Examples of the the word, skeleton , in a Sentence Context

The word ( skeleton ), is the 9281 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tab, glove,or thumb ring. A simple tab of leather is commonly used, as is a, skeleton ,glove. Medieval Europeans probably used a complete leather glove. Eurasiatic
  2. Model in its Mil stein Family Hall of Ocean Life. A juvenile blue whale, skeleton ,is installed at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in New Bedford, Massachusetts.
  3. In 1861,Charlemagne's tomb was opened by scientists who reconstructed his, skeleton ,and estimated it to be measured 74.9 inches (190 centimeters). A modern study
  4. Skeleton of the whale mounted beside the whale. The Melbourne Museum features a, skeleton ,of the pygmy blue whale. Whale-watching Living blue whales may be encountered
  5. Amino acid but through transmutation. Some alkaloids do not have the carbon, skeleton ,characteristic of their group. So, galantamine and homoaporphines do not
  6. Which represent the link or connection between these fins and the internal, skeleton ,(e.g., pelvic and pectoral girdles). In terms of numbers, actinopterygians
  7. And escape. Birds have various adaptations for flight, including a lightweight, skeleton , two large flight muscles, the pectoralis (which accounts for 15 % of the
  8. The verb conjugation corresponds to the person. For example, the triconsonantal, skeleton ,is the semantic core of the word 'hear '; its basic conjugation is 'he hears '.
  9. Skull is cast replica) directly on the main campus boulevard. A real, skeleton ,of a blue whale at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Canada was also
  10. Lippi" that he had casts made of the bones and plaster replicas of the whole, skeleton ,donated to several museums in Europe. The original fossil skeleton is assembled
  11. Obsolete. More recent classifications are based on similarity of the carbon, skeleton ,(e.g., indole-, isoquinoline-, and pyridine-like) or biogenetic precursor (
  12. Skeletons. This is the well-known mount poised over a partial Apatosaurus, skeleton ,as if scavenging it, illustrated as such by Charles R. Knight. Although notable
  13. Contains the only stuffed blue whale in the world. There one can also find the, skeleton ,of the whale mounted beside the whale. The Melbourne Museum features a skeleton
  14. Wall hooks in the basement of the Bullenhuser Dame school in Hamburg. Jewish, skeleton ,collection The Jewish skeleton collection was obtained from among a pool of 115
  15. These ladies are terpenes (C20H32) and trained, equipping the organic, skeleton ,with three alkene groups for polymerization. As amber matures over the years
  16. Oh man, that is hot ". * An episode of Bones featured the discovery of a human, skeleton ,at a black metal concert in Norway. The episode was called" Mayhem on a Cross
  17. The Bullenhuser Dame school in Hamburg. Jewish skeleton collection The Jewish, skeleton ,collection was obtained from among a pool of 115 Jewish inmates at Auschwitz
  18. Museum of the Rockies and University of Wyoming Geological Museum team. This, skeleton ,was discovered by a Swiss team, led by Kirby Fiber. The same team later
  19. Space for a circulatory system and, in some animals, formed a hydrostatic, skeleton ,which enables worm-like animals to burrow; mesmerism, in which the body was
  20. Elisabeth Klein. JPG|Elisabeth Klein; one of the 86 victims in the" Jewish, skeleton ,collection" File: Birkenau tower. JPG|Entrance to Birkenau,2006. Guard tower
  21. Also worked with shielded X-ray tubes during World War I, and analysis of her, skeleton ,during a reburial showed a relatively low level of radioisotope burden. Russian
  22. At the University of British Columbia, Canada,houses a display of a blue whale, skeleton ,(skull is cast replica) directly on the main campus boulevard. A real
  23. Intermediates from other biochemical pathways are converted to the keto acid, skeleton , and then an amino group is added, often via transmutation. The amino acids
  24. At Yale University, described and named an incomplete (and juvenile), skeleton , of Apatosaurus Ajax in 1877. Two years later, Marsh announced the discovery of
  25. The tribe Giants was named after him. Ananias also relates that a gigantic, skeleton , its kneecap in diameter, appeared on the beach near Pigeon, on the Trojan
  26. A high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a lightweight but strong, skeleton , All living species of birds have wings—the now extinct flightless MOA of New
  27. Atom (H-C bonds). A series of linked carbon atoms is known as the carbon, skeleton ,or carbon backbone. In general, the number of carbon atoms is often used to
  28. Heavy winter coat, Alberta File: Bison antiques p1350717. JPG|Bison antiques, skeleton ,File: Cans lupus pack surrounding Bison. JPG|An American bison standing its
  29. Excavated a second Allosaurus," Big Al Two ", which is the best preserved, skeleton ,of its kind to date. The specimen was described by Breitbart in 1996. Recent
  30. Bones (from everyday stress) but also to shape and sculpture the, skeleton ,during growth. Calcium balance The process of bone resorption by the
  31. Skeletons in the American West. Apatosaurus Louise is known from one partial, skeleton ,which was found in Utah in the United States. Apatosaurus parts was originally
  32. Life restorations to this day. Despite the much-publicized debut of the mounted, skeleton , which cemented the name Brontosaurus in the public consciousness, Elmer Riggs
  33. In 1998,so it is now properly Brontosaurus yahnahpin. One partial, skeleton ,has been found in Wyoming. It has been argued that Brontosaurus belongs
  34. The maximum permissible body burden for the isotope berkelium-249 in the human, skeleton ,is 0.4 nanograms. Bauxite is an aluminum ore and is the main source of
  35. Of chess positions is the pawn structure (sometimes known as the pawn, skeleton ,), or the configuration of pawns on the chessboard. Since pawns are the least
  36. Had assumed a selenology structure. Credit characters were displayed in the, skeleton , Current taxonomy of animals once classified in Amblyopia Few authorities
  37. Body plan that shows many unusual adaptations, mostly to facilitate flight. The, skeleton ,consists of very lightweight bones. They have large air-filled cavities (
  38. The extant members of which all fall into Ileostomy. Anatomy Skeleton The, skeleton ,is cartilaginous. The notochord, which is present in the young, is gradually
  39. A city in the Free State of Saxony, Germany **Gutenberg bobsleigh, luge,and, skeleton ,track, a venue for bobsleigh, luge and skeleton located in Gutenberg, Saxony
  40. Based on scientific evidence from the numerous injuries and pathologies in its, skeleton , The AK-47 is a selective-fire, gas-operated 7.62×39 mm assault rifle, first
  41. Of Occupied France. Due to a typhus epidemic, the candidates chosen for the, skeleton ,collection were quarantined in order to prevent them from becoming ill and
  42. Of the whole skeleton donated to several museums in Europe. The original fossil, skeleton ,is assembled and stands in the Hall of Dinosaurs at the Carnegie Museum of
  43. He was extremely proud, though he described it in his autobiography as" the, skeleton ,in our family cupboard ". Charles Chaplin Sr. was an alcoholic and had little
  44. And solid appearance, and accounts for 80 % of the total bone mass of an adult, skeleton , Compact bone may also be referred to as dense bone. Trabecular (cancellous)
  45. Bobsleigh, luge,and skeleton track, a venue for bobsleigh, luge and, skeleton ,located in Gutenberg, Saxony,Germany *Gutenberg (Dervishes Land),part of
  46. Museums The Natural History Museum in London contains a famous mounted, skeleton ,and life-size model of a blue whale, which were both the first of their kind in
  47. Compounds. An organic compound is defined as any compound based on a carbon, skeleton , * Physical chemistry is the study of the physical and fundamental basis of
  48. Us that they were all slaughtered by the Saxons under Cædwalla. In 2008 the, skeleton ,of Queen Earth, granddaughter of Alfred the Great was found in Magdeburg
  49. If the amino group is removed from an amino acid, it leaves behind a carbon, skeleton ,called an keto acid. Enzymes called transaminase can easily transfer the
  50. Then prepared for what was to be the first ever mounted display of a sauropod, skeleton , at Yale's Peabody Museum of Natural History in 1905. The missing bones were

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