Examples of the the word, buddhism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( buddhism ), is the 8970 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Combination on caste based lines have brought shame & a bad reputation to, buddhism , in Sri Lanka, which resembles the white apartheid rule in South Africa, where
  2. During the reign of Panangkaran and the rise of Shailendra influence, Mahayana,Buddhism, began to blossomed and gain court favor. The Alaskan, Sari,Menu, Pawon and
  3. To be a loose, intuitive mix of western metaphysics, gnosticism, hinduism, buddhism , and (what some may argue to be) original Christian teaching. Early writings
  4. The future. It is said that he tried to teach philosophy based on the original, buddhism , and zen but no one followed him. Then he thought to follow Bodhidharma who was
  5. Temple Association which leading movement of against Yakuza with 75,000,Buddhism, temples. Finally, On May 18,in response to these criticisms, all representative
  6. For a category of modern female spiritual teachers (in both Hinduism and, buddhism , ) in eastern countries such as India, Nepal,and Tibet. ), as opposed to merely
  7. The case. The numerous citations from Shakespeare, Nietzsche,Taoism and dozen, buddhism , philosophers give the idea of several intellectual layers in his works.
  8. Problems, philosophy of language, classical Chinese poems, philosophy,Buddhism, and Estonian nationalism. Japan Kaminski was one of the authors and initiators
  9. Siam" Nikita is promoting & practicing one of the 5 unpardonable sins in, buddhism , which falls into the category of Anantharvedaniya karma namely,1. Killing
  10. Of Panama (breath exercises). Comparisons with other systems In Tibetan, buddhism , this chakra is at the end of the central channel, which in their system runs
  11. The Yuan Dynasty in the 14th and 15th century had already converted to Tibetan, buddhism , the Mongols returned to their old shamanism ways after the collapse of their
  12. Mentioned against caste based discrimination. During the late 19th century when, buddhism , was at the brink of extinction, due to Christian missionaries & the British
  13. Religious, cultural,and educational activities, his extensive service, towards,Buddhism, was enormous, many a Buddhist shrine, site,and institution, has benefited
  14. Indigenous developments were contributed by Inge and the Baku sect of Zen, buddhism , and the Dais hi school of calligraphy. The latter focused on the study of the
  15. Of heat, and is responsible for absorbing energy from the sun. In Tibetan, buddhism , a similar chakra called the Fire Wheel is included in the scheme, but this is
  16. Of sharchokpa of eastern Bhutan. They practice Cinema tradition of Tibetan, buddhism , Frank Kingdon-Ward was the first Westerner to penetrate the deepest gorges of
  17. Gter mood) or Inches Term (舊譯十萬續部集) is a collection of secret Cinema, buddhism , texts gathered under Rime movement published in 63 volumes by Diego Hyenas
  18. Combination on caste based lines have brought shame & a bad reputation to, buddhism , in Sri Lanka, which resembles the white apartheid rule in South Africa, where
  19. These fleets attacked Japan in 1274 and again in 1281. Due to growth of Zen, buddhism , among Samurai at the time, these were the first events where the typhoons were
  20. Conquered Sindh and Punjab *Padmasambhava, Tantric master who created Narayana, buddhism , in Tibet *Paolo Lucio Manifesto, first doge of Venice from 697 to 717 *Pauli nus
  21. Mentioned against caste based discrimination. During the late 19th century when, buddhism , was at the brink of extinction, due to Christian missionaries & the British
  22. Even. Made Fantasia from Ra manna Nikita also had done immense service to, buddhism , in Sri Lanka. A few prominent members of the Origami community *F. R
  23. Easy Pose, Decent Pose, or Pleasant Pose, is an Asana practiced in yoga, buddhism , and Hinduism, similar to sitting in a simple cross-legged position. While
  24. Sexual activity. Subsequent Tibetan masters from all four schools of Tibetan, buddhism , accept all these specifications as delineated in the earlier Indian Buddhist
  25. Lotus posture in the middle of Kremlin ". His relentless promotion of Tibetan, buddhism , in the 1990s and his tendency to use buddhist-derived logic with touches of
  26. King Sanjay ordered his son, Rakai Panorama or Panangkaran, to convert to, buddhism , because their Shamanistic faith was feared by the people, and in favor to the
  27. Together movable-type printing. The latter were used to print academic and, buddhism , printing and one which was banned in woodblock printing. In the printing which
  28. Boddhisattva deity revered by the Shailendra rulers, the patron of Mahayana, buddhism , The Plural inscription (782) and Manjusrigrha inscription (792) mentioned
  29. The" Siam" Nikita is practicing one of the 5 unpardonable sins in, buddhism , which falls into the category of anantharvedaniya karma namely,1. Killing
  30. And interpreted the yoga spandakarika, and has written books on tantra, buddhism , Kashmiri thievish, and meditation. Criticisms and misuse Georg Burstein, a
  31. In ancient Java and Cambodian art. Prajnaparamita in Ancient Indonesia Mahayana, buddhism , took root in ancient Java Shailendra court in the 8th century CE. The Mahayana
  32. Solo) shakuhachi (尺八) pieces played by mendicant Duke sect priests of Zen, buddhism , These priests, called Komodo (" emptiness monk" ), played honky for alms
  33. Robert, artist,Flora Guerrero, scientist Jaime Laguna Otero promoter of Zen, buddhism , as an alternative to the policies of economic and industrial growth and poet
  34. Testify the Buddhist renaissance in Central Java. The court patronage on, buddhism , spanned from the reign of Panangkaran to Samaratungga. During the reign of
  35. Thinker who's known having finalized the assimilation of esoteric and exoteric, buddhism , within Sendai School. * Roger - Annen's successor, and skilled politician who
  36. Described as vipassanā hands, or simply as knowledge. However, in Theravada, buddhism , knowledge and the cessation of ignorance can also be described in terms of the
  37. Even. Made Fantasia from Ra manna Nikita also had done immense service to, buddhism , in Sri Lanka. Mid-Delta Regional Airport is a public-use airport owned by the
  38. After the conversion of Raja Sankara (Sakai Panorama or Panangkaran) to, buddhism , The later Shailendra kings, successors of Panangkaran become Mahayana Buddhist
  39. Ashes and remnants of holy Buddhist priest or the Buddhist king, the patron of, buddhism , The statue of god stored inside the garbhagriha (main chamber) of the temple
  40. The groups at his ashram. He is the author of many books on meditation, taoism, buddhism , and mysticism, and at least six on tantra. One of them is Tantra, The Supreme
  41. Has 6 petals, connected to the 5 sense objects plus the mind. In Tibetan, buddhism , the chakra located on the forehead is called the Wind wheel, and has 6 spokes.
  42. He has been influenced by Eastern philosophical schools (Taoism and especially, buddhism , ). Kaminski studied Romance language and linguistics at Tart University
  43. To have existed there during the Gupta Empire. Later Organization Widespread, buddhism , saw a decline in the number of Hindu monks in India. With the decline of
  44. Have had a particular appeal to the Mongols. (This, I read in the Net in some, buddhism , web site!) Swami Design in his" navarathna Malay" says" puRamuyarttha
  45. The cult of the 'Goddess of Transcendent Wisdom '. In 13th century, the tactic, buddhism , gained royal patronage of king Kertanegara of Singhasari, and thereafter some
  46. EISA (Rosie): came to Tianna mountain of Zhejiang to study Chan (Zen),Buddhism, ( 1168 AD); when he returned home in 1193 AD, he brought tea from China to
  47. S successor, junior to Rennin. The first to successfully assimilate esoteric, buddhism , to Sendai, and a notable administrator as well. * Anne - Hence (Ennin's
  48. To contact the spirits. So far there have been few converts to Christianity or, buddhism , The Hmong are diligent and independent people, fond of wearing their silver
  49. Sanskrit, while 'ska' was from the name of the great jainismlater convert to, buddhism , emperor Asoka. The descendants of Mekong Mahayana Below is the list of the
  50. Kingdoms. During the era of Medici, Singhasari and Majapahit empire, buddhism , — identified as Dharma RI Kasogatan — was acknowledged as one of kingdom's

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