Examples of the the word, smear , in a Sentence Context

The word ( smear ), is the 8406 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Adaptation of the procedure to screen and detect anal cancers. In taking a Pap, smear , a spectrum is used to gather cells from the outer opening of the cervix of the
  2. b. 1877) *1962 – Georgios Papanikolaou, Greek doctor, inventor of the Pap, smear ,(b. 1883) *1968 – Georg Hackenschmidt, Estonian professional wrestler (b.
  3. The 'Black Diaries' were long considered to be bogus and part of a propaganda, smear ,campaign. Their authenticity was disputed by the American neurologist, Dr.
  4. Ruth Panel, but she resigned after only nine days when her involvement in the, smear ,campaign against Walcott was revealed. Padel's comportment in the affair was
  5. d. 1963) *1883 – Georgios Papanikolaou, Greek doctor, inventor of the pap, smear ,(d. 1962) *1894 – Asgard Assassin,2nd President of Iceland (d. 1972)
  6. Area to storage area; thus, shutter times can be less than a microsecond and, smear ,is essentially eliminated. The advantage is not free, however,as the imaging
  7. Holder. The building of a dark PR campaign, also known as a dirty trick or a, smear ,campaign is a long and a complex operation. Traditionally it starts with an
  8. Declaration of Conscience" on June 1,1950,calling for an end to the use of, smear ,tactics without mentioning McCarthy or anyone else by name. Six other
  9. King ", Frederic Tudor, for his failure, suspecting that Tudor had launched a, smear ,campaign against his invention. Dr. Corrie died impoverished in 1855 and the
  10. Vagina open for visual inspection of the cervix or taking of samples (see pap, smear ,). Vaginismus, not to be confused with Vaginitis, refers to an
  11. To the 'discrete glissando' effects on guitar & harp respectively),bend, or, smear , Glissando vs. ornaments Prescriptive attempts to distinguish the glissando
  12. The North ratcheted up its war talk in response to an alleged Southern ", smear ,campaign. " The North's military warned the South to end its alleged policy of
  13. Frequency as the orbit got smaller and faster. This would produce a continuous, smear , in frequency, of electromagnetic radiation. However, late 19th century
  14. And named after the prominent Greek doctor Georgios Papanikolaou. An anal Pap, smear ,is an adaptation of the procedure to screen and detect anal cancers. In taking
  15. Military hospital in Constantine, Algeria,he observed the parasites in a blood, smear ,taken from a patient who had just died of malaria. The disease results from the
  16. Its red sandstones rock affords an opportunity to experience the use of, smear ,holds while only a short bike ride away, Boulder Canyon provides
  17. Due to the effects of atmospheric seeing, ground-based telescopes will, smear ,the image of a star to an angular diameter of about 0.5 arc second; in poor
  18. Can be prevented. Most women who develop cervical cancer have never had a Pap, smear , or have not had one within the last five years. Worldwide, cervical cancer is
  19. To return any donations, and he charged that the Democrats were attempting to, smear ,him. 2008 In February 2007,Nader criticized Democratic front-runner Hillary
  20. The jockeying for electoral votes, regional divisions, and the propaganda, smear ,campaigns created by both parties made the election recognizably modern.
  21. Proper respect. Knight's supporters contend he was the victim of a media, smear ,campaign organized by enemies in the IU administration and that the majority of
  22. Imprisoned. The Papanicolaou test (also called Pap smear , Pap test, cervical, smear , or smear test) is a screening test used in gynecology to detect malignant
  23. From the image area to the opaque area or storage region with acceptable, smear ,of a few percent. That image can then be read out slowly from the storage
  24. All very light, and hence would be fast moving or hot. Hot dark matter would, smear ,out the large scale structure of galaxies and thus is not considered a viable
  25. The hyphen, suggested that the variations could not have come from either ink, smear ,or from wear and damage on the pieces of metal on the types themselves. While
  26. About 16 per 100,000 women per year and kills about 9 per 100,000 per year. Pap, smear ,screening has greatly reduced cervical cancer incidence and mortality in
  27. Accomplishments included the promotion of the forged Zingier letter in 1924,a, smear ,campaign conducted against the British Labour Party. Irish Nationalists and
  28. The Papanicolaou test (also called Pap smear , Pap test, cervical smear , or, smear , test ) is a screening test used in gynecology to detect malignant and
  29. Of the encapsulated bacilli, usually in very large numbers, in a blood, smear ,stained with poly chrome methylene blue (McFadden stain) is fully diagnostic
  30. Regarded as art supplies, especially those with waxy core binders that tend to, smear ,on paper instead of erasing. Grease pencils have a softer crayon-like waxy core
  31. Visible image artifacts. Older monitors with long response times would create a, smear ,or blur pattern around moving objects, making them unacceptable for moving
  32. In the Arctic, but supporters argue that the investigation is essentially" a, smear ,campaign" against Connect. Upon listing the polar bear under the Endangered
  33. The source of the wealth of the Minoan civilization. The ancient Greeks used to, smear ,olive oil on their bodies and hair as a matter of grooming and good health.
  34. Of each individual swimmer. Lipstick is often used, and many teams see fit to, smear ,some on their cheeks for a very vibrant and water-resistant blush. Underwater
  35. Dee's' personal life makes it obvious to me that the Advertiser simply wants to, smear ,the center and Mr. Dee's. " The series was a finalist for but did not win a 1995
  36. Potentially pre-cancerous changes in the cervix can be detected by a Pap, smear , in which epithelial cells are scraped from the surface of the cervix and
  37. And scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to, smear ,genuine activists as agents. # Psychological Warfare From the Outside: The FBI
  38. That have been placed on an n-wafer. This second method, reportedly,reduces, smear , dark current, and infrared and red response. This method of manufacture is
  39. Prevent freedom of speech ". Griffin has said that such accusations are" a, smear ,that comes from the far left. " He has also said that" he actually 'detested '
  40. The vagina up to 24 hours post-copulation. The presence of sperm on a vaginal, smear ,is also a reliable indicator of mating. Consequently, mice adapt well to urban
  41. Of Historic he had imprisoned. The Papanicolaou test (also called Pap, smear , Pap test, cervical smear , or smear test) is a screening test used in
  42. Similarly, Polly Toynbee argued that“ the phrase is an empty right-wing, smear ,designed only to elevate its user ”. Commenting on the UK's 2009 Equality Bill
  43. Organ protrudes into the vagina) *Cervical cancer (maybe prevented by Pap, smear ,screening and HPV vaccines) Vulvo-Perineal Localization of Dermatologist
  44. The Bauhaus left Weimar and settled in Essay in 1925. Following a Nazi, smear ,campaign the Bauhaus left Essay in 1932 for Berlin, until its dissolution in
  45. Some of his enemies in England called him a“ Seeker” in an attempt to, smear ,him by associating him with a heretical movement that accepted Socialism and
  46. Holding charge during the transfer. These errors are referred to as" vertical, smear ," and cause a strong light source to create a vertical line above and below its
  47. Applying a primary stain (crystal violet) to a heat-fixed (death by heat), smear , of a bacterial culture * rapid decolorization with alcohol or acetone, and *
  48. Up that early in the morning (of the supposed day, apparently ) to publicly, smear ,the women of New Orleans. Television and entertainment The NBC telecast of the
  49. In turn affects the degree of leaching. In addition, cutting operations can, smear ,the lead globules over the surface. These effects can lead to significant lead
  50. Who he was, she pulled him from her breast, and a spurt of her milk formed the, smear ,across the sky that can be seen to this day. Unlike any Greeks, the Etruscans

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