Examples of the the word, inefficient , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inefficient ), is the 8981 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1.7,and were switched off at all other times. Due to jet engines being highly, inefficient ,at low speeds, Concorde burned two tonnes of fuel (almost 2 % of the maximum
  2. Dioxide can be obtained by or from air distillation, however,this method is, inefficient , A variety of chemical routes to carbon dioxide are known, such as the reaction
  3. Makes it confusing to know who to communicate with. Other examples could be, inefficient ,or inappropriate information systems, a lack of supervision or training, and a
  4. Most input/output tasks within the PC. A variety of technical reasons makes it, inefficient ,for some recent operating systems written for 32-bit CPUs such as Linux and
  5. Garbage collectors, respectively. At first, a moving GC strategy may seem, inefficient ,and costly compared to the non-moving approach, since much more work would
  6. Central regions of China. The Chinese economy is highly energy-intensive and, inefficient ,– on average, industrial processes in China use 20%–100 % more energy than
  7. Limb very clearly indicate bipedalism, but these fossils also indicate very, inefficient ,locomotive movement when compared to humans. For this reason, Hunt argues that
  8. Interpreted by the teacher to currently or cumulatively be physically limiting, inefficient ,or not in keeping with anatomical structure. The Alexander teacher provides
  9. Most stable isotope of berkelium, its production in nuclear reactors is very, inefficient , This makes 249Bk the most accessible isotope of berkelium, which still, is
  10. Up to the carrier frequency. Thus, double-sideband AM (DSB-AM) is spectrally, inefficient , meaning that fewer radio stations can be accommodated in a given broadcast
  11. Is usefully applied to the amplifier's output. Class A amplifiers are very, inefficient , in the range of 10–20 % with a max efficiency of 25 % for direct coupling of
  12. Can be implemented in many ways. The implementation may be arbitrarily, inefficient , since the formal definition of the ADT, above,does not specify how much space
  13. Current postural attitude is sensed internally as customarily normal, however, inefficient , Alexander's term," debauched sensory appreciation" describes how the of a
  14. Of particular concern is the heavily backlogged judiciary system, combined with, inefficient ,public administration, especially regarding the issues of land ownership and
  15. With a new power tariff, which imposes economically punitive measurements on, inefficient ,use of power. Though development was hampered by large-scale damage created by
  16. Of the conscripts is effectively wasted, as an unwilling workforce is extremely, inefficient , The impact is especially severe in wartime, when civilian professionals are
  17. And reuse of components. Bridges employing only compression are relatively, inefficient ,structurally, but may be highly cost-efficient where suitable materials are
  18. The maximum likelihood estimator is asymptotically efficient, it is relatively, inefficient ,for small samples. The log-likelihood function for the Cauchy distribution for
  19. Port facilities, a growth in the labor force that has outpaced jobs, inefficient ,use of energy resources (such as natural gas),insufficient power supplies
  20. Many first generation theorems overlap, and so divide the possible cases in, inefficient ,ways. As a result, families and subfamilies of finite simple groups were
  21. Had to be retrieved manually after each" basket" or point scored; this proved, inefficient , however, so the bottom of the basket was removed, allowing the balls to be
  22. Called double-sideband amplitude modulation (DSB-AM). Amplitude modulation is, inefficient ,in terms of power usage. At least two-thirds of the power is concentrated in
  23. By Bézier curves, which are in turn approximated by arcs of circles. This is, inefficient ,as there exists also approximations of all Bézier curves using arcs of circles
  24. Most other countries in Central or Latin America. Agriculture As a result of, inefficient ,state-run agriculture, Cuba imports up to 80 % of the food it rations to the
  25. To handle administrative affairs through legislative committees, which proved, inefficient , At first, the Americans had no international allies. However, the American
  26. Goods. Therefore, they were unpriced and hence the system would be necessarily, inefficient ,since the central planners would not know how to allocate the available
  27. Judges. Bulgaria's judiciary remains one of Europe's most corrupt and, inefficient , Law enforcement organizations are mainly subordinate to the Ministry of
  28. Human spaceflight and exploration of other planets. While comparatively, inefficient ,for low speed use, they are very lightweight and powerful, capable of
  29. Used to form simple hydrocarbons. This method, however,is expensive and, inefficient , so the addition polymer of ethane (polyethylene) is generally used.
  30. Were accessible only through DPSS which are comparatively expensive and, inefficient , however these technologies are still widely used by the scientific community
  31. Arbitrary arrests, and illegal searches. The judiciary is frequently corrupt, inefficient , and subject to political influence. Worthy of note is the fact that Cameroon
  32. Reforms in some areas, including substantial opening of trade policy, but, inefficient , public administration in which commercial and regulatory interests are
  33. Algorithm taking too long to run can render its results outdated or useless. An, inefficient ,algorithm can also end up requiring an uneconomical amount of computing power
  34. In other countries. Obstacles to growth include frequent cyclones and floods, inefficient ,state-owned enterprises, mismanaged port facilities, a growth in the labor
  35. Requisitions for specific supplies of corn, beef,pork and other necessities—an, inefficient ,system that kept the army barely alive. Starting in 1776,the Congress sought
  36. In Croatia; however, it was far from transparent. The new government's, inefficient ,and slow legal system, combined with the wider context of the Yugoslav wars
  37. In that era of carefully counting clock cycles and limited memory, it was, inefficient ,to write speed-dependent programs that ran on a runtime interpreter. * The use
  38. Of only 16 hours, which makes its further up-conversion to 243Am,extremely, inefficient , The latter isotope is produced instead in a process where 239Pu captures four
  39. This type of circuit was used for thermionic valve (tube) technology. It was, inefficient ,and produced a lot of heat which led to premature failures in the circuitry. In
  40. Firms. Although agriculture is almost all in private hands, farms are small and, inefficient , and the republic traditionally is a net importer of food. Industry remains
  41. Governments) has stated Boeing receives similar subsidies, which are hidden as, inefficient ,defense contracts. In another example, Bechtel,claiming that it should have
  42. Destroyed people's lives in Bleak House and a dual attack in Little Orbit on, inefficient , corrupt patent offices and unregulated market speculation. Literary techniques
  43. When instituted by developed countries have been noted as protectionist, inefficient , and environmentally damaging. In the past century agriculture has been
  44. Is important in practice because the accidental or unintentional use of an, inefficient ,algorithm can significantly impact system performance. In time-sensitive
  45. In a Penning-Malmberg trap. The overall cooling process is workable, but highly, inefficient ,; approximately 25 million antiprotons leave the Antiproton Decelerator and
  46. For the most of Bosnia's history, agriculture has been based on small and, inefficient ,privately owned farms; food has traditionally been a net import for the
  47. Instructions while the peripheral processed the data. This was deemed very, inefficient , The first computer using a multiprogramming system was the British Leo III
  48. Or fully legal. The fact that the new government's legal system was, inefficient ,and slow, as well as the wider context of the Yugoslav wars caused numerous
  49. Caused epidemic plague outbreaks. Many operations were ineffective due to, inefficient ,delivery systems, using disease-bearing insects rather than dispersing the
  50. When the legal barriers are light, especially where the old guard has become, inefficient ,and is failing to meet the needs of the market. Of course, some of these

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