Examples of the the word, plural , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plural ), is the 8974 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are acting separately, a plural pronoun may be employed with a singular or, plural ,verb: the team takes their seats or the team take their seats, rather than the
  2. Singulative: | | |! Colspan="6" | Number! Dual: | |!, plural ,:! Plural: | | |! Plural: | /V/ symbolizes an uncertain vowel. Suffixes
  3. Loss of the dual (grammatical number) except on nouns, with consistent, plural ,agreement (cf. feminine singular agreement in plural inanimate). *Change of
  4. Greek () and means" those hidden away ". Specifically, is the neuter, plural ,of ἀπόκρυφος, an adjective related to the verb ἀποκρύπτω infinitive:
  5. System,e.g. hamlet Khayyam →hams team, where certain words have a special, plural ,with prefixed t. Also, unexpected emphatic ṭ in the numbers 13-19 (e.g.
  6. Through endings (the sound plural ) or internal modification (the broken, plural ,). Definite nouns include all proper nouns, all nouns in" construct state "
  7. Emphasis (similar to their use in the colloquial varieties); elsewhere,the, plural ,endings are used (or feminine singular, if appropriate). Colloquial varieties
  8. Held the goddess of victory in her hand. Athena is associated with Athens,a, plural ,name because it was the place where she presided over her sisterhood, the
  9. With the committee were unable to agree. The term the Government always takes a, plural ,verb in British civil service convention, perhaps to emphasize the principle of
  10. Shavings attached to them. These sticks are called Ina (singular) and NASA (, plural ,). They are placed on an altar used to" send back" the spirits of killed
  11. The term" the United States" has historically been used, sometimes in the, plural ,(" these United States" ), and other times in the singular, without any
  12. 1865),but its current common usage is singular—"the United States is ". The, plural ,is set in the idiom" these United States ". Before the Constitutional
  13. Vowels are not pronounced. (But possibly an exception is made for feminine, plural ,-Na, and shortened vowels in the massive/imperative of defective verbs, e. g.
  14. The symbol is identical – not all languages use the letter" s" to denote a, plural , Syllabic abbreviation A syllabic abbreviation is an abbreviation formed from (
  15. Meaning" month of the sickle ". * In Swedish, the month is named, literally, plural , of the Latin –" the venerable ". * In Thai, the month is called representing
  16. Person is Alabama (or variously Alabama or Alamo in different dialects; the, plural ,form" Alabama persons" is Altamaha). The word Alabama is believed to have
  17. Endings in verbs and critic suffixes will often drop out, with the masculine, plural ,endings used instead. If the speaker's native variety has feminine plural
  18. Suffixes. The form of the stem, found in the nominative singular and vocative, plural , is the etymological form of the morpheme. Periodic palatalization of velars
  19. Themselves come from the heavens and the worlds (several demographers use the, plural ,when this philosopher is referring to the worlds within, which are often
  20. Calculating-table" ), from Hebrew AAQ (אבק)," dust ". The preferred, plural ,of abacus is a subject of disagreement, with both abacuses and abaci in use.
  21. AME: Spain is the champion. Proper nouns that are plural in form take a, plural ,verb in both AME and BRE; for example, The Beatles are a well-known band; The
  22. For example a full stop at the end of a sentence). *The singular and, plural ,versions of the symbol are identical – not all languages use the letter" s "
  23. May be derivational, like English -less and pre-, or inflectional, like English, plural ,-s and past tense -ed. They are bound morphemes by definition; prefixes and
  24. Singulative: | | |! Colspan="6" | Number! Dual: | |! Plural:! Plural: | | |!, plural ,: | /V/ symbolizes an uncertain vowel. Suffixes reconstructed for Proto-Turkic
  25. Masculine singular Nisha ending is actually pronounced, and is unstressed (but, plural ,and feminine singular forms,i.e. when followed by a suffix, still sound as).
  26. BRE: Spain is the champions; AME: Spain is the champion. Proper nouns that are, plural ,in form take a plural verb in both AME and BRE; for example, The Beatles are a
  27. Languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic. Biblical Hebrew mostly uses the, plural ,form (but functional singular) Elohim. The corresponding Aramaic form is in
  28. Are marked for case, number,gender and state, as for nouns. However,the, plural ,of all non-human nouns is always combined with a singular feminine adjective
  29. A speaker wishes to emphasize that the individuals are acting separately,a, plural ,pronoun may be employed with a singular or plural verb: the team takes their
  30. In BRE, collective nouns can take either singular (formal agreement) or, plural ,(notional agreement) verb forms, according to whether the emphasis is on the
  31. French Alp age or Alps in the singular mean" alpine pasture ", and only in the, plural ,may also refer to the mountain range as a whole. Geography The highest peak of
  32. mashed potatoes appear in the US. * Singular attributives in one country may be, plural ,in the other, and vice versa. For example the UK has a drugs' problem while the
  33. Echo the colloquial variants: **Any remaining case endings (e.g. masculine, plural ,nominative -UN vs. oblique -in) will be leveled, with the oblique form used
  34. Is here to stay. Some of these nouns, for example staff, actually combine with, plural ,verbs most of the time. In AME, collective nouns are almost always singular in
  35. At Athens, she was called Athena, and the city Athena (or Athens, again a, plural ,). " Whether her name is attested in Eteocretan or not will have to wait for
  36. Singulative: | | |! Colspan="6" | Number! Dual: | |! Plural:!, plural ,: | | |! Plural: | /V/ symbolizes an uncertain vowel. Suffixes reconstructed for
  37. Who tended her there. At Thebes, she was called There, and the city again a, plural , Theban (or Thebes, where the" s" is the plural formation). Similarly, at
  38. There, and the city again a plural , Thebae (or Thebes, where the" s" is the, plural ,formation). Similarly, at Athens she was called Athena, and the city Athena (
  39. Solar) orbit. Arthritis (from Greek Arturo-, joint + -ITIS, inflammation;, plural ,: arthritis) is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or
  40. Is used everywhere, hence " father of "," brother of ". ) **Feminine, plural ,endings in verbs and critic suffixes will often drop out, with the masculine
  41. Was the city where the Goddess was called Mylène, and Mycenae is named in the, plural ,for the sisterhood of females who tended her there. At Thebes, she was called
  42. That vary in sound but not in meaning. Examples include the past tense and the, plural ,morphemes. For example, in English, a past tense morpheme is -ed. It occurs in
  43. Homeric Greek the city's name was in the singular form () then changed in the, plural , like those of (Theban),(Eugenie),and (Delphi). An etiological myth
  44. On nouns, with consistent plural agreement (cf. feminine singular agreement in, plural ,inanimate). *Change of a to i in many affixes (e.g. non-past-tense prefixes
  45. Plural endings used instead. If the speaker's native variety has feminine, plural ,endings, they may be preserved, but will often be modified in the direction of
  46. And adjectives agree with each other in all respects. However, non-human, plural , nouns are grammatically considered to be feminine singular. Furthermore, a verb
  47. The noun is governed by a preposition); three numbers (singular, dual and, plural ,); two genders (masculine and feminine); and three" states" ( indefinite
  48. And Latin writers in the early Christian centuries, Ana (sometimes, as if, plural , Ana) by Arabic writers. The name has been connected with that of the deity
  49. Or /-a/ before a pause. Plural is indicated either through endings (the sound, plural ,) or internal modification (the broken plural ). Definite nouns include all
  50. This opinion today. The German Able, Alpe or Alp (f., Old High German ALPA, plural ,album),the Occitan Alp/AUP and the French Alp age or Alps in the singular mean

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