Examples of the the word, ps , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ps ), is the 6782 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Receiving an average of 96 % in Metacritic and GamesRankings. Name" three, ps , gr"/> name" solid PS/IN"> MC"/> Gifford Pinch (August 11, 1865 October 4
  2. SSV.3 and the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD 4.3). For example: if the,PS, command was run in the ATT universe, then the symbolic link for the directory
  3. Henry Spencer (1987). Ftp: //ftp. Cs. Toronto. Edu/doc/programming/c-news., ps , News Need Not Be Slow. *Mark Liaison (1994).
  4. Waits on its children. Zombies can be identified in the output from the Unix, ps , command by the presence of a“ Z” in the“ STAT” column. Zombies that exist
  5. Let a = 17. For which primes p is 17 a quadratic residue? We can test prime, ps , manually given the formula above. In one case, testing p 3,we have 17 (3 −
  6. In Metacritic and GamesRankings. Name" three PS gr"/> name" solid, ps , /IN"> MC"/> Gifford Pinch (August 11, 1865 October 4,1946) was the first Chief
  7. Ks Ο (h)o Π p Ρ r (h) Σ s Τ t Υ (h)u, ( h)y Φ p (h) Χ k (h),c (h) Ψ, ps , Ω (h)ō The Demographics of Germany were determined also by a series of full
  8. Metres),and equals the inverse of the focal length of the optical device. PS, ps , and other variants may refer to: Writing and linguistics * Postscript, writing
  9. Explicitly at mount time. SELinux adds the -Z switch to the shell commands ls, ps , and some others, allowing the security context of the files or process to be
  10. Of cloven sets. External links * http://math.berkeley.edu/~apollo/topodefs., ps ,A glossary of definitions in topology Theodore Sturgeon (born Edward Hamilton
  11. Programs *Doodle: Helping to diagram. This one is useful to create a file *., ps , that contain all the ste ps and figures involved in the creation of a figure.
  12. Song by The Books from the album The Lemon of Pink Computers and technology *., ps , the Palestinian Internet domain extension or top-level domain (ccTLD) * PS (
  13. Mandoc -PDF command.1 >command.1. PDF manioc -TPS command.1 >command.1., ps , mandoc -XHTML command.1 >command.1. Xhtml The Balances Superior National or
  14. Orthographic norms, for chi (χ). Psi and theta will usually be the digraphs, ps , and TH. 3 is often used to represent xi (ξ) because of the similar shape of
  15. Phonetically similar letters are exhausted. Thus, ps i (ψ) may be written as, ps , 4 or y; xi (ξ) as ks, x or 3; and theta (θ) as TH or 8. In phonetic use
  16. Is formed by the SI prefix PICO and the SI unit second. It is abbreviated as, ps , One microsecond is equal to 1000 femtoseconds, or 1/1000 nanosecond. Because
  17. The 2nd PS. was formed by adding **ti. There were no endings for the 3rd,PS, Present or at least none can be reconstructed, while the 3rd PS. preterit
  18. Digital Paper, Farallon Replica and even Adobe's own PostScript format (., ps , ); in those early years, PDF was popular mainly in desktop publishing workflows
  19. Was formed by adding the 1st PS. pronoun **me to the verb; similarly, the 2nd,PS, Was formed by adding **ti. There were no endings for the 3rd PS. present or at
  20. And in onomatopoeia, such as PAK pick ('pow, pow' ). Historically, many,PS, appear to have occurred in ancient forms of the language; however, they had
  21. A natural silicon sample, the lifetime of the antisymmetric vibration is 11.4,PS, When the isotope of one of the silicon atoms is increased to 29Si,the
  22. S, an SI unit of time equivalent to 10−12 of a second, standard abbreviation, ps , ( uncapitalized) * PS, the German abbreviation for the word Pferdestärke
  23. LA for" Luftschiff Zeppelin" ) had a length of 128 m, was driven by two 14.2,PS, ( 10.6 kW) Daimler engines and balanced by moving a weight between its two
  24. Seven HS, eleven is, one j, one k, two ls, two ms, eighteen NS, fifteen OS, two,PS, one q, five rs, twenty-seven SS, eighteen ts, two us, seven vs, eight WS, two
  25. Wash the sins not only the face" ( Nippon anomēmata me money open, note,PS, is the single Greek letter Ψ, ps i ) on baptismal fonts. This practice was
  26. Ps gs -menopause -batch -device write -sOutputFile command. PDF command., ps , The former command exports the manual page to PostScript format, while the
  27. Ps, the Palestinian Internet domain extension or top-level domain (ccTLD) *, ps , ( Unix),an application that displays statistics on running processes *
  28. Some notable measurements in this range include: * 1.0 microseconds (1.0,PS, ) – cycle time for electromagnetic frequency 1 Terahertz (The) (1 x 1012
  29. Hl enter HQ=cache:5cOZ-ijfXIoJ: WWW. Ifi. Ntnu. No/gripper/AI/evil/guild/guild., ps , Gz+Gaia+theory Downing & Peter Nijinsky, The Simulated Evolution of
  30. Networking service using hosted offerings like King, http://grou. ps group., ps , or site or more flexible, installable software like Egg Social Networking
  31. Assimilates to the preceding sound as an aspirate (i.e., the sequences ts and, ps , become CCH): :Examples: vats → Accra, a ps aras → Accra *A sibilant
  32. Manner, when the silicon atom is changed to 30Si,the lifetime becomes 27,PS, Two-dimensional IR Two-dimensional infrared correlation spectroscopy analysis
  33. Probability masses pk (θ) and a density f (x | θ),where the sum of all the,PS, added to the integral of f is always one. Assuming that it is possible to
  34. For the 3rd PS. present or at least none can be reconstructed, while the 3rd,PS, Preterit ending was **-DI (Illich-Svitych 1971,pp. 218–19). Verbs could be
  35. Unit bandwidth \Delta\lambda per unit distance travelled, commonly reported in, ps , / nm km for optical fibers. A similar effect due to a somewhat different
  36. Possibly non-imaginary),and write: p = p_s + \DEC_v, : q = q_s + \DEC_v, where,PS, and QS are the scalar parts of p and q and \DEC_v and \DEC_v are the vector
  37. Corresponds to a wavelength of 0.3 mm, as can be calculated by multiplying 1,PS, by the speed of light (approximately 3 x 108 m/s) to determine the distance
  38. To /. Attbin and the program /. Attbin/PS would be executed. Whereas if the,PS, command was run in the UCB universe, then /bin would point to /. Ucbbin and /.
  39. Coincide with regular moments for all even orders, but are nonzero for all odd, ps , .: \operator name\left|X-\mu|up\right = \sigma (p-1)!! \dot \left. \begin
  40. Attested in business correspondence in the 1770s as a scribal abbreviation ", ps ,", referring to the Spanish American peso, that is, the " Spanish dollar" as
  41. Of one of the silicon atoms is increased to 29Si,the lifetime increases to 19,PS, In similar manner, when the silicon atom is changed to 30Si,the lifetime
  42. Another feature of UNIX was that none of the standard utilities (such as, ps , a frequent offender) rummaged around in the kernel's memory to do their job.
  43. Generation of a new photon in Compton scattering obey causality to within 10,PS, Accordingly, Bohr and his co-workers gave their model" as honorable a funeral
  44. Of the spatial domain. Discontinuity meshing http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ph/discon., ps , Gz uses knowledge of visibility events to generate a more intelligent
  45. Tty2 1311 S 1000 0:00 \_ sleep 300 463 1311 1311 3537 tty2 1311 R+ 1000 0:00 \_, ps , axjf ... Launch & Resumption on Unix From a Unix command line, a background
  46. The desired command): Goff -manioc command.1 >command., ps , gs -menopause -batch -device write -sOutputFile command. PDF command. Ps
  47. The sentence (SV and SO type). The 1st person was formed by adding the 1st,PS, Pronoun **me to the verb; similarly, the 2nd PS. was formed by adding **ti.
  48. Follow the initial s- and w- rule or the double consonants: ξ (ks or x),ψ (, ps , ) and us (which later did not exist in classical Greek) were represented by
  49. Philanthropist, scientific research patron (d. 1975) *1890 – Alfred Hence, ps , Land, German writer and poet (d. 1928) *1896 – Carlos P. Garcia,8th
  50. Charge carrier depletion region at the junction). The switching time is ~100,PS, for the small signal diodes, and up to tens of nanoseconds for special

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