Examples of the the word, sergeant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sergeant ), is the 7581 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Appears in the second scene where he is talking to a sergeant , with Duncan. The, sergeant ,tells them how the battle was won thanks to Macbeth. Then Ross comes and Duncan
  2. In November 1975 Thread was awarded a letter of recommendation by his drill, sergeant ,and in a cycle of six thousand troops Thread was elected" Top Trainee of the
  3. With an unauthorized handgun, then court-martialed again for fighting with a, sergeant ,he thought responsible for his punishment in the shooting matter. He was
  4. Career NCO's serving in the ranks from enlistee (sotilasammattihenkilö), sergeant , staff sergeant , warrant officer, senior warrant officer and chief warrant
  5. Fellow students Ann Sheridan and Walter Cronkite. Wallach served as a staff, sergeant ,in Hawaii in a military hospital in the United States Army in World War II. He
  6. To the throne. He first appears in the second scene where he is talking to a, sergeant , with Duncan. The sergeant tells them how the battle was won thanks to Macbeth.
  7. He also becomes good friends with Scotland Yard detective Charles Parker,a, sergeant ,in 1921 who eventually rises to the rank of Commander. Hunter, being a man of
  8. Is unknown. But C. David Ben bow, a North Carolina attorney who served as a, sergeant ,with Co. C,3rd Battalion,23rd Infantry Regiment,2nd Infantry Division, along
  9. Crashed his plane into a torpedo that an American submarine had launched. The, sergeant ,major was posthumously promoted to second lieutenant by the emperor and was
  10. To 10:00am until a higher ranking major in shock relieved him, superseding the, sergeant ,'s orders. After his discharge, he tried out for the Green Bay Packers of the
  11. Diplomatic Immunity (1991),a Marine training, sergeant ,tracks down a foreign crime lord, protected by diplomatic immunity, who is
  12. Cycle" and was also promoted to Squad Leader. In July 1976 Tureaud's platoon, sergeant ,punished him by giving him the detail of chopping down trees during training
  13. And 84th in 2007. In March 2008 the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief and a police, sergeant ,were all indicted by the federal court for violating the civil rights of a Gary
  14. Their next meeting shall be with Macbeth. In the following scene, a wounded, sergeant ,reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals Macbeth, who is the Thane
  15. Led by Samuel Doe that found Colbert in his office, and it was Doe, as a master, sergeant ,the highest ranking of the group, who went on the radio the next day to
  16. 2011 during one of three town-hall meetings on the ROTC ban, former Army staff, sergeant ,Anthony Matches, a Purple Heart recipient for injuries sustained during his
  17. Division in Friedberg, Germany,on October 1. Introduced to amphetamines by a, sergeant ,while on maneuvers, he became" practically evangelical about their
  18. As the primary weapon was carried out on 4 November 1868 by Maximo Gómez,a, sergeant ,born in the Dominican Republic, who later became the General in Chief of the
  19. During World War I, Roncalli was drafted into the Royal Italian Army as a, sergeant , serving in the medical corps as a stretcher-bearer and as a chaplain. After
  20. Reserve officers) *conscripts in the ranks of corporal, officer student, sergeant ,and officer cadet. In a case of war, most of the NCO duties would be carried
  21. To English:“ To become more than a sergeant ? I don't consider it. I am a good, sergeant ,; I might easily make a bad captain, and certainly a worse general. People have
  22. Provide alternative explanations for the Allied intelligence successes. Marine, sergeant ,Bobby Shaft, a veteran of China and Guadalcanal, serves in unit 2702
  23. By the Australian Federal Police. The normal deployment to the island is one, sergeant ,and two constables. These are augmented by five local Special Members who have
  24. Of chopping down trees during training camp at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin, but the, sergeant ,did not tell how many trees to stop at, and so Thread had single-handedly
  25. Personnel (sopimussotilas) serving in the ranks of lance corporal, corporal, sergeant , and 2nd lieutenant (reserve officers) *conscripts in the ranks of corporal
  26. Surprise. In the aftermath, a second lieutenant (Ricardo Massager),a, sergeant ,(Víctor Santeria) and ten soldiers (Antonio Harriet, Heriberto Ávalos, José
  27. Army. He was sent to a school for non-commissioned officers and became a, sergeant , serving in the 25th Croatian Regiment based in Zagreb. In May 1914,Bros won a
  28. Army in 1938,and became a tank driver-mechanic, achieving the rank of senior, sergeant ,(tank commander) serving on the T-34s of the 24th Tank Regiment,12th Tank
  29. Julie London. Paige played Sgt. Tone Sutton, a hard-bitten Union army cavalry, sergeant ,of a segregated black unit. He was paid $10,000 to be in it, and the movie
  30. S School at Fort Benning, Georgia. He was sent overseas to Germany as a mess, sergeant ,and was responsible for the daily meals of 2000 soldiers, rising to the rank of
  31. Indiana Army National Guard and served from 1969 to 1975,attaining the rank of, sergeant , While serving in the Guard, he earned a Juries Doctor (J. D.) degree in 1974
  32. Doe (1951–1990) was a member of the small ethnic group of the Ran, a master, sergeant ,in the Liberian army, and trained by U. S. Army Special Forces. On April 12
  33. Infantry Training Department of the Belgian Army in Arson, before becoming a, sergeant ,in the Luxembourg army. Career corporals: Those who haven't completed five
  34. Counter-offensive, he was shot through the right lung by a sniper. A platoon, sergeant ,came to assist him but was killed. He fell on Montgomery. The German sniper
  35. Serving in the ranks from enlistee (sotilasammattihenkilö), sergeant , staff, sergeant , warrant officer, senior warrant officer and chief warrant officer (
  36. A suicide attack the following morning. First Lieutenant Takes hi Kasai and a, sergeant ,were selected. Two bombs were attached to two fighters, and the pilots took off
  37. Of the film jumps abruptly to Vietnam, following Joker who has been promoted to, sergeant , As a reporter for the United States military's newspaper, Stars and Stripes
  38. Swiss astronomer and mathematician (d. 1643) *1771 – Patrick Gas, American, sergeant , in the Lewis and Clark Expedition (d. 1870) *1775 – Karl Fraser on
  39. Poll served in the U. S. Army from April 1943 until November 1945,rising to, sergeant ,as an air corps weatherman. After training in Illinois, Oklahoma,and Colorado
  40. Erfahrung hat man. ” Translated from German to English:“ To become more than a, sergeant , I don't consider it. I am a good sergeant ; I might easily make a bad captain
  41. On Montgomery. The German sniper fired at him until sunset. The body of the, sergeant ,protected Montgomery and took most of the enemy fire. Montgomery was hit once
  42. Criticised as an" an absolute disgrace" by a BNP spokesman and a detective, sergeant ,involved said he was" disappointed" with the outcome. Equality and Human
  43. Was made a Sergeant in 1953. Toward the end of his Law enforcement career as a, sergeant ,he became the speechwriter for legendary LAPD Chief William H. Parker. He
  44. Coalition of right-wing civilian and military elements. Led by a young, sergeant , Eugenio Batista y Saldivar, this movement was supported by the United States
  45. Up humming along, some openly weeping. DAX overhears this scene from outside. A, sergeant ,appears with word that the regiment has been ordered to return to the front
  46. For his handling of an attack by the Ottawa tribe in which a priest, a French, sergeant ,and 30 Ottawa were killed. Bourgeois had further infuriated the French by
  47. Receive a reserve military rank of private, lance corporal, corporal, sergeant , or second lieutenant, depending on their training and accomplishments. After
  48. United States on March 2,1960,and was honorably discharged with the rank of, sergeant ,on March 5. The train that carried him from New Jersey to Tennessee was mobbed
  49. Harvesting duties and family emergencies pulled men home regardless of the, sergeant ,'s orders. Some relatives might be Loyalists, creating internal strains. On the
  50. Preparing to drop to Klendathu as part of a major strike, his father being his, sergeant ,and a Native American Third Lieutenant-in-training (James Bear paw, known as "

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