Examples of the the word, negligence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( negligence ), is the 6781 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Although resulting damages must be proven in order to recover compensation in a, negligence ,action, the nature and extent of those damages are not the primary focus of
  2. Collapses, injuring somebody. The violation of the building code establishes, negligence ,per se and the contractor will be found liable, so long as the contractor's
  3. Responsible for the massacre, accusing Defense Minister Ariel Sharon of gross, negligence , The commission’s report, published in February 1983,severely damaged Begin’s
  4. In view of the subjective requirements made in terms of intent or gross, negligence , however, Bjørn Lomborg's publication cannot fall within the bounds of this
  5. To Jay M. Feynman of the Rutgers University School of Law," The core idea of, negligence ,is that people should exercise reasonable care when they act by taking account
  6. Shelia drought of the early 1970s. Increasingly criticized at home for his, negligence ,in domestic matters, Diori put down a coup in 1963 and narrowly escaped
  7. Survivors. If they had scuttled the freighter, it could have been counted as, negligence ,on the part of Herbert. Moments before Bar along began her attack, the submarine
  8. John Russel claimed that the ship had been lost because of" achenes and great, negligence ,". Three years after the sinking, the Hall Chronicle gave the reason for the
  9. Class. In some jurisdictions, negligence per se creates merely a presumption of, negligence , A typical example is one in which a contractor violates a building code when
  10. Personal harm. Examples would be personal injury (following the tort of, negligence ,by the defendant),or the tort of defamation. Speculative damages Speculative
  11. Buddhists and followers of the Vedic religion or Hindus, whom they accused of, negligence ,and inconsistency in the implementation of AHIMA. There is some evidence
  12. In 1991,thus reducing the volume of its exports). Infractions may include, negligence ,with respect to permit issuing, excessive trade, lax enforcement, and failing
  13. Of those damages are not the primary focus of negligence cases. Elements of, negligence ,claims Negligence suits have historically been analyzed in stages, called
  14. In non-personal injury claims, for instance, a claim for professional, negligence ,against solicitors, the measure of damages will be assessed by the loss
  15. Damages and costs in long and complex cases. Intellectual property and medical, negligence ,cases are typical examples Electronic evidence has also entered the courtroom
  16. Change that typifies the common law is the gradual change in liability for, negligence , For example, the traditional common law rule through most of the 19th century
  17. Cases where an engineer's work fails he or she may be subject to the tort of, negligence ,and, in extreme cases, the charge of criminal negligence . An engineer's work
  18. The pleading may allege:: The driver drove negligently. The details of the, negligence ,are, : :#failing to drive carefully: :#driving too fast: :#failing to make
  19. To a settlement or court verdict. Liability policies typically cover only the, negligence ,of the insured, and will not apply to results of willful or intentional acts by
  20. And that slaves of persons aiding the rebellion would be freed. Charges of, negligence ,in his command of the Department of the West were compounded with allegations
  21. Code provision codifying the traditional common-law doctrine of contributory, negligence , ) Instead of common law, the U. S. state of Louisiana uniquely uses a system
  22. Of property damage. Take for example a factory which was burnt down by the, negligence ,of a contractor. The claimant would be entitled to the direct costs required to
  23. Subject to the tort of negligence and, in extreme cases, the charge of criminal, negligence , An engineer's work must also comply with numerous other rules and regulations
  24. Acts known as torts, including both intentional torts and torts caused by, negligence , and as developing the body of law recognizing and regulating contracts. The
  25. Well-being, financial status, or intimate relationships. However, because, negligence , cases are very fact-specific, this general definition does not fully explain
  26. Held responsible has (in the injured person's opinion) committed the tort of, negligence , If they did that, the law requires the injured person to show that the driver
  27. These and later cases were significant as well because they sought to prove the, negligence ,and liability of university administrators in loco parentis. MIT faculty
  28. Action, the nature and extent of those damages are not the primary focus of, negligence ,cases. Elements of negligence claims Negligence suits have historically been
  29. In Sing says on pg 276-277 The Purpose of Exercise and the Dangers of its, negligence ,Just before this In Sing explained how accumulation of food in our body, can
  30. Of the neighboring kolkhozes was attributed to" wrecking" and" criminal, negligence ,". Numbers executed The overwhelming majority of kulaks executed and imprisoned
  31. Against the government of Argentina claiming compensation relating to the, negligence ,and corruption of the local governance during its management of the Burns
  32. Statutory law. For instance, a person who sustains bodily injury through the, negligence ,of another may sue for medical costs, pain,suffering, loss of earnings or
  33. Subject to the tort of negligence and, in extreme cases, the charge of criminal, negligence , An engineer's work must also comply with numerous other rules and regulations
  34. Such as architectural corporations and medical practitioners against potential, negligence ,claims made by their patients/clients. Professional liability insurance may
  35. Negligent because it violates a statute (or regulation). In order to prove, negligence , the plaintiff must show that # the defendant violated the statute, # the
  36. 804 (1975),the California Supreme Court adopted the principle of comparative, negligence ,in the face of a California Civil Code provision codifying the traditional
  37. And" not taking appropriate measures to prevent bloodshed ". Sharon's, negligence ,in protecting the civilian population of Beirut, which had come under Israeli
  38. Cases where an engineer's work fails he or she may be subject to the tort of, negligence ,and, in extreme cases, the charge of criminal negligence . An engineer's work
  39. On an" all risk" basis covering damage arising from any cause (including the, negligence ,of the insured) not otherwise expressly excluded. Builder's risk insurance is
  40. For example, deceit ), and also has stunted applicability to the quantum in, negligence ,where the maxim Intended consequences are never too remote applies 'never' is
  41. Compensate another for losses caused by accidental injury. Further, the law of, negligence ,at common law is only one aspect of the law of liability. Although resulting
  42. Injury, he can recover damages to compensate for his harm. Proving a case for, negligence ,can potentially entitle the injured plaintiff to compensation for harm to their
  43. Regulation, the doctrines of nuisance (public or private),trespass, negligence , and strict liability apportioned harm and assigned liability for activities
  44. Abuses in matters of marriage and divorce, and denounced ignorance and, negligence ,in matters of ritual observance. Ethical teaching Ran, says tradition, found an
  45. Present day now celebrate it before the equinox, and that altogether through, negligence ,and error. The Cardiac paschal table confirms these complaints, for it
  46. Bomb attack on October 1,2004,said" I accuse this government of incitement, negligence ,and shortcomings at the least, and of covering up its planning at the most ...
  47. Person would exercise in like circumstances. The area of tort law known as, negligence ,involves harm caused by carelessness, not intentional harm. According to Jay M.
  48. Was a member of the statute's protected class. In some jurisdictions, negligence ,per se creates merely a presumption of negligence . A typical example is one in
  49. He was expected to make a full recovery. Meyer, his passenger, has sued him for, negligence , claiming that he was drinking the night of the accident. She has denied
  50. Defames a party, breaches confidentiality, or most commonly, is liable in, negligence , To be awarded damages, the party must show suffering from actual damage, and

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