Examples of the the word, python , in a Sentence Context
The word ( python ), is the 6783 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Valuation and more ... * Tibialis - Options pricing library written in, python ,* Minos — Microfinance Institution management software * Octopus Micro Finance
- Articles played football in the streets and was given the nickname Piton (, python ,) by his brother because of his snake-like dribbling skills. He began his
- Incident involved an adult woman reputedly eaten by a" large reticulated, python ,", but few details are known. * In 1932,Frank Buck wrote about a teenage boy
- Maintained at python . Org. Development takes place at the self-hosted Hg., python , Org. CPython's public releases come in three types, distinguished by which
- Python modulus bivittatus Image: Python Braunstein. JPG|Borneo short-tailed, python , Python Curtis Braunstein Image: Layton Albertina.
- Asian species have been known to take down adult deer, and the African rock, python , Python see, has been known to eat antelope. Prey is swallowed whole, and may
- Hooked, or spun in order to grip the walls of the female's cloaca. A female, python ,will not leave the eggs, except to occasionally bask in the sun or drink water.
- January 21, 2009 a 3-year-old Las Vegas boy was wrapped by a pet reticulated, python , turning blue. The boy's mother, who had been babysitting the python on behalf
- Values of attributes use the tail: attributes as follows: The power of, python ,could also be utilized to dynamically alter the ref at runtime.
- In Everglades National Park alone, agents removed more than 1,200 Burmese, python ,from the park as of 2009. The invasive species that causes the most damage is
- Have been hunted aggressively, which has decimated some, such as the Indian, python , Python modulus. Behavior s, in that they typically remain motionless in a
- Python, turning blue. The boy's mother, who had been babysitting the, python ,on behalf of a friend, rescued the toddler by gashing the python with a knife.
- Plants that protect native young fish. Native to southern Asia, the Burmese, python ,(Python modulus bivittatus) is a relatively new invasive species in the
- Prey for several species, including large snakes, such as the reticulated, python , large birds of prey, and various wild fields. In Australia many piglets are
- In the Western world, some snakes (especially docile species such as the ball, python ,and corn snake) are kept as pets. To meet this demand a captive breeding
- A civet cat, an African eagle owl, tropical fish, snakes,such as vipers, and a, python , The extended families of twenty African staff lived in cinder block huts in the
- From the southern Malaysian state of John, was killed by a large reticulated, python , The victim had apparently been caught unaware and was squeezed to death. The
- In Africa the chief center of serpent worship was Dahomey. But the cult of the, python ,seems to have been of exotic origin, dating back to the first quarter of the
- The Zoo's Reptile House. In the film the inhabitant of the tank is a Burmese, python , however in reality it is home to a black mamba. A plaque beside the enclosure
- Python Curtis Braunstein Image: Layton Albertina. JpgWhite-lipped, python , Layton Albertina The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a U. S. state
- The subspecies, as each one has a distinct geographical range. Habitat The, python ,lives in rain forests, woodland and nearby grassland. It is also associated
- Eaten by a pet. Reticulated python in the Philippines. According to Buck,the, python ,had escaped and when it was found they could recognize a human child shape
- Chief center, there is a serpent temple, tenanted by some fifty snakes. Every, python ,of the danh-gbi kind must be treated with respect, and death is the penalty for
- JPG|Carpet python , Morelia pilot Image: Morelia irides. JPG|Green tree, python , Morelia irides Image: Burmese Python 02. JPG|Albino Burmese python
- A recent phylogenetic study of python s suggested that the reticulated, python ,as well as the Timor python are more closely related to Australasian python s
- Platform. In Chisholm's solo room, a piece of wood is changed into a white, python , Finally, by the end of the song, all four girls join hands and form a beam of
- The python on behalf of a friend, rescued the toddler by gashing the, python ,with a knife. The snake was later euthanized because of its fatal wounds.
- Href at runtime. Href" " tail: attributes" ref, python ,:/IN"> 'http://someurl.com/%s'%someobject"> ... This is a very cursory explanation of
- Palestinian leaders and facilities. The IAF has named the AH-64A Peter (, python ,), and the AH-64D Sarah (, seraph (flaming angel) ). Attacking in many
- 1979). In 1981,photographer Richard Avedon photographed Kin ski with a Burmese, python ,coiled around her naked body. In 1982,Kin ski appeared in One from the Heart
- It is very difficult to get exact length measurements on a living reticulated, python , and weights are rarely indicative, as captive python s are often obese. For
- Of a large snake found in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka),most likely a reticulated, python , Python reticulated. The account, which explains how the snake crushes and
- Specific issues are discussed in the Roundup bug tracker maintained at, python , Org. Development takes place at the self-hosted Hg. python . Org. CPython's
- And one biological system given extended description was the jaw apparatus of a, python , The conclusion of this investigation, rather than that evolution of a complex
- African Elephant. Python reticulated, also known as the (Asiatic) reticulated, python ,is a species of python found in Southeast Asia. Adults can grow to over 8.7 m (
- 3.1.5 was released 5 November 2009. It contains X11,Emacs, vi,cc, gcc, perl, python , ash, bash,ash, ftp,ssh, telnet,pine, and over 400 other common Unix utility
- At the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards featured a caged tiger and a large albino, python ,draped over her shoulders. It was harshly received by animal rights
- Wonder, was opened as an elephant and rhinoceros house. In 2000,the Burmese, python ,scene from the 2001 film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was filmed
- Tree python , Morelia irides Image: Burmese Python 02. JPG|Albino Burmese, python , Python modulus bivittatus Image: Python Braunstein. JPG|Borneo
- Bridge (boas). Gallery Image: Morelia pilot. JPG|Carpet, python , Morelia pilot Image: Morelia irides. JPG|Green tree python ,
- 1932,Frank Buck wrote about a teenage boy who was eaten by a pet. Reticulated, python ,in the Philippines. According to Buck, the python had escaped and when it was
- Snakes on set were the cobras. However, one crew member was bitten by a, python ,on set. All the scenes set in Egypt were filmed in Tunisia, and the canyon
- Gripped in its jaws when it was stumbled upon by the victim's brother. The, python , measuring long and weighing more than 300 lb, was killed soon after by the
- Navigation software in Python, which they dubbed" Monty ". There is also an, python ,refactoring tool called bicycle repair (http://bicyclerepair.sourceforge.net/)
- Wherever the sun shone. Thus, when Apollo the infant was grown he pursued the, python , making his way straight for Mount Parnassus where the serpent dwelled, and
- Contrary to popular belief, even the larger species, such as the reticulated, python , P. reticulated, do not crush their prey to death; in fact, prey is not even
- They are considered to be relatively recent arrivals from Asia. There are 15, python , species and 31 species of insectivorous blind snake. There are more than 700
- Reticulatus, also known as the (Asiatic) reticulated python is a species of, python ,found in Southeast Asia. Adults can grow to over 8.7 m (28 feet) in length
- As a sunset over a lake, curiosity and respect towards wildlife (such as the, python , which is neither a threat nor a food source to chimpanzees),empathy toward
- Took part in a public procession from which the profane crowd was excluded; a, python ,was carried round the town in a hammock, perhaps as a ceremony for the
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