Examples of the the word, homer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( homer ), is the 7582 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Grounder goes through his legs; one out later, Tadahito Gucci hit a three-run, homer ,to left that clinched the game for the White Sox. In Game 3,Orlando Hernández
  2. Slam in Rockies history, his second career grand slam, and his first walk-off, homer ,in the 14th inning to squeak by the Giants,6–4,Monday in front of about half
  3. Along with Mazeroski's 1960 shot, the most famous walk-off or sudden-death, homer ,would probably be the" Shot Heard 'Round the World" hit by Bobby Thomson to
  4. But wake following torpedoes are also used. An early example of an acoustic, homer ,was the Mark 37 torpedo. Torpedo countermeasures can be towed or free. An early
  5. The Milwaukee Brewers currently play. Similarly, the point where Aaron's 715th, homer , landed,upon breaking Ruth's career record in 1974,is marked in the Turner
  6. Brewers beat the Florida Marlins 4-1,with Ryan Braun hitting a clutch 3-run, homer , in the 8th. In St. Louis, the Cardinals fell to the Cubs 5-1,giving the
  7. Home runs are a relatively frequent occurrence. If a pitcher gives up a, homer , he might have his concentration broken and might alter his normal approach in
  8. Colors= ID: homer value: RGB (0.4,0.8,1) # light purple PlotWatt= bar:, homer ,font size: L color: homer from:0 till:100 at:50 mark: (line, black ) at:25 mark
  9. Increment:10 start:0 Scalapino= unit: year increment:1 start:0 Colors= ID:, homer ,value: RGB (0.4,0.8,1) # light purple PlotWatt= bar: homer font size: L color:
  10. Seth Smith each hit 3-run home runs off of closer Ryan Franklin, with Smith's, homer ,being a walk-off home run. It is currently the largest 9th inning
  11. Center home run that was perhaps a 490-foot blow. It was Ruth's last Series, homer ,(and his last Series hit),and it became one of the legendary moments of
  12. Howard Cowell the night his future team won the American League pennant on a, homer ,by Chris Chablis. During the 1980s (1983,1985,and 1987 respectively)
  13. The Rangers and the Tampa Bay Devil Rays in May 2007,although he did not hit a, homer ,at the two regular season games the Cubs played at the Tokyo Dome in 2000 vs.
  14. Stormed out of the dugout, angry and hysterical. McClelland ejected Brett. The, homer ,was later reinstated by the commissioner and the Royals went on to win after
  15. Kept by hobbyists, of which the best known is the homing pigeon or racing, homer , Other popular breeds are tumbling pigeons such as the Birmingham Roller and
  16. Pitched seven strong innings, allowing just one run, Shane Spencer's solo, homer ,in the third, and three hits. Yankees' Orlando Hernandez pitched solid innings
  17. Home run put Bonds past the midway point between Ruth and Aaron. Bonds did not, homer ,again until April 13,when he hit two (736 and 737) in a 3 for 3 night that
  18. At Wrigley Field. Third baseman Gary Ghetto hit the eventual game winning, homer ,and Beck got Joe Carter to pop up to kill a Giants rally in the 9th inning and
  19. After seven innings, capped off by Roberto Alomar's huge game-tying 2-run, homer , off A's closer Dennis Chesley in the top of the ninth. This paved the way
  20. Red Sox at Fenway Park, where Bonds had never previously played. With this, homer , Fenway Park became the 36th major league ballpark in which Bonds had hit a
  21. Seasons (several of them in the dead-ball era),hit 714 in 2503 games, or 1, homer , every 3.5 games. The large gap in the numbers for Gibson reflect the fact that
  22. For the year was 4,000. Houston Astros pitcher Gustavo Chain hit a solo, homer ,in his only at-bat in 2010. It was his first plate appearance in nearly 5 years
  23. Bernie Carbo's three-run home run. It was Carbo's second pinch-hit three-run, homer ,in the series. After a few close-calls either way, Carlton Fisk hit a dramatic
  24. Value: RGB (0.4,0.8,1) # light purple PlotWatt= bar: homer font size: L color:, homer ,from:0 till:100 at:50 mark: (line, black ) at:25 mark: (line, black ) at:12.5
  25. World Series and the 2003 World Series won by the Marlins. His game winning, homer ,won earned him the All-Star game MVP trophy in 1995. * Alex González (
  26. Resembling a warped angel. *In The Simpsons episode" Treehouse of Horror IV ", homer ,is seen chasing Bart in a painting parodying the famous M. C. Ester painting "
  27. Negro League games they were able to account for in his 17-year career, about 1, homer , every 3.4 games. Babe Ruth, in 22 seasons (several of them in the dead-ball
  28. Was the hitting hero for the Expos, going 4-for-5 with three doubles and a, homer , * August 24, 1969 - In a 6-4 loss to the San Francisco Giants, Willie McCorvey
  29. Sets of back-to-back-to-back-to-back home runs. In both occurrences, his, homer , was the second of the four. On September 30, 1997,in the sixth inning of Game
  30. With no hits in his first twelve at bats. On his thirteenth at bat, he hit a, homer ,over the left field fence of the Polo Grounds off future Hall of Famer Warren
  31. Midst of a three-team pennant race with the Dodgers and Braves. Morgan hit a, homer ,against the Dodgers on the final day of the season to make sure Atlanta won the
  32. Catch by center-fielder Drew Stubby that blocked a potential two-run, homer , The victory clinched the National League Central championship for the Reds and
  33. Was voted to the All-Star Team. On September 19, 1937,he hit the first-ever, homer ,into the center field bleachers at Yankee Stadium. He led the AL by driving in
  34. Bottom of the eighth inning, Red Sox pinch hitter Bernie Carbon hit a three run, homer ,into the center field bleachers off Reds' fireman Rawly Eastwick to tie the game
  35. Pitch and then sent a bomb to 300 level seats of Veterans Stadium for a two run, homer , The Phillies added an insurance run in the next inning when Garry Maddox stole
  36. The New York Yankees. It was the first time in the history of the Series that a, homer ,had won the championship. * October 14 – Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy
  37. Matchup that was scoreless until Renters hit a stunning three-run, homer ,with two outs in the seventh inning. Nelson Cruz homer ed in the bottom half
  38. Closer with a home run ball hit onto Waveband Avenue. In 2001,a Sammy Sosa, homer ,landed across Waveband and bounced a block down Kenmore Avenue. Dave Kinsman
  39. The Orioles defeated the Chicago White Sox in the ALCS thanks to a 10th-inning, homer , by Tito Land rum in the deciding game. The Orioles won the World Series in five
  40. For the Diamondbacks, and Travis Lee being the first player to hit, score, homer , and drive in a run. In their first five seasons of existence, the Diamondbacks
  41. Home runs in an away game against the Kansas City Royals. Chew hit a 2-run, homer ,420 ft to right in the top of the 4th inning. In Choo's next at bat, in the
  42. In early September. That run died when Preston Wilson hit a three run walk off, homer ,off of closer Tom" Flash" Gordon, which halted the team's momentum. The team
  43. Grand slam to deep center. In the top of the 8th Chew hit a 405 ft solo, homer ,over the right field wall. In the top of the 9th,the Indians had two men on at
  44. Mel Parnell for coining the name. The most notable for Pesky is a two-run, homer ,in the eighth inning of the 1946 Opening Day game to win the game (in his
  45. And three hits while striking out eleven Yankees. Matt Williams hit a three-run, homer ,in the seventh off Yankee starter Andy Petite as Arizona won 4–0 and took a
  46. Dong, donger, four-bagger, four-base knock, goner,gonzo, gopher ball, homer , jack, long ball, moonshot,quadruple, round-tripper,shot, slam,swat
  47. In the 7th inning to tie the game. However, David Ortiz hit a walk-off two-run, homer ,in the 10th inning to win the game. The Red Sox advanced to a rematch in the
  48. Played, during September 17–22, 1957,for the Red Sox. Williams hit a pinch-hit, homer ,on the 17th; walked as a pinch-hitter on the 18th; there was no game on the
  49. The St. Louis Cardinals at Busch Stadium, with his father in the stands; the, homer ,tied Griffin with his father in career hits with 2,143. However, the injury bug
  50. Team. He won the 2003 LCS MVP. * Cody Ross (2006–2010) — Ross had a three, homer ,game in his first season with the Marlins and in his five years with the

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