which reduced a major source of revenue
  48. And the Navigation Acts. Other sources argued that mercantilism fell after the, repeal ,of the Navigation Acts in 1849. Keynesianism and neoliberalism In the period
  49. The Canadian throne because he married a Roman Catholic Canadian. Opponents of, repeal , such as Enoch Powell and Adrian Hilton, feel that it would lead to the
  50. Pro free-trade Conservatives (the" Elites" ), Radicals,and Whigs carried, repeal , and the Conservative Party split: the Elites moved towards the Whigs, while

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