Examples of the the word, livelihood , in a Sentence Context

The word ( livelihood ), is the 8408 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But made a promise that adequate rice would be given to fishermen whose, livelihood ,would have otherwise been destroyed. In 927 AD, regulations were enacted that
  2. Earthly blessings in the three traditional categories: health and life,a, livelihood , and children, on the condition, however,that the Hasidim support the Aladdin
  3. Call, and Albert duly arranged Henry a film contract in Vienna, ensuring her a, livelihood , Göring's other nephew—Hans-Joachim Göring—was a pilot in the Luftwaffe with
  4. Where low-intensity self-sufficient farming provides the principal source of, livelihood , Georgian statistics service puts individual peasants into the category of
  5. And a small force of resident woodcutters called Laymen, who fought for their, livelihood ,assisted by black slaves. The Spanish repeatedly tried to gain control over
  6. The development of the agricultural sector, which remains the source of, livelihood ,for a large percentage of Kazakhstan's population. By 1959,Kazakhs made up 30
  7. Land, and drainage issues. Irrigation plays a major role in a country the very, livelihood ,of which depends upon a single river, the Nile. Most ambitious of all the
  8. On contraband trade, which,along with livestock, became the sole source of, livelihood ,for the island dwellers. In 1586,Sir Francis Drake captured the city of Santa
  9. Agriculturalist king is not paid by the government through its treasuries; his, livelihood ,is derived from the profits he earns working in the fields, not his leadership.
  10. Trade union center in the country. Overview Agriculture still provides a, livelihood ,for more than 80 % of the population but supplies only about 50 % of food needs
  11. To travel in Continental Europe. After giving up law, he attempted to earn a, livelihood ,through writing. Writing The late Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study and
  12. May eat livestock. In some cases, the shepherds shoot the bear, thinking their, livelihood ,is under threat. Many are now better informed about the ample compensation
  13. Bombardier customers had to prove that snowmobiles were essential to their, livelihood ,in order to buy one. To keep his business going, Armand switched gears and
  14. Persons living in these villages depended upon rain-fed agriculture for their, livelihood , The western edge of this plateau country forms an escarpment along the eastern
  15. Only have I; thou steepest my fate, I must give myself up to thee! Give me a, livelihood , Give me a bride! My blood wants love, as my heart does! " A girl named Rib org
  16. A serious offense correspondingly, but not so heavily as to deprive him of his, livelihood , In the same way, a merchant shall be spared his merchandise, and a husbandman
  17. Interests are largely economic or associated with particular localities whose, livelihood ,they characterize, in his over-all prosperity they involve. " Burke was a
  18. Least developed, is based on agriculture and forestry, which provide the main, livelihood ,for more than 60 % of the population. Agriculture consists largely of
  19. In Medellín, Spain,to a family of lesser nobility, Cortés chose to pursue a, livelihood ,in the New World. He went to Hispaniola and later to Cuba, where he received an
  20. Large-scale agriculture, so the islanders have largely turned to the sea for, livelihood ,and subsistence. Most are outrigger sailors and fishers. Copra plantations
  21. Including age, demographics,economic, social,political, religious,and, livelihood , The estimated U. S. cocaine market exceeded $70 billion in street value for
  22. Heritage, partly economic, where people of the same ethnic group may share a, livelihood , and partly social, taking the form of shared ways of doing things and
  23. Runs south from Bavaria along the Mediterranean coast. The main sources of, livelihood ,throughout the area are in the fields of agriculture and tourism. Industrial
  24. Abu SAAF and other Filipino Muslim groups ... Libya also offered money for ‘, livelihood ,projects’ in its role in the 2000 hostage negotiations ... this raises the
  25. Loss of binocular vision was an obvious barrier to maintaining his goalkeeping, livelihood , Hilton became England's number one, and it was he whom Stoke bought in 1974
  26. A commodity or service either for his personal domestic use or to earn his, livelihood , Only consumers are protected as per this act and any person, entity or
  27. To take it. Economic or industrial espionage is a threat to any business whose, livelihood ,depends on information. In recent years, economic or industrial espionage has
  28. Agriculturalist king is not paid by the government through its treasuries; his, livelihood ,is derived from the profits he earns working in the fields, not his leadership.
  29. Although many Sami living in rural regions of Lapland earned some of their, livelihood ,from reindeer herding, it was estimated that Sami owned no more than one-third
  30. With law, fairness and civility, as the scales were commonplace in the, livelihood ,of the people, throughout the ages. The symbol for Libra is the Scales, making
  31. Their unusual dress, unique customs, and specialized trades for earning their, livelihood , Gypsies have stood out, and their stay in the country has not been an easy one
  32. Acted as priestly guide and teacher. Amply provided by Paula with the means of, livelihood ,and of increasing his collection of books, he led a life of incessant activity
  33. Economy. More than 15 million people (25 % of the population) derive their, livelihood ,from the coffee sector. Other exports include live animals, leather and leather
  34. Large earnings likely to cease, without there being any other mode of seeking a, livelihood , the musicians took counsel together and tried to appease the king in the
  35. Thinker Karl Marx; the land value tax in Taiwan is a legacy thereof. He divided, livelihood ,into four areas: food, clothing,housing, and transportation; and planned out
  36. The Bronze Age would have suffered from chronic poisoning as a result of their, livelihood , Consequently, the mythic image of the lame smith is widespread. Comparative
  37. Role in the success and shaping of Dayton as a manufacturing center and in the, livelihood ,of Dayton residents as a source of employment and tax revenue. In 1906,Charles
  38. Some 50 million people around the world depend on cocoa as a source of, livelihood , In the UK, most chocolates purchase their chocolate from them, to melt, mold
  39. Into the hinterlands. He became embroiled in a dispute with artisans, whose, livelihood , depended on selling the statuettes of Artemis in the Temple of Artemis (). He
  40. Serving, Encouraging,Equipping, Discipling (SEED),a micro-enterprise and, livelihood ,ministry of Free Methodist World Missions, facilitates self-sustaining
  41. Greengrocer, and he began to learn more from a wandering scholar who gained a, livelihood ,by curing the sick and teaching the young. He also studied Fiqh (Islamic
  42. Little farm land exists, Hazara people rely on these pasture lands for their, livelihood ,and survival during long and harsh winters. In 2007 heavily armed Koch is moved
  43. Civilizations have been distinguished by their means of subsistence, types of, livelihood , settlement patterns, forms of government, social stratification, economic
  44. On bicycles. A few transport entrepreneurs use bicycles to gain a, livelihood , The security forces are composed of the Lesotho Defense Force (LDF) and the
  45. The Three Principles of the People - nationalism, democracy,and people's, livelihood , Chiang Kai-shek assumes leadership When Sun Yat-sen died in 1925,the
  46. Would have to face the exasperation of the rank-and-file who had lost their, livelihood , as well as the ambition of generals who could, in a moment, brush them aside.
  47. Capita is among the world's lowest. Subsistence agriculture provides the main, livelihood ,for 85 % of the population. Oil production and the supporting activities are
  48. Path: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right, livelihood , right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. *Dependent
  49. Criticism in stride, observing that most of the critics were clergymen, whose, livelihood , he was attacking. Second marriage Ethan met his second wife, a young widow by
  50. In 1993. That classification usually means that a person ekes out a precarious, livelihood ,in the urban informal sector or as a poorly paid domestic. As unemployment

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