Examples of the the word, blur , in a Sentence Context

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  1. A distracting background). As a general rule, an object is recognizable if the, blur ,disk diameter is one-tenth to one-fifth the size of the object or smaller (
  2. On the desired effect. For the same amount of foreground and background, blur , a small-format camera requires a smaller f-number and allows a shorter
  3. Second. The longer exposure time with the larger camera might result in motion, blur , especially with windy conditions, a moving subject, or an unsteady camera.
  4. Into the Pentagon, with a plane visible in one frame, as a" thin white, blur ," and an explosion following. The images were made public in response to a
  5. Or out of focus when too far in front of or behind the object in focus * motion, blur ,— objects appear blur ry due to high-speed motion, or the motion of the camera *
  6. Spot, and the overall sharpness may still increase. Eventually, the refocus, blur ,spot becomes negligibly small, and further stopping down serves only to
  7. F and v_\math rm N, respectively; at image distance v, they are imaged as, blur ,spots. The depth of field is controlled by the aperture stop diameter d; when
  8. Loss of sharpness than the loss from diffraction. The size of the diffraction, blur ,spot depends on the effective f-number N \left (1 + m \right),however, so
  9. Because large f-numbers typically require long exposure times, motion, blur , may cause greater loss of sharpness than the loss from diffraction. The size of
  10. The detail also varies with focal length; for a given detail, the ratio of the, blur ,disk diameter to imaged size of the detail is independent of focal length
  11. The convolution of their individual distributions. * In optics, many kinds of ", blur ," are described by convolutions. A shadow (e.g., the shadow on the table when
  12. The subject; when b \LE c, the detail is within the depth of field, and the, blur ,is imperceptible. If the detail is only slightly outside the DOF, the blur may
  13. Is stopped down, the refocus blur at the DOF limits decreases but diffraction, blur ,increases. The presence of these two opposing factors implies a point at which
  14. How unsharp those parts will be. The amount of background (or foreground), blur , depends on the distance from the plane of focus, so if a background is close to
  15. Or background be indicated by: x_\math rm d = \left | D - s \right | \, The, blur ,disk diameter b of a detail at distance x_\math rm d from the subject can be
  16. Is a variant of model animation which uses various techniques to create motion, blur ,between frames of film, which is not present in traditional stop-motion. The
  17. That the facts should speak for themselves, and that lawyers would just, blur ,the matters. As a consequence, it was only in 1836 that England allowed
  18. The depth of field is controlled by the aperture stop diameter d; when the, blur ,spot diameter is equal to the acceptable circle of confusion c, the near and
  19. Is the object size or greater. The effect of focal length on background, blur ,is illustrated in van Walree's article on
  20. The effect can be significant. For a reasonably distant background detail,the, blur ,disk diameter is: b \approx \franc \, depending only on focal length. The blur
  21. The territory between the Ebro and Argonne rivers was known as Gastonia,a, blur ,ethnic area and polity struggling to fend off the pressure of the Iberian
  22. And background. For a given scene and subject magnification, the background, blur ,increases with lens focal length. If it is not important that background
  23. To a foreground object, and the plus sign applies to a background object. The, blur ,increases with the distance from the subject; when b \LE c, the detail is
  24. To choose any value within the range, as conditions (e.g., potential motion, blur ,) permit. Gibson (1975,64) gives a similar discussion, additionally
  25. Of refocus and diffraction using a root-square combination of the individual, blur ,spots. Hansma's approach determines the f-number that will give the maximum
  26. Focus spread and depth of focus are the same. Foreground and background, blur ,If a subject is at distance s and the foreground or background is at distance D
  27. Metonymy is an aspect of the English language and of other languages. It can, blur ,the distinction between abstract and concrete things: :1805: Horatio Nelson (
  28. Presence of these two opposing factors implies a point at which the combined, blur ,spot is minimized (Gibson 1975,64); at that point, the f-number is optimal
  29. Files was the ability to display all 4096 colors while eliminating the color, blur ,of HAM compression. ** Sound is 4 hardware-mixed channels of 8-bit sound at up
  30. Of focus, so if a background is close to the subject, it may be difficult to, blur ,sufficiently even with a small DOF. In practice, the lens f-number is usually
  31. And there may be no practical benefit from further reducing the size of the, blur ,spot. But this may not be true if the final image is viewed under more
  32. The sharpness in the POF is always greater than that at the DOF limits; if the, blur ,at the DOF limits is imperceptible, the blur in the POF is imperceptible as
  33. Flapping its wings has been shown to produce rodlike effects, due to motion, blur , if the camera is shooting with relatively long exposure times. On August 8/9
  34. The blur is imperceptible. If the detail is only slightly outside the DOF,the, blur ,may be only barely perceptible. For a given subject magnification, f-number
  35. Been entangled with the state of a subatomic particle—becomes a ", blur ," of" living and dead cat. " But this can't be accurate because it implies
  36. The aim of image restoration is the removal of noise (sensor noise, motion, blur , etc.) from images. The simplest possible approach for noise removal is
  37. The Golden-Age Flash),so that photographs would only show his features as a, blur , thus preventing the danger of photographs of both identities being reliably
  38. From the subject of the foreground or background detail, the degree of detail, blur ,varies with the lens focal length. For a background detail, the blur increases
  39. DOF limits, however,further stopping down decreases the size of the refocus, blur ,spot, and the overall sharpness may still increase. Eventually, the refocus
  40. Trends toward just-in-time compilation and byte code interpretation at times, blur ,the traditional categorizations of compilers and interpreters. Some language
  41. Equipped with AEGIS approach them very closely in capability, and once more, blur ,the line between the two classes. Aircraft cruisers From time to time, some
  42. Blur disk diameter is: b \approx \franc \, depending only on focal length. The, blur ,diameter of foreground details is very large if the details are close to the
  43. That at the DOF limits; if the blur at the DOF limits is imperceptible,the, blur ,in the POF is imperceptible as well. For general photography, diffraction at
  44. Image. At any other distance, a point object is refocused, and will produce a, blur ,spot shaped like the aperture, which for the purpose of analysis is usually
  45. DNA sequences in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and more in plasmids and viruses, blur ,the distinction between sense and antisense strands by having overlapping genes
  46. Of the object or smaller (Williams 1990,205),and unrecognizable when the, blur ,disk diameter is the object size or greater. The effect of focal length on
  47. Of detail blur varies with the lens focal length. For a background detail,the, blur ,increases with focal length; for a foreground detail, the blur decreases with
  48. Lefkowitz 1979,84). Optimal f-number As a lens is stopped down, the refocus, blur ,at the DOF limits decreases, but diffraction blur increases. The presence of
  49. Is fixed, as is the case with many scenes, the DOF and the amount of background, blur ,are not independent. Although it is not always possible to achieve both the
  50. Detail, the blur increases with focal length; for a foreground detail,the, blur ,decreases with focal length. For a given scene, the positions of the subject

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