Examples of the the word, plans , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plans ), is the 8973 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Snowball genuinely works for the good of the farm and the animals, and devises, plans ,to help the animals achieve their vision of an egalitarian utopia, but Napoleon
  2. At a distance. Once the family was settled in, both Bell and his father made, plans ,to establish a teaching practice and in 1871,he accompanied his father to
  3. Stadium in Nuremberg where Party rallies were held. Speer also made, plans ,to reconstruct Berlin on a grand scale, with huge buildings, wide boulevards
  4. Gates at transit points, but otherwise no masonry superstructures. The original, plans ,have been lost, so historians, such as Ed Tavern, need to speculate on the
  5. German success, Speer continued preliminary work on the Berlin and Nuremberg, plans , at Hitler's insistence, but failed to convince him of the need to suspend
  6. A pistol, which he briefly laid aside to cast a short, interested glance at the, plans , approving them without even looking at the young architect. This work won
  7. Employees. The nation also has about 126,000 national police officers, with, plans , to recruit more so that the total number can reach 160,000. The Afghan National
  8. Which Lincoln promoted voting rights for blacks, an incensed Booth changed his, plans ,and became determined to assassinate the president. Learning that the President
  9. The minimal information it provides about its future toxic chemical phase-out, plans , In the first edition, released in August 2006,Apple scored 2.7/10. In 2010
  10. Memphis, and sacked the temples of Thebes. Late Period With no permanent, plans ,for conquest, the Assyrians left control of Egypt to a series of vassals who
  11. For the first time, which is a $101 million project that the Afghan government, plans ,to start in 2012,it is expected to help prevent major fraud in future
  12. Opposite each other. On learning (through a clandestine look at the Soviet, plans ,) that the Soviet design included two colossal figures seemingly about to
  13. French forces captured Minor ca, which Spain retained after the war. Ambitious, plans ,for an invasion of Great Britain in 1779 had to be abandoned. West Indies and
  14. And had a relationship with her for several years. He discarded marriage, plans , however, writing," Marrying means to halve one's rights and double one's
  15. Then I do in signing this paper. " For some time, Lincoln continued earlier, plans ,to set up colonies for the newly freed slaves. He commented favorably on
  16. Bars in their products. On May 2,2007,Steve Jobs released a report announcing, plans ,to eliminate PVC and Bars by the end of 2008. Apple has since eliminated PVC
  17. Was interviewed on court after the match. At Wimbledon, Agassi announced his, plans ,to retire following the US Open. Agassi played only two events during the
  18. Buildings that total and was built in 1993 by Soprano Development Cos. Future, plans ,In 2006,Apple announced its intention to build a second campus on assembled
  19. Legacy Little remains of Speer's personal architectural works, other than the, plans ,and photographs. No buildings designed by Speer in the Nazi era remain in
  20. Who opposed and feared the Visigoths, may also have influenced Attila's, plans , However,Valentinian's sister was Honor, who,in order to escape her forced
  21. Are in operation across the remainder of the region. For example, India, plans , to add 17 Gigawatts of renewable-based power generation capacity between 2012
  22. Ever seen before: Plan Zoo, designed by the architect Barrage, and West. These, plans ,involved the development of new neighborhoods consisting of housing blocks for
  23. As society was changing, politicians and other influential figures made, plans ,to redesign large parts of it. There was an increasing demand for office
  24. Known by modern historians as the League of Corinth). He then announced his, plans ,for a war of revenge against the Persian Empire, which he would command. Exile
  25. That she and Iglesias have been together for over eight years but have no, plans ,to marry in the near future. Kournikova has a younger brother, Allan. He became
  26. Of Greece and, with his authority firmly established, launched the military, plans ,for expansion left by his father. In 334 BC he invaded Persian-ruled Asia Minor
  27. Sale and opposition leader Dr. Abdullah) believe that Karma, plans ,to appease the insurgents' senior leadership at the cost of the democratic
  28. For the summer. Back in the studio again in early August, the group had changed, plans ,for the rest of the year: they settled for a Christmas release of a double
  29. Detailed illustrations, intending to leave behind a visual record of his, plans ,in case he would never be able to film his stories. Two epics (1978–1986) In
  30. Speer as in 1939 led to the postponement, and eventual abandonment, of these, plans , Part of the land for the boulevard was to be obtained by consolidating Berlin
  31. Speeches and declarations of reasons for secession. Even though Lincoln had no, plans ,to outlaw slavery where it existed, whites throughout the South expressed fears
  32. On to his generals, who resented his civilian interference with their own, plans , Even so, he often continued to give detailed directions to his generals as
  33. Less than $5 billion. However, in February 2009 Italian company Eel announced, plans ,to build an 800 MW coal-fired power plant in Albania, to diversify electricity
  34. Became home to the working class. In response to overcrowding, two, plans , were designed at the beginning of the 20th century which were very different
  35. Mortality has dropped by 26 % since 2003. The Afghan Ministry of Public Health, plans ,to further cut the infant mortality rate from the current 1,600 to 400 for
  36. The fact that Poirot will sometimes conceal from him important details of his, plans , as in The Big Four where Hastings is kept in the dark throughout the climax.
  37. Respective albums, but the lukewarm reception convinced the foursome to shelve, plans ,for working together for the time being, and each soon concentrated on
  38. McNamara is a contractor who finished the San Sebastián Line. Deign Haggard, plans ,to hire him to lay the new Rear den Metal track for the Rio North Line, but
  39. Effects lasting 12 months after treatment. There are other treatment, plans ,that should be discussed with a knowledgeable health care practitioner, which
  40. And a naval assault on Charleston. Lincoln became despondent when none of these, plans , at least initially, succeeded. Hooker was routed by Lee at the Battle of
  41. The organizers nor Rudolf Hess were willing to decide whether to approve the, plans , and Hess sent Speer to Hitler's Munich apartment to seek his approval. When
  42. Reiterated his antidemocratic-eugenic thesis:" If you want Utopian, plans , I would say: the only solution to the problem is the despotism of the wise and
  43. In the spring of 1863,Lincoln was optimistic about a group of upcoming battle, plans , to the point of thinking the end of the war could be near if a string of
  44. The construction of the subway. This led to riots, and as a result the original, plans ,for large-scale reconstruction were abandoned and the neighborhood was rebuilt
  45. Blacks late in the war, and Jefferson Davis was eventually persuaded to support, plans ,for arming slaves to avoid military defeat. The Confederacy surrendered at
  46. In 1977 between the new suburb of Wilmer and the center of Amsterdam. Further, plans ,were to build a new highway above the metro to connect the Central Station and
  47. Of the war could be near if a string of victories could be put together; these, plans ,included Hooker's attack on Lee north of Richmond, Rosecrans ' on Chattanooga
  48. The North; Grant had lost a third of his army, and Lincoln asked what Grant's, plans ,were, to which the general replied," I propose to fight it out on this line if
  49. He again took personal responsibility for crimes of the Nazi regime. Abandoning, plans ,to return to architecture (two proposed partners died shortly before his
  50. Olympic Stadium for the 1936 Summer Olympics as too modern, Speer modified the, plans ,by adding a stone exterior. Speer designed the German Pavilion for the 1937

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