Examples of the the word, narration , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Original 1984 mixes The track featured actor Patrick Allen, who recreated his, narration ,from the Protect and Survive public information films for certain 12-inch mixes
  2. Entendres. The recurring, a lone saxophone accompaniment to the protagonist's, narration , best exemplifies the noir styling of the series. The Big O goes further, by
  3. Life in states of expansion, decay,sex, and death, with some, but little, narration , Other documentary forms Compilation films were pioneered in
  4. Time at Oxford and the Olympics; these letters were the basis of Montague's, narration ,in the film. The character of Lindsay was based on David Burgher (Lord
  5. The basement. His termination came later that day. Ellison has provided vocal, narration ,to numerous audiobooks, both of his own writing and others. Ellison has helped
  6. And Imagination was first remixed in 1987 for release on CD, and included, narration ,by Orson Welles which had been recorded in 1975,but arrived too late to be
  7. With the first and third being a series of letters, while the middle part is a, narration ,by an unknown observer. * Kathrine Taylor's Address Unknown (1938) was an
  8. He called Petersen's sacrificing of both realism and suspense in dialogue, narration , and photography for the sake of cheap dramatic thrills and action effects (
  9. Rule Plato's The Republic presents a critical view of democracy through the, narration ,of in his WWII treatise, The Open Society and its Enemies (1943). Political
  10. Of filmed photographs developed as a photomontage of varying pace, with limited, narration ,and sound effects. La Jeté was the inspiration for Mamore Oshii's 1987 debut
  11. Who later dies in a car accident with his mother (though only the voice over, narration ,acknowledges this). Bump was the last surviving principal cast member of
  12. System, the Ainu were masters of narration , with the Year and other forms of, narration ,such as the Seeker (Weaker) tales, being committed to memory and related
  13. That you face shall make amends for your sins. " As it appears in another, narration , he said," O Abu Bakr, do you not get sick? Are you never tested by distress
  14. Countries the need for spoken accompaniment quickly faded, with dialogue and, narration ,presented in intertitles, but in Japanese cinema it remained popular throughout
  15. Together his talents as an investigator and his obsessions with murder, narration ,and epistemology, Morris went to work on the case in earnest. Unedited
  16. Narration (i.e., by the protagonist),Stephen Neal notes that third-person, narration ,is common among noir of the semidocumentary style. Neo-noirs as varied as The
  17. Entire primary narrative as a flashback is also a standard device. Voice over, narration , sometimes used as a structuring device, came to be seen as a noir hallmark;
  18. Of Planetary, and in the impeccable but convoluted grammar of Smith's, narration , Some influence of nineteenth century philosophy of language may be detectable
  19. Play-by-play commentary with talk not directly about play *Commentary or, narration , the words in a documentary film *Commentary (magazine),a US public affairs
  20. Audio recordings of missing serials on cassette and Compact Disc, with linking, narration ,provided by former series actors. " Official" reconstructions have also been
  21. However, there is a playfulness in the prefaces to both editions and in the, narration ,within the text itself. The novel opens with the son of Manfred (the Prince of
  22. He championed a" cinema for the millions ", which would use clear, linear, narration , Although American movies were no longer being imported in the 1930s,the
  23. Version. This was to avoid association with comedian Steve Martin. The closing, narration ,(spoken by Raymond Burr) is as follows:: Nature has a way sometimes of
  24. It, then wait for the Day of Judgment. " * 'Umar in Al-Shabab, in a long, narration , relating to the questions of the angel Gabriel, reported:" Inform me when the
  25. A noir hallmark; while classic noir is generally associated with first-person, narration ,(i.e., by the protagonist),Stephen Neal notes that third-person narration
  26. The film had worked without the narration . But now I was stuck re-creating that, narration , And I was obliged to do the voice overs for people that did not represent the
  27. Pilgrim (1923) for which he composed the music and recorded an introductory, narration , As well as directing these final films, Chaplin also wrote My Autobiography
  28. Character whose purpose is unclear. He acts as a sort of narrator but gives no, narration ,relevant to the plot; that job is reserved for the film's primary narrator
  29. It was an f**king nightmare. I thought that the film had worked without the, narration , But now I was stuck re-creating that narration . And I was obliged to do the
  30. War. The films were personal, poetic,imaginative in their use of sound and, narration , and featured ordinary working-class people with sympathy and respect. In this
  31. Allah will almost certainly visit them all with severe punishment. " Another, narration ,goes," If they see evil practiced and do not attempt to change it ... "
  32. The famous" Saint Crispin's day" speech; Shakespeare has Henry give a moving, narration ,to his soldiers just before the battle, urging his" band of brothers" to
  33. Own work has been heavily influenced by Tchaikovsky. The film consists mostly of, narration ,over stock footage from Tarkovsky's films. Directed by Andrei Tchaikovsky is
  34. Blended the music of Debussy with drum and bass, opera,hip hop, jazz,and, narration , and described the album as" the soundtrack to a film that wasn't made about
  35. Of human nature To emphasize the theme of darkness within mankind,Marlow's, narration ,takes place on a yawl in the Thames tidal estuary. Early in the novella, Marlow
  36. Was understood by all. Without a writing system, the Ainu were masters of, narration , with the Year and other forms of narration such as the Seeker (Weaker)
  37. Relativity proposed by Ricardo Tarzan in physics * Audio description,a, narration ,track for blind and visually impaired viewers of media such as TV and film *
  38. In Quintus Smyrna’ Posthomerica (4th century AD) which continues the, narration ,of the Trojan War. Philosophers Thales believed the earth was flat and floated
  39. I" of the TV show Fukuyama which aired in 2000. Gaga also performed voice over, narration ,as a guest Dungeon Master in the Delera's Tomb quest series of the massively
  40. Version of the film that we had agreed upon was the version without voice over, narration , It was an f**king nightmare. I thought that the film had worked without the
  41. Narrative voice, only being revised in later drafts to insert more third-person, narration ,of events. Footnotes Goon hilly Satellite Earth Station is a large
  42. Typically described as" mild-mannered," perhaps most famously by the opening, narration ,of Max Fleischer's Superman animated theatrical shorts. These traits extended
  43. If they see evil practiced and do not attempt to change it ..." According to a, narration ,of Abu Bakr as reported in Jami all Termini, Tafsir in Jair and elsewhere
  44. By the cleaning lady near the end of the story, but it is not used in the, narration , Unbeliever also denotes a sense of separation between himself and his
  45. This was commonly seen in early anime dubs such as Robotic or Vol tron, where, narration , or character voice overs (an animated equivalent to" thought balloons" in
  46. Refers to anything suggestive of Kafka, especially his nightmarish style of, narration , in which characters lack a clear course of action, the ability to see beyond
  47. Television, containing almost an hour of cutting-room-floor footage and new, narration , Such was not representative of Lynch's intentions, but the studio considered
  48. By many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days ..." The detailed, narration ,of the Road to Emma us appearance in is at times considered one of the best
  49. By the Kraut rock sound of Freighter and New!, evidenced a move away from, narration ,in Bowie's songwriting to a more abstract musical form in which lyrics were
  50. Featured a short titled" Buster at the Bat ", where Sylvester provides, narration ,as Buster goes up to bat. The poem was parodied again for an episode of

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