Examples of the the word, simulator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( simulator ), is the 8961 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Apple's Mac OS X operating system * Darwin bots, an open source artificial life, simulator ,Craters In entertainment * Darwin (request DSV),a dolphin in the TV series
  2. Motorola's simulator , MTIME, was an advanced version of the TIME circuit, simulator ,that Jenkins had developed at Berkley. The group published a technical paper,"
  3. 1944 with the famed Whirlwind which was originally developed to make a flight, simulator ,for the US Navy, although this was never completed. Instead, this effort
  4. A demonstration. Since they didn't actually have one, Allen worked on a, simulator ,for the Altair while Gates developed the interpreter. Although they developed
  5. Of the motion system not be greater than of the visual system, or symptoms of, simulator ,sickness may result. This is because in the real world, motion cues are those
  6. All the" neuron firings" in his imagination. ": Two variations on the brain, simulator ,reply are::; China brain: What if we ask each citizen of China to simulate one
  7. In an online network, or locally with an offline computer, game system, or, simulator , The various formats of technological or digital multimedia may be intended to
  8. Airplanes and 12 single-seaters as well as ground maintenance facilities,a, simulator , and training for pilots and ground crews) for 210 billion HUF (about 800
  9. Branch of a network. A common analytical tool for this is the SPICE circuit, simulator , Also, important to electronics is the study and understanding of
  10. Ailerons, loss of an engine, etc. Several demonstrations were made on a flight, simulator ,where a Cessna-trained small-aircraft pilot successfully landed a
  11. After delivery. Frisson was so frustrated with the inability of the training, simulator ,engineers to keep up with the actual spacecraft changes, that he took a lemon
  12. Microassembler allows a programmer to define the table of bits symbolically. A, simulator ,program executes the bits in the same way as the electronics (hopefully),and
  13. Simulator with visual representation of a generic, pipelined processor. This, simulator ,is quite useful for register tracking during step by step execution. More
  14. American culture ". Neighbors also said that the pair constantly played flight, simulator ,games. Midway and Nazi took flight lessons on May 5,2000, at the Sorbia Flying
  15. The Space Center has many interactive exhibits including moon rocks, a shuttle, simulator , and presentations about the history of NASA's manned space flight program.
  16. Test for Echo tour he used the same set-up but added a Palmer PDI-03 speaker, simulator , and a Sunlamp PSA-1. Beginning in 2002,Lee dispensed with using a single bass
  17. Russian civil war in 2010; and Rhye's and Fall of Civilization, an 'Earth, simulator ,' designed to mirror a history as closely as possible but incorporating
  18. Effects can simulate speaker cabinets and miking techniques. A rotary speaker, simulator ,mimics the Doppler sound of a vintage Leslie speaker system by replicating its
  19. In addition to flight training at Arizona Aviation, Hanjour enrolled in flight, simulator ,classes at the Sawyer School of Aviation where he made only three or four
  20. Above also specify a certain kind of system as being important. ); Brain, simulator ,reply: Suppose that the program simulated in fine detail the action of every
  21. In Office 97 (for x86 and Alpha). This version of Excel includes a flight, simulator ,as an Easter Egg. * 1999 Excel 2000 (version 9.0) included in Office 2000 *
  22. As a video monitor. The" Turbine" allowed two-player play. Falcon, a flight, simulator , included a" head-to-head" dogfight mode that could only be accessed via
  23. 1/1,000 sec),between initial input and an output clearly discernible to the, simulator ,trainee or simulator subject. Latency is sometimes also called transport delay.
  24. To take a mandatory medical examination. In February, Hanjour began advanced, simulator ,training in Mesa, Arizona. He and Nazi moved out of Mesa at the end of March
  25. Gates developed the interpreter. Although they developed the interpreter on a, simulator ,and not the actual device, the interpreter worked flawlessly when they
  26. Fight. In 1976,Tito released Interceptor, an early first-person combat flight, simulator ,that involved piloting a jet fighter, using an eight-way joystick to aim with a
  27. Companies for Lucasarts. The first in-house development was the space combat, simulator ,X-Wing, developed by Larry Holland's independent team, which went on to spawn
  28. 51 during the 1950s. His claims included that he had worked on a" flying disc, simulator ," which had been based on a disc originating from a crashed extraterrestrial
  29. Under Donald Peterson, the designer of the SPICE circuit simulator . Motorola's, simulator , TIME, was an advanced version of the TIME circuit simulator that Jenkins had
  30. Organizations for its diabolic undertones and was dubbed a" mass murder, simulator ," by critic and Biology Research Group founder David Grossman. Doom prompted
  31. Initial input and an output clearly discernible to the simulator trainee or, simulator ,subject. Latency is sometimes also called transport delay. * Some authorities
  32. Might be saying.:; Brain replacement scenario: Closely related to the brain, simulator ,reply, this claims that a massively parallel connectionist architecture would
  33. Organizations for its diabolic undertones and was dubbed a" mass murder, simulator ," by critic and Biology Research Group founder David Grossman. Doom prompted
  34. Step in the development of rowing machines, developing the Row perfect rowing, simulator , The resistance mechanism is mounted on bearings sitting on the same bar as the
  35. A C library that does not change between operating systems. An instruction set, simulator ,(which would ideally be written in an assembler language) can, in theory
  36. 356,069 passengers. On 25 July 1957,the airline introduced its first flight, simulator ,for the Douglas DC-7C - the last KLM aircraft with piston engines - which
  37. Amounts after the initial acceleration which caused the displacement. A, simulator ,should therefore reflect the real-world situation by ensuring that the motion
  38. IBM which beat Garry Kasparov in 1997. * Freeway, a self-learning conversation, simulator ,(Chatterbot) which uses semantic nets to organize its knowledge in order to
  39. Advanced Technology Leisure Application Simulator, a large hydraulic motion, simulator ,for the theme park industry Literature and press * Atlas, a book of photography
  40. Joysticks became especially popular with the mainstream success of Space flight, simulator ,games like X-Wing and Wing Commander, as well as the" Six degrees of freedom "
  41. Cipher and decipher). On the other hand, there is a very user-friendly 3-rotor, simulator , here: http://w1tp.com/enigma/enigma_w.zip where users can select rotors, use
  42. And built to handle multicore architectures. There is a freely available MIPS32, simulator , ( earlier versions simulated only the R2000/R3000) called SPIN for use in
  43. Changes, that he took a lemon from a tree by his house, and hung it on the, simulator , In a spacecraft review meeting held with Shea on August 19, 1966 (a week
  44. MINI running as a user process under Suns and Polaris was also available,a, simulator ,called SMX. MINI 2.0 Demand for the 68k-based architectures waned, however
  45. Language. The development system consisted of a text editor, assembler and a, simulator , This allowed the developer to test the software before the target system was
  46. Virtual Platforms (OVP) includes the freely available for non-commercial use, simulator ,OVP sim, a library of models of processors, peripherals and platforms, and APIs
  47. Circuit simulator s under Donald Peterson, the designer of the SPICE circuit, simulator , Motorola's simulator , MTIME, was an advanced version of the TIME circuit
  48. Hennessy's Computer Organization and Design. Web MIPS is a browser based MIPS, simulator ,with visual representation of a generic, pipelined processor. This simulator is
  49. For use in education. EduMIPS64 is a GPL graphical cross-platform MIPS64 CPU, simulator , written in Java/Swing. It supports a wide subset of the MIPS64 ISA and allows
  50. The tanker equipment installed) as their infamous Vomit Comet zero-gravity, simulator ,aircraft. The longest-serving (1973 to 1995) version was KC-135A,AF SER. No.

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