Examples of the the word, humorous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( humorous ), is the 8972 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Standard. Later,Mike's Hard Lemonade was released in the United States, with, humorous , commercials depicting what they called" violence against lemons ". Smirnoff
  2. She met somebody she found attractive, or Richard Fish's wattle fetish and, humorous ,mottos (" Fish isms" &" Bygones" ), or John's gymnastic dismounts out of
  3. In the Iran-Contra Affair, and in which he had no lines. *The song is used to, humorous ,effect in Michael Moore's film Canadian Bacon as ill-informed Americans
  4. Popular work; Schickele's fictional alter ego P. D. Q. Bach exploits the more, humorous ,aspects with his quartet" Lip My Reeds," which at one point calls for players
  5. And correspondence between Babbage and Lovelace, which is then twisted for, humorous ,effect. *Georgia on My Mind is a novelette by Charles Sheffield which involves
  6. Gained an association with misery and oppression, the lyrics could also be, humorous ,and raunchy as well::" Rebecca, Rebecca,get your big legs off of me, : Rebecca
  7. Germany and in 18th-century England, where some of the first satirical or, humorous ,sequential narrative drawings were produced. William Hogarth's 18th century
  8. DDR-WOH, was dismantled and returned to the East Germans by road, complete with, humorous ,slogans painted on by RAF airmen such as" Wish you were here" and" Come back
  9. Is a type of horror film in which the usual dark themes are treated with a, humorous ,approach. These films are either use goofy horror clichés such as in The Old
  10. Bryson. (In 2006 Bryson published The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid,a, humorous ,account of his childhood years in Des Moines. ) He has an older brother
  11. Am and what I’m about. I know they think they do, and yet it’s ludicrous,it's, humorous , and sad. That such people have spent so much of their time thinking about whom?
  12. 1903 to 1925 After graduating from Cambridge in 1903,A. A. Milne contributed, humorous ,verse and whimsical essays to Punch, joining the staff in 1906 and becoming an
  13. Called the album" dreadful ", noting that" Gillan's bluesy style and, humorous ,lyrics were completely incompatible with the lords of doom and gloom ".
  14. And current statuses of the sciences, but also reveals their humble and often, humorous ,beginnings. Although one" top scientist" is alleged to have jokingly
  15. Are bred mainly for their wool because it is silky and soft. They have a, humorous ,appearance, as they oddly resemble a fur ball. Most are calm and docile but
  16. Gasoline Alley. The history of comic strips also includes series that are not, humorous , but tell an ongoing dramatic story. Examples include The Phantom, Prince
  17. Approach provides only limited success since it fails to recognize ironic and, humorous ,combinations. Some anagrammatizes indicate the method they used. Anagrams
  18. Of persecution" on the part of cyberpunk fans were irritating at worst and, humorous ,at best, Brin declares that the" rebels did shake things up. We owe them a
  19. Opening may employ manga panels to tell the story, or to dramatize a point for, humorous ,effect. See for example the anime Are Kano. Character design Proportions Body
  20. Through a new imprint called" Mycroft & Moran ", an appellation of, humorous ,significance to Comedian scholars. For approximately a decade, an active
  21. Stick, and a flame-throwing trumpet for a science exhibition. One of his more, humorous ,devices was a box kept on his desk called the" Ultimate Machine ", based on an
  22. Return. Designs are amazingly diverse and can range from animal inspired forms, humorous ,themes, complex calligraphic and symbolic shapes, to the purely abstract.
  23. Inspectors from Mexico City by the corrupt mayor of a small town. It is a, humorous ,political critique, aimed squarely at the then ruling party Parties
  24. By the Way" was originally a column in the Globe, consisting of unsigned, humorous ,pieces; P. G. Wodehouse was assistant editor of the column from August 1903 and
  25. Manufacturers have changed the tone of their advertisements from scary to, humorous , Worldwide condom use is expected to continue to grow: one study predicted that
  26. Saxophone. Apart from being a form of festive dance music, fungi often contains, humorous ,social commentaries, as well as BVI oral history. The popular singer Iyar is
  27. And paraplegic children in children's hospitals with inspirational pep talks, humorous ,stories and sketches. In 1940,an RIO movie adaptation starred Granville Owen (
  28. On a list of" most historically inaccurate movies" in The Times. In the 2007, humorous , non-fictional historiography An Utterly Impartial History of Britain, author
  29. Program, NewsRadio, as himself. He hosted an award show and later had some, humorous ,encounters with the crew of ONYX. *Costs also once appeared as a guest on the
  30. Are the religious, supernatural,tragic, love ballads, historic,legendary and, humorous , By the 18th century, they were printed in white letter or roman type and often
  31. 004,a character in Cyborg 009 * Albert Rams bottom, subject of a number of, humorous ,monologues by Stanley Holloway In geography it may refer to: * Albert (
  32. A legally-protected mark-of-origin indicating Czech provenance and, humorous ,advertising campaigns to promote Budweiser, such as the" Real Men of Genius "
  33. Cycle repeats. Scholars also suggest that the Deuteragonists also included the, humorous ,and sometimes disparaging commentary found in the book such as the story of the
  34. Published his most famous work Parkinson's Law, a book that expanded upon a, humorous ,article that he had first published in the Economist magazine in November 1955
  35. Clock Strikes Twelve ", a 12-bar blues. He often created lyrics as witty and, humorous ,adaptations of folk music themes. The song" BO Diddle" was based on the
  36. He is represented as suffering an attack of hiccoughs and this might be a, humorous ,reference to the crude physical jokes in his plays. He tells the other guests
  37. Change in perspective alters the tone of the story; Thackeray tells a jaunty, humorous ,tale, but Kubrick's telling is essentially tragic, with many subtle humorous
  38. Of our kitchen-garden," i.e., expel Pasternak from the USSR. This led to a, humorous ,Russian saying," I did not read Pasternak, but I condemn him ". Nobel Prize
  39. Story, he was told that what the country wanted from a" Punch humorist" was a, humorous ,story; when two years later he said he was writing nursery rhymes, his agent
  40. Family. To support them and to pay his tuition fees, he wrote daily short, humorous ,sketches and vignettes of contemporary Russian life, many under pseudonyms such
  41. Ariadne Oliver The detective novelist Ariadne Oliver is Agatha Christie's, humorous ,self-caricature. Like Agatha Christie, she isn't overly fond of the detective
  42. To the newspapers. He sent every ruble he could spare to Moscow, along with, humorous ,letters to cheer up the family. And he wrote a full-length comedy drama
  43. Bryson, OBE,(born December 8,1951) is a best-selling American author of, humorous ,books on travel, as well as books on the English language and on science. Born
  44. Humorous tale, but Kubrick's telling is essentially tragic, with many subtle, humorous ,jabs toward 18th century society, such as how Barry tries to learn the correct
  45. Responded to the critics," It's not a Beethoven Symphony, you know … It's a, humorous ,piece, nothing solemn about it. It's not intended to draw tears. If it pleases
  46. It's nice to be a lord," he joked to his friend Ivan Lenten (who wrote, humorous ,pieces under the pseudonym Shcheglov),Mikhail Chekhov, a member of the
  47. The former British Empire. Beachcomber was a nom de plume used by surrealist, humorous ,columnists D. B. Wyndham-Lewis and, chiefly,J. B. Morton as authors of the
  48. Is known for its sport sponsorship, video game sponsorship (Tapper),and, humorous ,advertisements. Advertising campaigns have also included lizards impersonating
  49. Cage and Fish, with other young lawyers whose lives and loves were eccentric, humorous ,and dramatic. Overview The show focused on the romantic and personal lives of
  50. By a comics artist or cartoonist. As the name implies, comic strips can be, humorous ,(for example," gag-a-day" strips such as Blondie, Bringing Up Father

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