Examples of the the word, uw , in a Sentence Context

The word ( uw ), is the 8979 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. De d'rude Restroom Street rich wild he Sights land. Willibrord outstay, uw , fakkel, Die onblusbaar Verde Brandt; Waar's Lands Unit were reborn, Utrecht
  2. Te, Bomoyi Te (also known as No Jesus, No Life). **Dutch -" Her, ik Prius, uw , grote Nam" ( Lord, I praise Your great name) **German -" Herr, dein Name
  3. Our program; ARP political program,1879) * Antirevolutionair took in, uw , huisgezin" ( Anti-revolutionary in your family too; 1880) *" Soevereiniteit
  4. v ...: :are adjacent in G1 if and only if there is a vertex w such that both, uw , and VW are arcs in D, and: :are adjacent in G2 if and only if there is a vertex
  5. Right \squad \quad = \left \begin \rho u\\ \rho u^2 + p \\ \rho UV \\ \rho, uw , \\ (\rho e_t + p)u \\ \end \right \squad \quad = \left \begin \rho v\\ \rho VU
  6. Her brother gives her permission" Al's GY UW EER Meyer we bewared / En GY, uw , kroon near recited draft! " (... as long as you keep your honor and wear your
  7. And unstressed forms: min (m'n) (1 sing. ), jo uw (JE) (2 sings. ), uw , ( 2 sing. En plural polite),Zion (z'n) (3 sing. m. and n. ), haar (d'r)
  8. Phonemic long vowels, it may be used to write. ‹ UW › occurs in Dutch, as in ‹, uw , › (yours),due (to push) ‹ UX › is used in Esperanto as an unofficial
  9. Te learn near stop Me near hews on me de harmonic Sint Maarten In you van, uw , naam In were Columbus room En herinneringen van de rude Zion die Poor mid been
  10. A block of memory with a specific value. The values must be // absolute. // //., uw , // is a duplication count. Is a data value, which should be // a word. This
  11. I non-past. Most of the derived forms are regular, except that the sequences, uw , iw are assimilated to ū ī, and the sequence wt in Form VIII is assimilated to
  12. To go to see Baldwin before finally her brother gives her permission" Al's GY, uw , eer Meyer we bewared / En GY UW croon near recited draft! " (... as long as
  13. Werd reborn, Utrecht,hart van Nederland! Utrecht, parel her quieten,'k Min, uw , bos en lustwarand '. 'N Eugen steel draft UW lands chap: Play, rivier of had
  14. Three vertices u, v,w such that G contains edge UV, but contains neither edge, uw , nor VW. (This claim is equivalent to the relation x~y IFF x not connected to y
  15. Aldan heft HY tot her Gerald: Its GY de schools magnet zit, Zoo waist, uw , dood! Het is Noah Ted. (Then he said to her since you are the fairest maiden
  16. Van Nederland! Utrecht, nobel, nijver Utrecht, Middelpunt near all Kant, Aan, uw , eigen still en schooner Hold in steeds min in expand. Blind' in went' en
  17. Other wider known etymological explanations include the acronym of hold, uw , darmen open (Dutch for 'keep your bowels open' ) which has it analogy in Kylo
  18. La Colombo (Op he album 'Costs do Munro ',1969) Begin LE Blue: * 'k Ga, uw , tieten taken (Ne me quite pas; in de storytelling 'de print op he witty
  19. This he himself declares in his celebrated poem" U min in, Oude met, uw , stroefgeplooide trekked" ( I love you, old one, with your rugged features).
  20. Dutch for. In languages with phonemic long vowels, it may be used to write. ‹, uw , › occurs in Dutch, as in ‹ UW › (yours),due (to push) ‹ UX › is used in
  21. Een wrote crude UW yachts van der Zuiderkruis More God de Heer the fishermen, uw , kust! Father Kemp's Legacy In 1958,Father Gerard Kemp's created" O Sweet
  22. Mogen liken, zij touch unieke mix tot elects been families. Drug ZO Zion win, uw , mensen the verboten one stem in de life en Aeneid Poor Best Nederland
  23. Sources * http://www.filozofia. uw .edu.pl/english/index.htm WWW. Filozofia., uw , Edu. Pl Carl ford is a hundred of Suffolk, consisting of. Car ford Hundred is of
  24. U, v,x and y, if UV = XY, then there exists a string w such that either:, uw , x and v WY or: u PW and WV y That is, there is a string w that is" in the
  25. To take off his shirt, so her blood will not stain him. " Meyer treat eerst UIT, uw , opperst bleed. Want maegdenbloed DAT sprat zoo breed, Zoot u Belgrade, het
  26. Dark, my little Rose, do no longer play); Do kindle do slap en doe, uw , oogjes toe (Do little child sleep and close your eyes); Size name Pope
  27. 23 – Danish title (translation: The Phone Rings at 11 pm) * U spree kt met, uw , moordenaar – Dutch title (translation: You are Talking to your Killer) * Le
  28. S Books of which four were translated into English) * Dickens, waar Zion, uw , spoken? (posthumously published anthology of articles on Dickens and his books
  29. V\\ \rho UV \\p+\rho v^2\\ \rho VW \\v (E+p)\end; \squad =\begin\rho w\\ \rho, uw , \\ \rho VW \\p+\rho w^2\\w (E+p)\end. This form makes it clear that FX, fy and
  30. S Static/Data section //. T Byte data //. Ub, Duplicated byte data //., uw , Duplicated word data //. Ud, Duplicated word data //. V BSS section //. W
  31. Switch W → (WP V),the components in basis W leap UW → Pub:: V (UV) WP (, uw , ) W (Pub) ≠ Wow. More often, a passive transformation is meant. The vectors
  32. SD bond),similarly Hus > hos" at (somebody) " > hos (SD hos) # ow, ōw, uw , UW > aw: duff" dove" > data (SD due),sour > saw (SD show),sofa "
  33. South of the Netherlands, and u is polite. Note that" gig" has" u" and ", uw ," as respectively object and possessive forms. The form one is the inflected
  34. Food for psychologists ",1961; autobiography) *Weaken poor de scheming van, uw , gezin en self, tijdens de Songster Dag (" Tips for the Protection of Your
  35. Instance, as the components switch W → (WP V),the components in basis W leap, uw , → Pub:: V (UV) WP (UW) W (Pub) ≠ Wow. More often, a passive
  36. Past the glacier, one could reach Kesäranta. His 1960 film Makers Start, uw , Wild German was entered into the 11th Berlin International Film Festival, where
  37. Now, if a vector u is covariant, its components do not change with basis, uw , uv. However, they do when looking from the fixed basis. For instance, as the
  38. 1. Now if p = u + v ω is another Clifford biquaternion, their product is: PQ =, uw , + vs + (UZ + VW) \omega. \! The isomorphism mapping from Clifford
  39. Prize: One lemme est une lemme by Jean-Luc Godard * Silver Bear: Makers Start, uw , Wild German by Fans Pacemakers T. H. Been is the William Smith Mason Professor
  40. One defines an equivalence relation ~ (called the syntactic relation) on Σ:, uw , ∈ L if and only if VW ∈ L for all w ∈ The language L is regular if and only if
  41. Up by P in W → (V WP),the components must be scaled down by the same factor, uw , → (P−1 uw UV). The net identity transform, I = PP−1,is applied to the vector:
  42. Parel her quieten,'k Min UW beaus en lustwarand '. 'N Eugen steel draft, uw , landschap: Play, rivier of had' en and, Weid' en bonged, bont verscheiden
  43. n),Dunne (n) - versus the Standard Dutch min, jo uw /JE, zijn, haar, ons, uw , Hun (mine, your/your, his,her, our,your, their ) *Demonstratives: Diane (n
  44. De Keenan van de Bergen green Afwisselend in he conflict glans O In you van, uw , Paradijs, Natuur-schoonheid heel awarding (twee keep) Hoe moon Sussex all
  45. Image:6 Warsaw 187. JPG|Faculty of Law and Administration Image:20070206,UW, b uw hall glowy biblioteki. JPG|Reading room of the University Library
  46. In Kan, uw , schoon eight diet larger (I can’t any longer see your beautiful face,mp3)
  47. Het land in" - 1972 Alweer All 13 Good - 1972 He Best UIT ... Muriel in, uw , Straatje - 1972 Gite, Bitte - 1973 Petites Mesdemoiselles - 1973 Yesterdays
  48. Chorus a cappella (1901); also for soprano and piano or orchestra * Light zip, uw , geest for male chorus a cappella (1890) * Lofting AAN he Nederland for
  49. Numbers. Now if s w + z j \ is another messaging, their product is: ts = (, uw , + vs) + (UZ + VW) j. \! The isomorphism mapping from pessaries to C \plus
  50. 360) panorama about Sold * http://www.iskolakapolna. uw .hu iskolakapolna., uw , Hu (catholic chapel) * http://www.terkepcentrum.hu/index.asp? Go mantid

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