Examples of the the word, topical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( topical ), is the 8975 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Creole, a Portuguese-based creole language, and are often humorous and, topical , revolving around current events and controversies, especially AIDS. The word
  2. Science, geography and other curriculum subjects, around the context of one, topical ,theme, like water, animals,American slavery, or ancient Rome. For example, a
  3. Of both comedies and tragedies, and thus references to tragedy were highly, topical ,and immediately relevant to the original audience. The comic dramatist also
  4. With antibiotics—the antifungal drugs commonly used to treat candidiasis are, topical ,clotrimazole, topical statin, fluconazole,and topical ketoconazole. For
  5. Works of James Joyce, including Ulysses, which is set in Dublin and full of, topical ,detail. Dubliners is a collection of short stories by Joyce about incidents and
  6. Best Song, Best Performer, Best Writer/Composer, Best Classic Song and two, topical ,categories that vary from year to year. Some examples of past categories
  7. Most of the sections in a roughly chronological order instead of the earlier, topical ,order, and included 26 revelations not included in previous editions, now
  8. As they did on Spider-Man's adventures. The stories also became more, topical , addressing issues such as civil rights, racism,prisoners' rights, the
  9. Te grin, T/Gel, and Nectar. When used in the extemporaneous preparation of, topical ,medications, it is supplied in the form of Coal Tar Topical Solution USP, which
  10. Antifungal drugs commonly used to treat candidiasis are topical clotrimazole, topical ,statin, fluconazole,and topical ketoconazole. For example, a one-time dose
  11. Also promotes topical absorption by up to 1,000 times, making the use of, topical ,quercetin and ultrasound wands an interesting proposition. High dietary intake
  12. Appeared in the BBC show Never Mind The Buzz cocks, and also appeared on the, topical ,quiz show 8 out of 10 Cats. Bill also is the voice behind many B&Q adverts
  13. Damage produced acutely after single oral doses of aspirin are due to its, topical , rather than systemic, action. Central effects Large doses of salicylate, a
  14. Is not recommended when using clindamycin-containing products, even, topical , products such as Dual or Benjamin. In general, the simultaneous use two
  15. And reopened). In the West, chloramphenicol is mostly restricted to, topical ,uses because of the worries about the risk of plastic anemia. Therapeutic
  16. For a student. The following outline is provided as an overview of and, topical ,guide to education: Essence of education: Main article: Education
  17. And stress action, decreasing the ulcer area by twice. " Gelatin is also a, topical ,hemostatic. A piece of gelatin sponge of appropriate size is applied on
  18. Conservation of energy. The following outline is provided as an overview of and, topical ,guide to biology: History of biology: Main article: History of biology Essence
  19. Point. Ben Asher followed Maimonides's precedent in arranging his work in a, topical ,order, however,the Our covers only those areas of Jewish religious law that
  20. The natural universe. The following outline is provided as an overview of and, topical ,guide to engineering: Branches * *Industrial engineering (includes
  21. The musical in his review: Carousel has no comment to make on anything of, topical ,importance. The theme is timeless and universal: the devotion of two people who
  22. The hierarchical model The following outline is provided as an overview of and, topical ,guide to health science: Branches Conventional Western disciplines Alternative
  23. By interatomic forces. The following outline is provided as an overview of and, topical ,guide to chemistry: Branches of chemistry Physical science – * Analytical
  24. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system, an appetite suppressant, and a, topical ,anesthetic. Specifically, it is a serotonin–norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake
  25. Cocaine as a local anesthetic Cocaine was historically useful as a, topical ,anesthetic in eye and nasal surgery, although it is now predominantly used for
  26. A combination of quercetin and ultrasound Note that ultrasound also promotes, topical ,absorption by up to 1,000 times, making the use of topical quercetin and
  27. Owner of a Lonely Heart ". ZTT aggressively marketed the single in terms of its, topical ,political angle, promoting it with images of the group wearing American
  28. Oil and water proportions and their route of administration. The first 5 are, topical ,dosage forms, and may be used on the surface of the skin, transdermally
  29. Treat candidiasis are topical clotrimazole, topical statin, fluconazole,and, topical ,ketoconazole. For example, a one-time dose of fluconazole (150-mg tablet taken
  30. It. Coal tar causes increased sensitivity to sunlight, so skin treated with, topical ,coal tar preparations should be protected from sunlight. The residue from the
  31. In the introduction to the second edition," It is neither allegorical nor, topical ,.... I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have
  32. Plants do. Mangroves and salt marsh are important coastal vegetation types in, topical ,and temperate environments respectively. Coastline statistics The coastline
  33. Chloramphenicol. Eye drops In the West, chloramphenicol is still widely used in, topical ,preparations (ointments and eye drops) for the treatment of bacterial
  34. Advantages of both models. This is a full-scale creation of various ready-made, topical ,sites on turnkey basis called turnkey websites. All auditing, testing and
  35. 28,000-article concise encyclopedia to return an answer to the query. Daily, topical ,features sent directly to users' mobile phones are also planned. On 3 June
  36. States, and a major cause of death, worldwide. There is clinical evidence that, topical ,dermatological preparations such as those containing tea tree oil and thyme oil
  37. Over the BBC, particularly The Brains Trust and the Third Program, on various, topical ,and philosophical subjects. By this time Russell was world-famous outside of
  38. The standard works include a bible dictionary, photographs,maps and gazetteer, topical ,guide, index,footnotes,cross-references, excerpts from the Joseph Smith
  39. Themes, emerging in 1976. Si Khan emerged in 1974 at the more political and, topical ,end of the folk music spectrum. In the 1980s,artists like The Knitters
  40. Work in zoology. " The following outline is provided as an overview of and, topical ,guide to dance: Dance – human movement either used as a form of expression or
  41. Of exposing the men responsible for his father's death. Its theme proved, topical ,: while the film was in production, mass demonstrations were held against the
  42. List of chemists Lists The following outline is provided as an overview of and, topical ,guide to critical theory: Critical theory – examination and critique of society
  43. Jeff. Uncle Duke and Roland Heyday have also appeared often, frequently in more, topical ,settings unconnected to the main characters. In more recent years the second
  44. Topics (alphabetical) The following outline is provided as an overview of and, topical ,guide to entertainment, entertainers and the entertainment industry.
  45. By 330 BC. The trend from Old Comedy to New Comedy saw a move away from highly, topical ,concerns with real individuals and local issues towards generalized situations
  46. Became the basis of the Russian film documentary. Typical of the 1920s were the, topical ,news serial Kino-Pravda and the film Forward, Soviet! By Vetrov, whose
  47. Convictions – peace, social justice, anti-poverty – were reflected in the, topical ,songs that made up a growing portion of her repertoire, to the point that Baez
  48. Paxton followed in Woody Guthrie's footsteps, writing " protest music" and, topical ,songs and expressing support for various causes including the American Civil
  49. Of Benson and Friar's balsam. Such products have a long history of use as, topical ,antiseptics and inhalant decongestants. Biology and health effects Benzoic acid
  50. Stagnation. The problem of demand saturation and satiety became one of the most, topical ,themes of evolutionary economists. Many articles and books have been written.

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